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Agenda item

23/03261/FUL Barn at Ryehill Farm, Kingham.


James Nelson, Principal Planner, introduced the application for the part demolition and change of use of two agricultural barns into holiday lets, and the conversion of a third agricultural barn into a leisure facility to service the holiday accommodation.

The Principal Planner provided a presentation to the Sub-Committee drawing attention to the following:

  • The proposals fully accord with WODC Policy, in particular OS2, OS4, E2 & E3 which detail that farm diversification is supportable in this instance utilising non-traditional structures;
  • The proposals maintained the aesthetic of this commercial agricultural farm and offer the opportunity for a tangible enhancement to the character of the immediate and wider area through the removal of built form, and landscape enhancements alongside the demonstrable enhancements to the quality of the overall setting;
  • The submitted scheme maintained the existing agricultural form in its surroundings and delivers a high-quality contemporary conversion using sympathetic materials. The revised scheme secures a significant net gain in landscape and visual impact terms compared to the existing layout and it is submitted that the proposed scheme fully accords and meets the requirements of both local and National Planning Policy;.


A pre-submitted statement from the applicant, Kay Roberts, was read out to the Sub-Committee by Democratic Services.


The Principal Planner read out parts 5.21 – 5.25 of the report and explained the recommendations in part 5.47 of the report which stated: In light of the above assessment, the application is considered to accord with West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2031 Policies OS1, OS2, OS3, OS4, E2, E3, E4, T2, T3, T4, BC1, EH1, EH3, EH7 and EH8, the NPPF 2023 and the West Oxfordshire Design Guide. The application was recommended for conditional approval.


The Chair invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the

following points:

  • Members queried various conditions that were based around concerns raised from the Parish Council regarding the application and the Senior Planning Officer explained that more wording could be added to the camping condition and other issues raised around lighting (condition 12) and swift bricks (condition 15) could be checked with the ecologist;
  • Queries were raised around the distance to the station, parking, safe walking and cycling. The Senior Planning Officer suggested there were no objections from OCC Highways;
  • There was a question regarding holiday home occupancy rates and the Senior Planning Officer said that the tourist Officer was aware of market conditions;
  • Comments were made around the viability for a business case, sewage and drainage;

Further discussion occurred around distance to the rail station as one of the Parish Council concerns had been that the site would cause considerable more traffic and it was felt that a condition around this should be added for the requirement of sustainable forms of transport, linked to the Climate Action Plan. The Senior Planning Officer concluded that an amendment around this would be difficult to implement; however, it could be added as an advisory note and additionally swift bricks would be included in condition 15;

Councillor Andrew Beaney proposed a condition to link the operation of the tourism use to the wider agricultural operation. 

Councillor Lidia Arciszewska proposed that the application be approved in line with Officer recommendations, along with the advisory note on a cycle/walking path, addition of swift bricks in condition 12, and an additional condition linking the operation of the tourism use to the wider agricultural operation. This was seconded by Councillor Andrew Beaney, was put to a vote, and was unanimously agreed by the Sub-Committee.


The Sub-Committee Resolved to:

  1. Approve the application in line with Officer recommendations, with suggested advisory note and additional addition to condition.