Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes of Previous Meeting To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 10 October 2022. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 10 October were approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record.
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Joy Aitman.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations from Members of the Committee on any items to be considered at the meeting. Minutes: Declarations of Interest were received as follows; Item 5 -Councillor Alaric Smith lives in the Village of Aston. |
Applications for Development Purpose: To consider applications for development, details of which are set out in the attached schedule. Recommendation: That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendations of the Business Manager – Development Management.
Minutes: 21/01213/FUL Plough Inn, Black Bourton Road, Clanfield
David Ditchett, Principal Planner, presented the application for erection of timber shed to be used as an office, Indian sandstone pathway and vertical boarded bin store enclosure (part retrospective). The bin cladding should be vertical – no objection from conservation officer. The Principal Planner highlighted the typo on condition 3. and advised on the amendment 120 – G27. The Chair highlighted the time frame on condition 2. The Principal Planner confirmed the time frames have been shortened to enable the application to be completed promptly.
The Committee asked for confirmation on the shed staying. The Principal Planner confirmed that the shed would remain with new cladding and roof. The planner confirmed that parking was not being assessed as part of the application when asked about the number of parking spaces. The Committee asked about screening for the grade 1 listed church. The Principal Planner confirmed that the trees are a natural screen to the Church.
Councillor Fenton proposed and Councillor Nicholls seconded that the application be approved. Vote was unanimous.
Committee resolved to approve the application with condition 3 varied to read A sample of the vertical larch cladding to be used on elevations A, B and C shown on plan number 120-G27 Rev F shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval within 12 months of the date of this decision. The development shall be constructed in the approved materials and retained as such thereafter.
REASON: To safeguard the character and appearance of the area.
22/02135/LBC The Double Red Duke, Black Bourton Road, Clanfield.
David Ditchett, Principal Planner, presented the application for external alterations to erect a double sided hanging sign with linolites, along with the addition of an internally illuminated menu case and small cut panel with printed detail. The application for advertising consent and listed building consent was previously refused in whole for the reason of harm to listed building. The Applicant had appealed the decision. The inspector had allowed the internally illuminated menu sign and the small sign which both have planning permission. The inspector did not allow the hanging sign based on the brightness of colour. The Conservation Officer had not objected to this application. The Principal Planner read out the relevant paragraphs of the appeal decision.
The Committed had a discussion regarding the design of the sign, focusing on the colour of the sign, how it impacted the building and surrounding and considered if the colour of the sign would weather with time.
Councillor Fenton proposed refusal of application and Councillor Alaric Smith seconded.
The proposal was put to the vote; 3 votes to refuse 5 votes against refusal 3 abstentions.
Councillor Goodwin proposed approval and Councillor Maynard seconded.
The proposal was put to the vote; 5 votes to approve, 3 votes against approval and 3 abstentions.
Councillors Fenton and Smith voted against approval of the application.
Committee resolved to approve the application in line with officers recommendations.
22/02136/ADV The Double Red Duke, ... view the full minutes text for item 95. |
Purpose: To allow members to see the site in context prior to the official committee determination on 5th December 2022.
Recommendation: That the Sub-Committee decide that it would be expedient to visit the site. Minutes: David Ditchett, Principal Planner introduced the report proposing a site visit to allow Members to see the site in context prior to the official committee determination on 5 December 2022. The proposed site plan and housing types, 100 % affordable, were shown, with general layout. If Members decided not to approve a site visit there could still be a site visit after 5 December.
Councillor Nicholls proposed not to have a site visit at this stage to enable a report and full presentation as well as any public speakers to be heard on 5 December. If required a site visit could still be proposed then. Councillor Maynard seconded the proposal.
The Committee asked why there would be a site visit before the application came to the committee. The Principal Planner confirmed that given the time frames for the decision to be made it was thought that a site visit would be beneficial. The Committee asked what type of affordable housing was available. The Principal Planner confirmed the housing mix was online. However there was some information outstanding from the developer. The Committee asked if the plans were recently altered would it change the time line of non-determination. The Principal Planner confirmed the material change 21 day consultation deadline for the most recent changes had finished so no more comments were expected and the Council was unlikely to issue new consultations. The Committee asked if there was anything prevent a second site visit? The planner confirmed a second site visit could take place but with clear reasons as to why this would happen.
Councillor Nicholls proposed against site visit and Councillor Maynard seconded.
The proposal was put to the vote; 5 for the proposal. 6 against the proposal.
Councillor Nicholls voted against a site visit and asked for her vote to be noted.
Councillor Prosser proposed for a site visit on the morning of Lowlands Areas Planning Committee, 5 December 2022. This was seconded by Councillor Alaric Smith.
The proposal was put to the vote, 8 for, 2 against, 1 abstention.
Councillors Nicholls voted against the proposal and asked for her vote to be noted.
Councillor Fenton asked that it be noted that if needed, a second site visit could go ahead.
Committee resolved to approve a site visit on Monday 5 December at 12.30pm.
Applications Determined under Delegated Powers and Appeal Decisions Purpose: To inform the Sub-Committee of applications determined under delegated powers and any appeal decisions. Recommendation: That the reports be noted.
Additional documents: Minutes: The report giving details of applications determined under delegated powers was received and noted.
21/01861/FUL Merton Cottage, Bampton Road, Aston. David Ditchett, Principal Planner explained the refusal decision was upheld due to close proximity of a TPO Sycamore Tree. By adding pressures to the tree by pruning would harm the roots or potentially result in the removal of the tree. The Inspector agreed with the Committee’s reasons for refusing the application. 21/02718/HHD and 21/02719/LBC 35-37 Woodgreen, Witney. David Ditchett, Principal Planner explained the refusal for a single storey rear extension by reason of its scale and massing, the proposed development would result in the primacy of the original property being eroded or lost altogether. The Inspector dismissed the appeal as the proposal would have a harmful effect on the specific historic and architectural interest of the Grade 2 listed building and that harm was not outweighed by any public benefits.