Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Woodgreen, Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 1NB. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence from members of Sub-Committee. The quorum for the Sub-Committee is 4 members. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Michele Mead, Andrew Lyon and Phil Godfrey.
Councillor Stuart McCarroll substituted for Councillor Andrew Lyon.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from members of the Sub-Committee on any items to be considered at the meeting. Minutes:
19/00472/OUT Westbourne, Shilton. Councillors Nick Leverton, Julian Cooper and David Melvin declared an interest due to knowing the applicant, Mr Handley who was a former Councillor at both District and Town councils. All Councillors agreed there were no pecuniary or prejudicial interests.
23/00028/FUL Little Willow, Oxford Road, Eynsham. Councillor Julian Cooper declared an interest due to knowing Mr Chattoe, a former Deputy Chief Planning Officer. Councillor Cooper agreed there were no pecuniary interests.
24/00563/HHD and 24/00564/LBC The Laurels, Filkins Road. Councillor Nick Leverton declared an interest due to knowing the applicant and agreed to leave the Chamber when the application was heard.
24/01101/FUL West Oxfordshire District Council Office, Woodgreen. Councillor Julian Cooper declared an interest regarding a corporate declaration due to the property ownership by West Oxfordshire District Council.
Councillors Andrew Prosser and Rachel Crouch agreed to leave the Chamber due to their positions on Executive.
24/01713/FUL and 24/01714/LBC The Old Courthouse, 28 Bridge Street, Witney. Councillors Prosser and Crouch agreed to leave the Chamber due to their positions on Executive.
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 67 KB To approve the minutes of the previous meeting, held on Monday 9 September 2024. Minutes: Councillor Nick Leverton proposed that the minutes of the previous meeting held on Monday 9 September 2024, be agreed by the Sub-Committee as a true and accurate record. This was seconded by Councillor Adrian Walsh, was put to the vote and was unanimously agreed by the Sub-Committee.
The Sub-Committee Resolved to: 1. Agree the minutes of the previous meeting, held on Monday 9 September 2024 as a true and accurate record |
Applications for Development PDF 720 KB Purpose: To consider applications for development, details of which are set out in the attached schedule.
Recommendation: That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendations of the Business Manager – Development Management.
Additional documents: |
19/00472/OUT Wsetbourne, Shilton Minutes: Phil Shaw, Business Manager for Planning and Sustainability, introduced the application with all matters reserved except for access for the erection of three dwellings and associated works.
Mike Gilbert addressed the Sub-Committee on behalf of the applicant which raised clarification points regarding the length of the legal agreement for keyworker affordable housing, highway safety for pedestrians, access to bus stops and amenities, and if the caravan and camping business on the site was still in use.
The Business Manager’s presentation clarified the following points:
The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following points:
Councillor Wray proposed that the application be approved in line with Officer recommendations, with an added requirement to include a legal agreement for any future applications for housing development to the site to be affordable.
This was seconded by Councillor Cosier and was put to a vote. There were 9 votes for the proposal, 1 against the proposal and 2 abstentions.
23/00028/FUL Little Willow, Oxford Road, Eynsham Minutes: Councillor McCarroll left the meeting at 3.03pm.
Chris Wood, Senior Planner, introduced the application for the siting of 2 additional single unit caravans to accommodate existing residents on an approved Gypsy caravan site at present limited to 3 caravans involving a change in the degree of use of the site as a caravan site.
Mark Chattoe, agent, spoke in support of the application.
The Senior Planner presentation clarified the following points:
The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following points:
Councillor Cosier proposed that the application be delegated back to officers to determine application once all reports were received.
This was seconded by Councillor Leverton and was put to a vote and was unanimous.
The Sub-Committee Resolved to:
24/00563/HHD and 24/00564/LBC The Laurels, Filkins Road, Langford Minutes: Councillor Nick Leverton left the Chamber.
Curtis Badley, Planner, introduced the application for alterations to include erection of a single storey extension and orangery with basement beneath. (Part retrospective) and the Planner introduced the application for internal and external alterations to include erection of single storey extension and orangery with basement beneath and replacement of three, first floor rear windows. (Part retrospective).
Andrew Miles, agent, spoke in support of the application, which raised the following clarification points regarding the removal of the lime tree and the impact to the foundations of the house. The tree had been removed by a specialist. The replacement of the windows had been due to the weathered window frames.
The Planner’s presentation clarified the following points:
The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following points:
24/00563/HHD The Laurels, Filkins Road, Langford. Councillor Walsh proposed that the application be approved in line with Officer recommendations. This was seconded by Councillor Cosier and was put to a vote and was unanimous.
The Sub-Committee Resolved to:
24/00564/LBC The Laurels, Filkins Road, Langford. Councillor Walsh proposed that the application be approved in line with Officer recommendations. This was seconded by Councillor Cosier and was put to a vote and was unanimous.
The Sub-Committee Resolved to:
Councillor Nick Leverton return to the Chamber. |
24/01101/FUL West Oxfordshire District Council, Woodgreen, Witney Minutes: Councillors Crouch and Prosser left the Chamber.
James Nelson, Senior Planner, introduced the application for the installation of rooftop solar panels on council offices.
The Senior Planner’s presentation clarified the following points:
The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following points:
Councillor Leverton that the application be approved in line with Officer recommendations. This was seconded by Councillor Veasey and was put to a vote and was unanimous.
The Sub-Committee Resolved to:
24/01713/FUL and 24/01714/LBC The Old Courthouse, 28 Bridge Street, Witney Minutes: Curtis Badley, Planner, introduced the application for internal and external alterations to include erection of single storey extension and orangery with basement beneath and replacement of three, first floor rear windows. (Part retrospective). The Planner introduced the application for internal and external alterations to replace existing lead flat and rooflight together with repairs to the existing pitched roofs.
The planner presentation clarified the following points:
The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following points:
24/01713/FUL The Old Courthouse, 28 Bridge Street, Witney Councillor Veasey proposed that the application be approved in line with Officer recommendation. This was seconded by Councillor Leverton and was put to a vote, and was agreed unanimous.
The Sub-Committee Resolved to: 1. Approve the application in line with Officer recommendation.
24/01714/LBCThe Old Courthouse, 28 Bridge Street, Witney Councillor Veasey proposed that the application be approved in line with Officer recommendation. This was seconded by Councillor Leverton and was put to a vote, and was agreed unanimous.
The Sub-Committee Resolved to: 1. Approve the application in line with Officer recommendation.
Councillor Prosser returned to the Chamber. |
Applications Determined under Delegated Powers PDF 113 KB Purpose: To inform the Sub-Committee of applications determined under delegated powers.
Minutes: The report giving details of application determined under delegated powers was received, explained by Planning Officers, and noted by the Sub-Committee. |
Purpose: To inform the Sub-Committee of any appeal decisions.
Recommendation: 1. That the report be noted by the Sub-Committee. Minutes: The report giving details of appeals decision was received, explained by Planning Officers, and noted by the Sub-Committee.
APP/D3125/W/23/330918 The Newlands Inn, Eynsham.
Councillor Cooper requested a copy of the appeals decision to be sent to him by Senior Planner, James Nelson.