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Agenda item

Appointment to Council Committees

To consider the report and allocate committee seats to political groups and determine appointments to committees.




Members received a report outlining the appointments to the Committees of the Council, in accordance with the Constitution and, where applicable, the rules relating to political balance.

Members noted that a revised membership of committees document had been circulated prior to the meeting and the Monitoring Officer announced two amendments:

·         Councillor Andrew Coles - an addition to the Finance Management Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

·         Councillors Michele Mead and Norman MacRae – additions to Performance and Appointments Committee.

Motion to increase the area balance on Uplands Area Planning Sub Committee was proposed by Councillor Mead, this was seconded by Councillor Graham, was then put to the vote and carried unanimously.

Councillor Parkinson proposed that the Non-grouped Independent, be added to Uplands area planning sub Committee, this was seconded by Councillor Fenton, was then put to the vote and was carried unanimously.

The Committees were duly read out and it was

Resolved that Councillors were appointed to the Committees as noted :

Audit and Governance Committee

Councillors: Luci Ashbourne, Andrew Beaney, Jill Bull, Nathalie Chapple, Owen Collins, Julian Cooper, Colin Dingwall, Jane Doughty, Gill Hill, David Jackson, Richard Langridge, Norman MacRae, Michele Mead, Elizabeth Poskitt, Andrew Prosser, Alaric Smith and Ruth Smith.

Licensing Committee

Councillors: Joy Aitman, Michael Brooker, Mike Cahill, Julian Cooper, Jane Doughty, Ted Fenton, David Jackson, Norman MacRae, Lysette Nicholls, Mathew Parkinson, and Dean Temple

Miscellaneous Licensing Sub-Committee

Councillors: Michael Brooker, Ted Fenton, David Jackson, Norman MacRae, and Mathew Parkinson,

Performance and Appointments Committee

Councillors: Duncan Enright, Andy Graham, Dan Levy, Norman MacRae and Michele Mead.

Standards Sub-Committee

Councillors: Luci Ashbourne, Andrew Beaney, Andy Graham, Norman MacRae and Elizabeth Poskitt

Development Control Committee

Councillors: Joy Aitman, Alaa Al-Yousuf, Lidia Arciszewska, Hugo Ashton, Andrew Beaney, Michael Brooker, Mike Cahill, Colin Dingwall, Harry Eaglestone, Ted Fenton, Andy Goodwin, Jeff Haine, David Jackson, Richard Langridge, Nick Leverton, Charlie Maynard, Lysette Nicholls, Rizvana Poole, Elizabeth Poskitt, Andrew Prosser, Geoff Saul, Alaric Smith, Dean Temple and Alex Wilson.

Lowlands Planning Sub-Committee

Councillors: Joy Aitman, Michael Brooker, Colin Dingwall, Harry Eaglestone, Ted Fenton, Andy Goodwin, Richard Langridge, Nick Leverton, Charlie Maynard, Lysette Nicholls,  Andrew Prosser, and Alaric Smith.

Uplands Planning Sub-Committee

Councillors: Alaa Al-Yousuf, Lidia Arciszewska, Hugo Ashton, Andrew Beaney,  Mike Cahill, Jeff Haine, David Jackson, Rizvana Poole, Elizabeth Poskitt, Geoff Saul, Dean Temple and Alex Wilson

Urgency Committee

Councillors: Alaa Al-Yousuf, Joy Aitman, Andrew Beaney, Duncan Enright, Ted Fenton, Andy Graham, Natalie King, Dan Levy, Norman MacRae and Michele Mead.

Economic & Social Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Councillors: Luci Ashbourne, Andrew Beaney, Jill Bull, Nathalie Chapple, Owen Collins, Jane Doughty, Natalie King, Liz Leffman, Nick Leverton, Charlie Maynard, Lysette Nicholls, Rosie Pearson, Rizvana Poole, Harry St John and Alex Wilson.

Climate and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Councillors: Alaa Al-Yousuf, Hugo Ashton, Michael Brooker, Andrew Coles, David Cooper, Harry Eaglestone, Ted Fenton, Andy Goodwin, Natalie King, Norman MacRae, Charlie Maynard, Martin McBride, Rosie Pearson, Alaric Smith and Rosie Smith.

Finance & Management Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Councillors: Alaa Al-Yousuf, Hugo Ashton, ,  Michael Brooker, Andrew Coles, Nathalie Chapple, Julian Cooper, Suzi Coul, Gill Hill, Mark Johnson, Richard Langridge, Michele Mead, Charlie Maynard, Alaric Smith, Ruth Smith and Alex Wilson.