Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Notice of Decisions To receive notice of the decisions taken at the meeting held on 21 April 2021. |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations from Members of the Committee on any items to be considered at the meeting |
Participation of the Public To receive any submissions from members of the public, in accordance with the Council’s Rules of Procedure. |
Receipt of Announcements Purpose: To receive any announcements from the Leader of the Council or Members of the Cabinet.
Appointments of Representatives to Outside Bodies PDF 89 KB Purpose: To consider the appointment of representatives to Outside Bodies for 2021/2022
Recommendation: That Cabinet makes appointments to the bodies listed in Annex A.
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Purpose To present Members with a proposal for Gloucester City Council becoming an equal shareholder in Ubico Limited and to present the findings of a due diligence appraisal of the business case.
Recommendation It is recommended that Cabinet: a) Endorse the proposal contained within this report and recommends that the Leader (As the Ubico Shareholder Representative) formally supports Gloucester City Council joining Ubico Limited, as an equal shareholder, subject to any comments it wishes to make. |
Local Development Scheme (LDS) Update PDF 72 KB Purpose To approve an update of the Council’s Local Development Scheme (LDS), which provides information on which planning policy documents the Council intends to prepare and when, to ensure transparency and enable effective community engagement. The LDS also provides information on Neighbourhood Planning.
Recommendation That the updated Local Development Scheme attached at Annex A to the report be approved.
Additional documents: |
Opening Woodstock Outdoor Pool PDF 67 KB Purpose To approve a revised outdoor pool opening programme for the 2021 season, allowing the pool to open as an addition to the GLL planned Covid 19 recovery programme.
Recommendation a) That the Cabinet approve the proposed school summer holiday opening programme for Woodstock Outdoor Pool for the 2021 season. b) And, that the Cabinet acknowledge the forecast additional cost of this addition to the Recovery programme of the Leisure Contract. c) And that the Cabinet either; i.) approve delegated authority for the Head of Paid Services, in consultation with the Section 151 Officer and Cabinet member, to allow an amendment to the minimum opening hours of the leisure contract via an exchange of letters for 2021 or; ii.) approve delegated authority for the Head of Paid Services, in consultation with the Section 151 Officer and Cabinet Member, to allow amendments to the minimum opening hours of the leisure contract via an exchange of letters for the remaining contract term. Additional documents: |