Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Woodgreen, Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 1NB. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Election of Chair Purpose: To appoint a Chair for the Civic Year 2024/25.
Recommendation: That a Chair of the Uplands Area Planning Sub-Committee be elected for the Civic Year 2024/25. Minutes: Councillor Elizabeth Poskitt, Chair of the Council, opened the meeting and asked for nominations for Chair of the Uplands Area Planning Sub-Committee. Councillor Hugo Ashton proposed that Councillor Julian Cooper be elected as Chair of the Uplands Area Planning Sub-Committee for the municipal year 2024-2025. This was seconded by Councillor David Jackson. With no other nominations made, the proposal was put to a vote and was unanimously agreed by the Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committee Resolved to:
Appointment of Vice Chair Purpose: To appoint a Vice-Chair for the Civic Year 2024/25.
Recommendation: That a Vice-Chair of the Uplands Area Planning Sub-Committee be appointed for the Civic Year 2024/25. Minutes: Councillor Julian Cooper, Chair of the Sub-Committee, proposed that Councillor Mark Walker be appointed as Vice Chair and of the Uplands Area Planning Sub-Committee for the municipal year 2024-2025. This was seconded by Councillor Geoff Saul. With no other nominations made, the proposal was put to a vote and was unanimously agreed by the Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committee Resolved to:
Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments To receive any apologies for absence. The quorum for the sub-committee is 4 Members. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Adam Clements. Councillor Elizabeth Poskitt substituted for Councillor Adam Clements. Councillor Mark Walker was absent from the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations from Members of the Committee on any items to be considered at the meeting Minutes: Councillors Elizabeth Poskitt and Julian Cooper stated that they knew of the applicant’s agent, Mr Huw Mellor, in relation to Application 24/00686/FUL, and that it did not preclude them from participating in the consideration of the application. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 70 KB To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Monday 8 April 2024. Minutes: Councillor Hugo Ashton proposed that the minutes of the previous meeting, held on Monday 8 April be approved by the Sub-Committee as a true and accurate record. This was seconded by Councillor Andrew Beaney, was put to a vote and was unanimously agreed by the Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committee Resolved to:
Councillor Andrew Beaney rose to ask if the Sub-Committee would place on the record their thanks to former Councillor Jeff Haine, for the work they did whilst serving on the Uplands Area Planning Sub-Committee. The proposition was unanimously agreed by the Sub-Committee, and Democratic Services confirmed they would contact Mr. Haine to pass on the Sub-Committee’s vote of thanks. |
Applications for Development PDF 508 KB Purpose: To consider applications for development, details of which are set out in the attached schedule.
Recommendation: That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendations of the Business Manager – Development Management.
23/03261/FUL Barn at Ryehill Farm, Kingham. Minutes: James Nelson, Principal Planner, introduced the application for the part demolition and change of use of two agricultural barns into holiday lets, and the conversion of a third agricultural barn into a leisure facility to service the holiday accommodation. The Principal Planner provided a presentation to the Sub-Committee drawing attention to the following:
A pre-submitted statement from the applicant, Kay Roberts, was read out to the Sub-Committee by Democratic Services.
The Principal Planner read out parts 5.21 – 5.25 of the report and explained the recommendations in part 5.47 of the report which stated: In light of the above assessment, the application is considered to accord with West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2031 Policies OS1, OS2, OS3, OS4, E2, E3, E4, T2, T3, T4, BC1, EH1, EH3, EH7 and EH8, the NPPF 2023 and the West Oxfordshire Design Guide. The application was recommended for conditional approval.
The Chair invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following points:
Further discussion occurred around distance to the rail station as one of the Parish Council concerns had been that the site would cause considerable more traffic and it was felt that a condition around this should be added for the requirement of sustainable forms of transport, linked to the Climate Action Plan. The Senior Planning Officer concluded that an amendment around this would be difficult to implement; however, it could be added as an advisory note and additionally swift bricks would be included in condition 15; Councillor Andrew Beaney proposed a condition to ... view the full minutes text for item 18. |
24/00215/S73 Chalfont, 3 Wroslyn Road, Freeland Minutes: Sarah Hegerty, Planning Officer, introduced the application for variation of Conditions 2 and 3 of Planning Permission 22/02862/HHD, to allow design and material changes and to regularise the proposal and the clients Contractor has started to build the extensions different from the approved drawings. The Planning Officer provided a presentation to the Sub-Committee drawing attention to the following, along with the site photos:
The representative of the applicant, Mr Griffins addressed the sub-committee on behalf of the applicant.
The Planning Officer continued with their presentation, highlighting the following points:
The Chair invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following points:
24/00216/S73 Chalfont, 3 Wroslyn Road, Freeland Minutes: Sarah Hegerty, Planning Officer, introduced the application for the variation of conditions 2 and 3 of Planning Permission 22/02862/HHD to allow design and material changes, and to regularise the proposal and the clients The contractor had started to build extensions different from the approved drawings. The Planning Officer provided a presentation to the Sub-Committee drawing attention to the following along with the site photos:
The representative of the applicant, Mr Griffins addressed the Sub-Committee on behalf of the applicant.
The Planning Officer continued with their presentation which clarified the following points:
The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following points:
24/00686/FUL Land And Building (E) 439518 (N) 226211,Enstone Airfield North, Banbury Road, Enstone. Minutes: James Nelson, Principal Planner, introduced the application for the erection of detached, single and two storey viewing/instruction facility, including associated offices for staff and flying school users, WC facilities and garage for fire and rescue vehicle.
The Principal Planner provided a presentation to the Sub-Committee drawing attention to the following with the floor plans, site photos and landownership:
Councillor Phillip Shaw addressed the Sub-Committee on behalf of the Enstone Parish Council against the application.
Mr. Julian Ferguson-Dane addressed the Sub-Committee against the application.
Mr Huw Mellor, the applicant’s agent addressed the Sub-Committee in support of the application.
The Planning Officer explained further points within the report under sections 5.17 - 5.35 of the report.
The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following points:
Councillor Geoff Saul proposed that the application be approved, in line with Officer recommendations. This was seconded by Councillor Elizabeth Poskitt and was put to a vote. There were 7 votes in favour, 2 votes against with no abstentions. The vote was carried.
The Sub-Committee Resolved to: 1. Approve the application in line with Officer recommendations. |
24/00890/FUL Stonesfield Sports and Social Club, Field Close, Stonesfield. Minutes: James Nelson, Principal Planner, introduced the application for the erection of 6 no. lighting columns with 6 no. floodlighting luminaires with associated works. The Principal Planner provided a presentation to the Sub-Committee drawing attention to the following and demonstrated in photos:
- Column height reduced from 8m to 6m; - Columns to reduced in diameter and to be stained in green; - Colour and intensity of lighting reduced from 4000 Kelvin (neutral white) to 3000 Kelvin (warm white); and - Lighting report amended to demonstrate no light spill to nearby properties.
Mr. Rob Sariano addressed the Sub-Committee on behalf of the applicant.
The Principal Planner explained further points within the report under sections 5.15-5.28.
The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following points:
Councillor Andrew Beaney proposed that the application be approved in line with Officer recommendations. This was seconded by Councillor Rosie Pearson, was put to a vote. And was unanimously approved by the Sub-Committee.
The Sub-Committee Resolved to:
Allocation of Section 106 funding in Long Hanborough, Oxfordshire PDF 150 KB Purpose: To enable members to consider competing requests for a sum of money reserved in the section 106 agreement associated with application ref 22/01330/OUT and to decide which request best mitigates the impact of the development and to allocate the said 106 monies accordingly.
Recommendations: That the Sub-Committee resolves to: 1. Allocate the funding to whichever of the two claimants it considers best mitigates the impact of the development. Minutes: Phil Shaw, Business Manager for Development Management, introduced the report which sought the allocation of funding to whichever of the two claimants it considered best mitigates the impact of the development. It was explained that it was a tricky situation that had arisen as a result of seeking to facilitate the PC request beyond the point that the rest of the S106 had been negotiated. There were two parties who could legitimately lay claim to the funding - but only enough funding to provide for one of them. Section 106 money was not a tax on development but rather, in order to meet the relevant tests, must be necessary mitigation to assist in offsetting harm caused by any particular development. When requests were made before a resolution had reached where there were viability issues, the Sub-Committee had to decide which matters to include and which to exclude. That was the task that was now before members - albeit it was happening at a far later stage in the process. It was to be noted that Officers were satisfied that both claims met the relevant legal and other tests and would provide mitigation and so it essentially becomes a political/practical decision as to which one Members consider best met the needs of the village and could best mitigate the impact of the development. Furthermore, the Parish Council believed that the phrase amendment meant that the “mixed” sum should be allocated to the community hub and could only be spent in Long Hanborough. Leisure Services considered that it should be spent as per the adopted Playing Pitch Strategy. Both could not have all of the money and so a choice had to be made. Members spoke and expressed their reason on who they thought should receive the funds and asked various questions and points of clarification to reach their decision. It was proposed that the mixed sum be provided as the Parish Council believed and that the “mixed” sum should be allocated to the community hub and could only be spent in Long Hanborough.
Councillor Roger Faulkner proposed that the Sub-Committee agree the recommendation as listed on the original report. This was seconded by Councillor Elizabeth Poskitt, was put to a vote, and was unanimously agreed by the Sub-Committee.
The Sub-Committee Resolved to:
Applications Determined under Delegated Powers. PDF 228 KB Purpose: To inform the Sub-Committee of applications determined under delegated powers. Recommendation: That the reports be noted.
Minutes: The report giving details of applications determined under delegated powers was noted by the Sub-Committee. At the end of the agenda item, the Sub-Committee agreed unanimously that the meeting would continue in to a fourth hour, in accordance with Rule 10, Part 5A of the Constitution. |
Appeal Decisions Report PDF 118 KB Purpose: To inform the Sub-Committee of any appeal decisions. Recommendation: That the reports be noted. Minutes: The report giving details of Appeal Decisions was received and noted by the Sub-Committee. |