Agenda item
19/00472/OUT Wsetbourne, Shilton
Phil Shaw, Business Manager for Planning and Sustainability, introduced the application with all matters reserved except for access for the erection of three dwellings and associated works.
Mike Gilbert addressed the Sub-Committee on behalf of the applicant which raised clarification points regarding the length of the legal agreement for keyworker affordable housing, highway safety for pedestrians, access to bus stops and amenities, and if the caravan and camping business on the site was still in use.
The Business Manager’s presentation clarified the following points:
- The application was before the Sub-Committee as the applicant was a former town and district councillor. The Parish Council had also objected to the application.
- The District Council did not claim a 5-year land supply however the site had already been built on and was established. The site would provide a sustainable development.
- The scale and size of the proposed development would not result in over development. The development would be built to a high ecological/ environmental standard.
- The development would provide affordable housing in a rural area. The number of units would be restricted and would meet national space standards regarding size of rooms.
- Landscaping and hedgerows would be maintained ensuring continued biodiversity net gain.
- The application was recommended for approval subject to legal agreement.
The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following points:
- Clarification regarding the mile per hour limit as the site was just on the village curtilage, and there were no footpaths. The Business Manager confirmed that the road to the site was on the straight and the speed limit of 20MPH started at the village signs. There were no objections from Oxfordshire County Council Highways.
- When looking at the current house prices in the village, would the housing be affordable. The housing would be offered to keyworkers and the neighbourhood plan included the provision for affordable housing within the village.
- Affordable housing in rural areas resulted in limited access to services without use of own transport. The site was close to Carterton which could be accessed by bus or on foot. Most keyworkers rely on own transport due to work roles such as teacher or NHS worker.
- The site had potential for further development, could a condition be added to the legal agreement to ensure further properties be allocated for affordable housing for continuity of the site.
- Clarification on the discount market housing or affordable rent housing. The Business Manger advised that it would be [possible to include a clause in the 106 that achieved a similar end and that the properties would be discount market housing and not for rent or subletting.
Councillor Wray proposed that the application be approved in line with Officer recommendations, with an added requirement to include a legal agreement for any future applications for housing development to the site to be affordable.
This was seconded by Councillor Cosier and was put to a vote. There were 9 votes for the proposal, 1 against the proposal and 2 abstentions.
The Sub-Committee Resolved to:
1. Approve the application in line with Officer recommendations with an additional requirement to include a legal agreement for any future applications for housing development to the site to be affordable.