Agenda and minutes
Venue: Chipping Norton Town Hall, Lower Room.
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Minutes of Previous Meeting To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 12 October 2022. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 12 October 2022 were approved by the Cabinet and signed by the Leader, Councillor Andy Graham. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Geoff Saul the Cabinet Member for Housing & Social Welfare. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations from Members of Cabinet on any items to be considered at the meeting Minutes: There were no declarations of interest received. |
Participation of the Public Members of the public may ask a question at a meeting of Cabinet for up to three minutes on any item of business for decision at the meeting or on any issue that affects the district or its people. Members of the public wishing to speak at a Cabinet meeting must notify [email protected], including their name and the agenda item or topic they wish to speak on, by 2.00pm two clear working days before the meeting (e.g. for a Wednesday meeting, the deadline would be 2.00pm on the Friday before). If the topic of the question is not within the remit of the Council, advice will be provided on where best to direct the question. The relevant Cabinet Member will either respond verbally at the meeting or provide a written response which will be included in the minutes of the meeting.
Minutes: The Leader of the Council Councillor Andy Graham welcomed everyone to the meeting, and thanked the members of the public for attending. The Leader explained that during the meeting Cabinet would be answering those questions that had already been received, the public were welcome to stay behind once the meeting had concluded to ask any members of the Cabinet questions. If the answers were unknown at that time Cabinet members would take them away and find out the answers and come back to them in due course.
The Leader reported that several questions had been received from the public, and invited those that were present to address the committee with their questions. In turn the Cabinet provided the following answers:
Q1 Asked by David Heyes In the Local Plan reference is made to an “agreed Masterplan” for the East Chipping Norton Strategic Development Area. Which bodies are required to agree to the plan and what are the criteria to be used? A1 Answered by Councillor Carl Rylett Cabinet Member for Planning and Sustainable Development Policy CN1 relates to the East Chipping Norton SDA and stipulates that there should be ‘comprehensive development for the whole site including land north and south of London Road to be led by an agreed masterplan’. Neither the policy nor the supporting text refer to which bodies are required to agree the plan or any criteria that are to be used. However, in keeping with progress being made on the other SDAs, the expectation is that any such masterplan will be landowner/developer led and then put to the Council for consideration, either as part of a planning application or (as has been the case at West Eynsham) separately. Earlier this year, the two main landowners for the East Chipping Norton SDA agreed to jointly commission a masterplan to support any future planning applications. A steering group was formed with an initial inception meeting held at the end of March. However, no further meeting has taken place since then as the two main landowners have been undertaking further survey and analysis the outcome of which is still awaited. Q2 Asked by Sandra Coleman The residents of Chipping Norton have noticed problems with the structure of Chipping Norton Leisure Centre's building. Some of these are longstanding and have never been properly addressed. What processes are in place to address this - and any arising health and safety concerns? The Leisure Centre is a fantastic facility but is being compromised by the standard of upkeep of the building. A2 Answered by Councillor Joy Aitman the Cabinet Member for Stronger Healthy Communities. Chipping Norton Leisure centre was built in 2002. The council has obtained four quotes to carry out internal repairs to the centre and it is anticipated that this work will be started in the coming weeks. A national roofing contractor has also been appointed to conduct an invasive investigation of the roof and prepare a report detailing recommended works, including any temporary solutions. The invasive investigation is due ... view the full minutes text for item 84. |
Receipt of Announcements Purpose: To receive any announcements from the Leader of the Council or Members of the Cabinet.
Minutes: The Leader announced that he was very saddened to hear about the unexpected news of the death of Sue Pangbourne the Publica Executive Director. Many worked with Sue at some point, and the Leader said he found her incredibly dedicated and caring, the Council’s thoughts would be with her family at this saddest of times. The Leader then requested a moments silence out of respect for Sue.
Councillor Joy Aitman the Cabinet Member for Stronger Healthy Communities made an announcement about the Council’s response to the Cost of Living Crisis to tackle health, isolation and wellbeing. The Council would be working with local volunteer groups, and if people knew of a warm space available the Council would like to hear able it. All Councillors had received a briefing and an information pack on the Cost of Living Crisis.
Councillor Andrew Prosser the Cabinet Member for Climate Change announced that the Council had extended criteria for grants for help for the homeless, benefits, housing and with energy bills, a total fund of £200,00.00
The Leader announced the Waterways Day would be held at the West Oxfordshire District Council offices at Woodgreen, Witney on Friday 18 November 2022, arrivals from 9.30am for a 10am start, finishing at 5.30pm. Waterways Day had been organised to give local residents the opportunity to learn about the current status of our watercourses and to engage with the organisations that are responsible for their management. Residents would also have a chance to meet experts from local charities and community groups who are concerned about issues of river pollution and flood management and to voice their concerns and ask questions. The event would consist of a series of talks along with a drop-in area with stands held by the participating organisations to allow residents to discuss the matters of their concern. Throughout the day, there would be talks from these organisations to discuss their role in the prevention of pollution and flooding, the protection of wildlife and management of sewage around local waterways. These would be followed by Q and A sessions to give the public an opportunity to ask further questions. |
Playing Pitch Strategy Purpose To consider the findings and recommendations proposed by consultants commissioned to develop a Playing Pitch Strategy for the District and to approve the Strategy.
Recommendation That Cabinet resolves to: a) Endorse the findings of the consultants and approves the Playing Pitch Strategy, including its key recommendations and site specific action plan; b) Authorise officers to work in partnership with other organisations to establish the feasibility and funding sources for the projects identified within the strategy and to prepare business cases, where opportunities arise, and bring them forward for consideration; c) Approve the relevant resources including an allocation of £50,000 from the Council’s Priority Fund for a fixed term post to support and facilitate the development of partnerships and bring business cases forward for approval.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Joy Aitman the Cabinet Member for Stronger Healthy Communities introduced Playing Pitch Strategy seeking the Cabinet to consider the findings and recommendations proposed by consultants commissioned to develop a Playing Pitch Strategy for the District and to approve the Strategy. Pitch conditions became very noticeable after the Lionesses won the European Cup. The Leader and the Council wanted enough funding to support the number of teams playing within the district, including Chipping Norton. The Council was keen to have a voice for the young people within the district and had recently appointed a Youth Champion who would have a voice and access to the Cabinet. The Council had reserved £100,000 for youth projects, £50,000 of which for the Playing Pitch Strategy. Councillor Joy Aitman proposed that the Cabinet approve the officer recommendation set out in the report. This was seconded by councillor Andrew Prosser the Cabinet Member for Climate Change, and agreed by Cabinet. That Cabinet resolved to: a) Endorse the findings of the consultants and approves the Playing Pitch Strategy, including its key recommendations and site specific action plan; b) Authorise officers to work in partnership with other organisations to establish the feasibility and funding sources for the projects identified within the strategy and to prepare business cases, where opportunities arise, and bring them forward for consideration; c) Approve the relevant resources including an allocation of £50,000 from the Council’s Priority Fund for a fixed term post to support and facilitate the development of partnerships and bring business cases forward for approval. |
Council Tax Support Scheme Purpose To present the results of the public consultation on proposals for revising the current Council Tax Support scheme with effect from 1 April 2023
Recommendation That Cabinet resolves to recommend to Council to approve the increase to income bands as detailed within paragraph 2.5 from 1 April 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Dan Levy the Cabinet Member for finance introduced the Council Tax Support Scheme, which he said should be read in connection with the hardship scheme. Councillor Levy proposed that the Cabinet recommends to Council to approve the increase to income bands as detailed within the report. This was seconded by the Leader, Councillor Andy Graham, and agreed by Cabinet.
Resolved that Cabinet recommends to Council That Cabinet resolves to recommend to Council to approve the increase to income bands as detailed within paragraph 2.5 from 1 April 2023. |
Rural England Prosperity Fund Purpose To inform Cabinet of the Council’s indicative allocation of funding under the Rural England Prosperity Fund, to seek in principle approval of the overall approach to use of that funding and to seek delegated authority to finalise the submission to Government which is due by 30 November 2022.
Recommendations That Cabinet resolves to: a) Note the Council’s indicative allocation of £716,216 from the Government’s Rural England Prosperity Fund; b) Approve the proposed approach to the use of the fund set out in this report; c) Delegate authority to the Chief Executive to finalise the submission to Government in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the S151 Officer.
Minutes: Councillor Duncan Enright the Deputy Leader and the Cabinet Member for Economic Development introduced Rural England Prosperity Fund. This informed Cabinet of the Council’s indicative allocation of funding under the Rural England Prosperity Fund, seeking in principle approval of the overall approach to use of that funding and to seek delegated authority to finalise the submission to Government which is due by 30 November 2022. The Leader thanked the officers for the hard work that had been put into the report. Councillor Enright proposed that the Cabinet approves the officers recommendation, this was seconded by Councillor Graham. The Cabinet Resolved to: a) Note the Council’s indicative allocation of £716,216 from the Government’s Rural England Prosperity Fund; b) Approve the proposed approach to the use of the fund set out in this report; c) Delegate authority to the Chief Executive to finalise the submission to Government in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the S151 Officer. |
Response to Oxford City Council Local Plan 2040 Preferred Options Consultation Purpose To agree the District Council’s response to Oxford City Council’s Preferred Option Local Plan consultation.
Recommendations That Cabinet resolves to: a) Note the contents of the report; b) Agree that the draft response attached at Annex A be submitted to Oxford City Council Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Carl Rylett the Cabinet Member for Planning & Sustainable Development introduced the Response to Oxford City Council Local Plan 2040 Preferred Options Consultation, which he thought was a well written document, although yet to do an assessment on housing needs, so more clarity was required.
There was a short minor disturbance at the meeting from a member of the public, the meeting resumed after five minutes.
The Leader reminded the public of his earlier announcement that if anyone wishes to speak to a member of the Cabinet after the meeting, they were welcome to do so.
Councillor Rylett proposed to agree the District Council’s response to Oxford City Council’s Preferred Option Local Plan consultation. This was seconded by the Leader and agreed by the Cabinet.
The Cabinet resolved to: a) Note the contents of the report; b) Agree that the draft response attached at Annex A be submitted to Oxford City Council
Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS3b) of Carterton Leisure Centre Purpose For Cabinet to consider and review the PSDS3b (Public Decarbonisation Scheme) grant application process, including the proposed stages, associated costs and risks.
Recommendations That Cabinet resolves to: a) Support the proposed application process; b) Approve a pre contract at risk budget of £53,000. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Andrew Prosser the Cabinet Member for Climate Change introduced the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS3b) of Carterton Leisure Centre, for Cabinet to consider and review the PSDS3b (Public Decarbonisation Scheme) grant application process, including the proposed stages, associated costs and risks. Councillor Prosser proposed approval of officer recommendations, seconded by Councillor Levy and Cabinet agreed.
That Cabinet resolved to: a) Support the proposed application process; b) Approve a pre contract at risk budget of £53,000 |
Community Facilities Grant 2nd Round 2022/23 Purpose To consider applications for grant aid from the Community Facilities Grant Scheme.
Recommendation That Cabinet resolves to agree to award grants in accordance with the recommendations set out in Annex A. Minutes: Councillor Aitman the Cabinet Member for Stronger Healthy Communities introduced the Community Facilities Grant 2nd Round 2022/23. Cabinet was asked to consider applications for grant aid from the Community Facilities Grant Scheme. Councillor Colin Dingwall, who also attended the meeting, spoke to endorse the scheme. Councillor Aitman proposed approval of officers recommendation, seconded by the Leader and Cabinet agreed. That Cabinet resolved to agree to award grants in accordance with the recommendations set out in Annex A. |
Exclusion of Public and Press If Cabinet wishes to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of any of the items on the exempt from publication part of the agenda, it will be necessary for Cabinet to pass a resolution in accordance with the provisions of the Paragraph 4(2)(b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 on the grounds that their presence could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as described in specific paragraphs of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.
Minutes: This item was not referred to at the meeting as item 13 was not discussed at this point in the meeting. |
Exempt Annex B to item 11: Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS3b) of Carterton Leisure Centre Minutes: Item 13 was not discussed at this point in the meeting. |