Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Notice of Decisions To receive notice of the decisions taken at the meeting held on 24 March 2021. |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations from Members of the Committee on any items to be considered at the meeting. |
Participation of the Public To receive any submissions from members of the public, in accordance with the Council’s Rules of Procedure. |
Receipt of Announcements Purpose: To receive any announcements from the Leader of the Council or Members of the Cabinet.
Allocation of Parking Funds PDF 93 KB Purpose: To seek approval of proposals for the allocation of the parking fund to specific projects highlighted in the Council’s Parking Strategy. Recommendations: (a) That the commitment to Oxfordshire County Council of the offer of up to £10,000 in relation to Church Green and/or Corn Street Witney be re-stated; and (b) That the remaining proposed allocations from the fund explained in the report and set out in the table under paragraph 2.6 be approved. |
Publica Business Plan 2020-22 PDF 1 MB Purpose: To consider the Publica Business Plan 2020-22, first approved in June 2020, to note progress and recommend that the Leader approves the Plan. Recommendation: That Cabinet recommends that the Leader (as Shareholder) approves the Publica Business Plan 2020-22 subject to any comments it wishes to make.
Environmental Services In-Cab Technology System PDF 116 KB Purpose: To present Cabinet with a business case on the costs, benefits and risks of procuring an Environmental Services In-Cab Technology system and seek approval to proceed in procuring the system using the capital budget of up to £140,000, which is set aside in the 2021-22 capital programme. Recommendations: (a) That the business case be supported and approval granted for the allocation of up to £140,000 set aside in the capital programme for 2021-22, to be used to procure and implement the Environmental Services In-Cab Technology system from Yotta (including software licences and maintenance costs in year 1); and (b) That it be noted that a proportion of the revenue savings in the Ubico contract costs of at least £50,000 p.a. will go to fund the software licences and maintenance costs of £34,103 per annum in years two to four inclusive of the contract.
Oxfordshire Strategic Vision PDF 812 KB Purpose: To approve the Strategic Vision for Oxfordshire, in light of the consultation. Recommendations: (a) That the Strategic Vision for Oxfordshire be approved; and (b) That Officers be requested to consider how to embed the Vision’s ambitions for Oxfordshire in future plans and strategies of the Council.
Oxfordshire Growth Board Environment Advisory Group PDF 3 MB Purpose: To consider the establishment of an Environment Advisory Group of the Oxfordshire Growth Board, including terms of reference, and endorse the Oxford to Cambridge Arc environment principles and support the development of an Arc Environment Strategy. Recommendations: (a) That the establishment of a Growth Board Environment Advisory group be supported; (b) That the Oxford to Cambridge Arc Environment Principles be endorsed, as set out at Appendix 3, recognising that this statement of ambition applies to a diverse range of urban and rural communities, and that further evidentiary work will be required at a local level to understand their longer-term implications; and (c) That the development of an Arc Environment Strategy, which will provide for how the principles can be delivered, be supported.
Exclusion of Public and Press |
Call-In of Salt Cross Decision Purpose: To consider the recommendations from the Finance and Management Overview & Scrutiny Committee regarding the Call In of Cabinet Decision – Garden Village Design Works (Min No. 124) (The decision of the Committee will be circulated following the meeting on 14 April 2021)
Investment Property - Acquisition Purpose: Decision to acquire three long leases of investment property on a sale and leaseback basis Recommendations: That Cabinet: a) agrees to acquire the leasehold for the reasons set out in the report; b) that funds be released for due diligence and, if appropriate, subsequent purchase; c) delegates to the Chief Finance Officer, in consultation with the Head of Legal and the Cabinet Member for Finance, the final terms for the acquisition in line with the Heads of Terms. d) That for the reasons explained in the report, and in accordance with the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules and with the consent of the Chair of the Finance and Management Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the foregoing decisions be implemented immediately. Additional documents: