Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Election of Chair of the Council for the year 22/23 To appoint the Chair of the Council for the 2022-23 civic year.
Following the election, the Chair will make the Declarations of Acceptance of Office and address the Council. Minutes: The Chair, Councillor Martin McBride, welcomed everyone to the meeting and announced that there would be an adjournment whilst officers amend documentation that is required at the meeting. A forty minute break occurred. The Chair resumed the meeting, welcomed everyone to the meeting and took the opportunity to thank everyone for their support during his time in office. He wished the future Chair and Vice Chair the best of luck for their term. Having asked for nominations, Councillor Graham proposed that Councillor Julian Cooper be elected as West Oxfordshire District Council Chair. This was seconded by Councillor McRae. There were no further nominations. Therefore, it was Resolved that Councillor Julian Cooper be elected as Chair of Council for the civic year 2022/23. The Chair, Councillor Julian Cooper, signed the declaration and took receipt of the chain of office. He thanked Councillor McBride for his due diligence and his honour in the way he carried out his duties as Chair. He then invited Councillor McBride to say a few words. Councillor McBride said it had a privilege to represent the Council. He went on to say that at his first civic event he was introduced to His Royal Highness Prince Charles, and they shook hands. Last week at his last civic event at a Garden Party he was again introduced to Prince Charles and he again shook hands, he thought it was a nice way to end his civic year, as it began.
Appointment of Vice-Chair of the Council for the year 22/23 To appoint the Vice-Chair of the Council for the 2022-23 civic year.
Following the election, the Vice-Chair will make the Declarations of Acceptance of Office and address the Council
Minutes: The Chair, Councillor Cooper, asked for nominations for the position of Vice-Chair. Councillor Enright proposed Councillor Andrew Coles, it was duly seconded by Councillor Andy Graham and it was Resolved that Councillor Andrew Coles be elected as Vice-Chair of the District Council. The Vice-Chair signed the declaration and took receipt of the badge. Councillor Coles thanked the retiring Vice-Chair, Councillor Postan for his work and support to the Chair and wished him well.
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Dan Levy, Ben Woodruff and Harry St John.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations from Members of the Committee on any items to be considered at the meeting. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest received. |
Announcements by the Chair and / Chief Executive To receive any announcements from The Chair, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Head of Paid Service. Minutes: The Chair, Councillor Julian Cooper, addressed the meeting and welcomed all newly elected and returning Councillors. He introduced the new Members and advised which Wards they represented. The Chair also thanked all those Councillors who had either not stood for re-election or had not been re-elected. In particular, he expressed his gratitude to former Councillor David Harvey, who had contributed a great deal as Deputy Leader, and Cabinet Member for Climate. He also thanked Councillor Postan for his many years’ service, and Councillors Davies and Councillor Dent. He confirmed that he would be writing to each of them to thank them for their service. He also wanted to thank Councillor Mead for her past service and wished her well.
Motion - Leader of West Oxfordshire District Council The following motion has been received in the name of Councillor Andy Graham. A seconder will be sought at the meeting.
“That the Council resolves to remove Councillor Mead as Leader of West Oxfordshire District Council, and give further consideration to the appointment of the Leader at the 2022 Annual Council meeting”. Minutes: Councillor Graham introduced the motion, and wanted to express his apologies that it seemed a blunt instrument, but was purely a mechanical function. Councillor Graham moved the motion which was seconded by Councillor Leffman. The votes cast for the motion was 26, and 19 against. Resolved the motion was carried.
Election of Council Leader If the motion at Item 8 is passed, the Council will need to move to appoint a new Leader. Minutes: The Chair asked for nominations, Councillor Leffman proposed Councillor Andy Graham for the post of Leader of the Council, this was seconded by Councillor Enright. After being put to the vote it was resolved that Councillor Andy Graham was elected as Leader of the Council.
Announcement of the Leader on Cabinet appointments In accordance with the Constitution, to receive the appointments made by the Leader of the Council in respect of Cabinet Members for 2022-23.
Minutes: Councillor Graham thanked Councillor Mead for a particularly difficult year having to deal with the pandemic, and thanked her for reaching out to all the other political Leaders. Councillor Graham informed the Committee that with the new alliance formed it has led to a new partnership of opportunity to work together and act on solutions, to ensure they support the Council and its residents in times when challenges are great. The cabinet will be announcing a series of new polices, and look to improve on communications and how we connect with residents. The new Cabinet of nine Councillors has been formed. The new Deputy Leader will be Councillor Duncan Enright (Leader of the Labour group and who will also take on the Economic Development portfolio in Cabinet). The rest of the Cabinet for the Council will be: · Cllr Dan Levy (Lib Dem) Cabinet Member for Finance · Cllr Carl Rylett (Lib Dem) Cabinet Member for Planning and Sustainable Development · Cllr Mathew Parkinson (Lib Dem) Cabinet Member for Customer Delivery · Cllr Joy Aitman (Labour) Cabinet Member for Stronger, Healthy Communities · Cllr Geoff Saul (Labour) Cabinet Member for Housing and Social Welfare · Cllr Lidia Arciszewska (Lib Dem) Cabinet Member for Environment · Cllr Andrew Prosser (Green) Cabinet Member for Climate Change |
Returning Officer's Report on Elections held 5 May 2022 PDF 101 KB Purpose To consider the returning Officer’s report on the results of the election held on 5 May 2022.
Recommendation That the report be noted. Minutes: Members received the Returning Officer’s report detailing the results of the elections held on 6 May 2022. The report advised of the total number of votes received for each candidate in the individual Wards, along with the electorate and turnout percentage. Having considered the report, Council Resolved that the report be noted.
Political Composition of the Council and Formation of Political Groups PDF 152 KB Purpose To advise the Council of the notifications received under Regulation 8 of the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990 giving the composition of political groups and note the impact on the proportionality of allocated seats to Committees.
Recommendations a) Note Annex A: Political Composition of West Oxfordshire District Council May 2022; b) Approve the structure and number of seats of the Council committees, as defined within the Council’s constitution and as set out in Annex B: Committee structure 2022/23, and delegate authority to the Monitoring Officer to amend the Council’s Constitution to reflect this resolution ; and c) Approve the methods, calculations and conventions used in determining political representation on committees as outlined in the report and shown in Annex C: Political proportionalities on Council committees 2022/23 and agree the representation on those committees. Minutes: Councillor Graham proposed that the recommendations in the report be accepted, this was duly seconded by Councillor Enright and therefore Resolved to accept the recommendations.
Appointment to Council Committees To consider the report and allocate committee seats to political groups and determine appointments to committees.
Minutes: Members received a report outlining the appointments to the Committees of the Council, in accordance with the Constitution and, where applicable, the rules relating to political balance. Members noted that a revised membership of committees document had been circulated prior to the meeting and the Monitoring Officer announced two amendments: · Councillor Andrew Coles - an addition to the Finance Management Overview and Scrutiny Committee. · Councillors Michele Mead and Norman MacRae – additions to Performance and Appointments Committee. Motion to increase the area balance on Uplands Area Planning Sub Committee was proposed by Councillor Mead, this was seconded by Councillor Graham, was then put to the vote and carried unanimously. Councillor Parkinson proposed that the Non-grouped Independent, be added to Uplands area planning sub Committee, this was seconded by Councillor Fenton, was then put to the vote and was carried unanimously. The Committees were duly read out and it was Resolved that Councillors were appointed to the Committees as noted :
Appointment of Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Committees Purpose: To appoint a Chair and Vice-Chair to each of the Council’s Committees. Each Committee will be invited to stand, a proposal sought and agreed before moving on. Recommendation:
Minutes: The Chair announced that this agenda item would not be actioned during the meeting. Resolved that this agenda item was not considered during the meeting. |