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Agenda item

23/02231/FUL Oakdene Wilcot Lane


Peter Morgan, Planning Officer, introduced the application for the removal of existing dwelling. Erection of a dwelling with garage and garden barn and associated landscaping. (Amended).


The Planning Officer drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to the following points;

  • The site was surrounded by woodland and was not visible from the nearby village.
  • The house that was currently on the site was dilapidated and not inhabited.
  • The proposed dwelling would be a 1½ storey and slightly shorter compared to the current dwelling. The proposed site would have an associated barn and garage.
  • It would have permeable surface in the parking area.


Charles Bettes addressed the Sub-Committee as the architect for the applicant. The Sub-Committee asked for clarification on the following points:

  • The usage of the barn. The speaker confirmed that the barn was not to be used for animals. It would be used as a study / gym.
  • The application was for 4 bedrooms and what would the hardstanding be made from.  The speaker confirmed that the existing dwelling had 2 bedrooms. There would be a landscaping and surface water conditions, and the hardstanding would be permeable.


The Planning Officer continued with their presentation with the attention to the following:

  • The application was an amended scheme and was much improved from the original application.
  • The Parish Council had objected to the application due to concerns over the hardstanding and possibility of flooding.
  • The Drainage Officer for West Oxfordshire District Council, WODC, had considered the application and was satisfied that drainage and flooding could be addressed through conditions. This would be a drainage scheme and would require testing before the commencement of the building works and would come back to the planning team before works began. The drainage water would have to be dealt with onsite.
  • The Planning Officer recommended approval with outlined conditions within the report.


The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following points:

  • Concerns were raised to highlight prevent of the site being added to at a later date, if the application was approved by the Sub-Committee.  The Planning Officer confirmed that Condition 4 in the officer’s report prevented further development of the site.
  • The application was for a much bigger development than currently existed what was the reasoning for the application to be recommended for approval. The Planning Officer explained that the applicant had worked with the planning team at WODC. There was no existing garage and that was taken into consideration. The scale of the site was in keeping with the location and proximity to the local village. The site was secluded due to the wooded area surrounding it. The dwelling was reduced in height and had proposed the use of dormer windows. The application complied with policy OS2 of the Local Plan.


Councillor Lysette Nicholls proposed that the application be approved inline with officer recommendations. This was seconded by Councillor Nick Leverton, was put to the vote, and was agreed unanimously by the Sub-Committee.



The Sub-Committee Resolved to:

  1. Approve the application in line with officer recommendations.