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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Woodgreen, Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 1NB. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence from members of the Council. The quorum for Council is 14 members.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Lidia Arciszewska, Natalie King, Liz Leffman, Andrew Lyon, Stuart McCarroll, Michele Mead, Ed James, Liam Walker, Rizvana Poole and Charlie Maynard.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from members of the Council on any items to be considered at the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest made by members of the Council.


The Chair advised that the Council had taken legal advice regarding agenda item 7 (Recommendations from the Executive, Resolutions 7 to 10 (Publica Transition Plan)), as to whether officers who were present at the meeting and employed by Publica, who were in scope for Phase 1 of the transition, would need to declare an interest and/or leave the room whilst the Executive considered the agenda item.

The Chair advised Council that Publica employees did not have an interest in the context of public law decision making, as they were not the decision maker, however there was a need to avoid the appearance of bias. The Chair stated that Publica employees, who were in scope for Phase 1 of the transition, would leave the room whilst Council considered the agenda item. Officers employed by Publica who would advise members in relation to the Publica transition, were permitted to remain in the room, as, in accordance with the viewpoint of the Council’s Director of Governance, the need for members to receive answers to questions outweighed the appearance of bias.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To approve the minutes of the previous meeting, held on Wednesday 22 May 2024.

Additional documents:


The Chair asked for the previous minutes to be amended with the following corrections;

  1. Receipt of Announcements;

    The Chair also announced and gave a brief overview of their chosen charities for the 2024/25 municipal year, which were:

·         The Friends of Oxfordshire Museum;

  1. Appendix A, Local Plan Working Group:

·         Councillor Julian Cooper would replace Councillor Poskitt on the Local Plan working Group, the Annex would be updated to reflect this change.

The amendments were noted by Democratic Services.


Councillor Andy Graham, Leader of the Council, proposed that the minutes of the previous meeting of Council, held on Wednesday 22 May 2024, be agreed by Council as a true and accurate record and signed by the Chair of the Council. This was seconded by Councillor Duncan Enright, was put to a vote, and was unanimously agreed by Council.


Council Resolved to:

1.    Agree the minutes of the previous meeting, held on Wednesday 22 May 2024 as a true and accurate record.


Receipt of Announcements

To receive any announcements from the Chair, Leader of the Council, Members of the Executive, the Chief Executive Officer, the Director of Governance and the Director of Finance.


The Chair announced the sad news of the passing of Democratic Services Officer Michelle Ouzman at the end of June 2024. The Chair and the Council’s Democratic Services Team attended Michelle’s memorial service. Michelle was not only a valued member of the Democratic Services team at West Oxfordshire District Council, but Michelle had also served in the Women’s Royal Air Force (WRAF). Michelle had been involved with various projects including working on the statutes for D-Day remembrance service. A statue had been commissioned in remembrance for Michelle and would be placed at the WRAF headquarters. A moment of silence was observed by Council to remember Michelle.  


The Chair congratulated Councillor Charlie Maynard on his election as Member of Parliament for Witney. The Chair thanked Robert Courts for his service and all his work as the previous Member of Parliament for Witney.    


The Chair gave feedback on her visit to the Council at Woodstock, Ontario, Canada. The Chair gave an explanation of the structure of the Council and the city of Woodstock. The Chair had visited the old Town Hall which was built in the same style as the Town Hall in Woodstock, Oxfordshire.


The Chair thanked the Elections Team for all their hard work over the past months covering the Local District Elections, The Police and Crime Commissioner Elections and the Parliamentary General Election.


Councillor Andy Graham, The Leader of the Council announced that there were now 3 Members of Parliament covering the West Oxfordshire District Council area. The Leader would be meeting with the MPs and future quarterly meetings were planned to ensure issues would be passed up to Parliament.


The Leader confirmed that Councillor Hugo Ashton had taken the place of Councillor Charlie Maynard as the Executive Member for Planning.


Councillor Duncan Enright reported back on the successful completion of the first phase of the capital grants from the Shared Prosperity Fund to small businesses across West Oxfordshire. 77 grants had been awarded after due diligence. This would support local businesses and provide jobs locally. The grants were across all sectors and geographically were spread broadly across the district. In the coming weeks visits were planned to discuss what the grants were being used for, to talk with small businesses and local members would be involved with these visits. Councillor Enright asked members to respond to these invites when received.


Councillor Enright announced that a skills initiative has been launched with Abingdon and Witney College. Places would be available on courses for areas such as hospitality, tourism and social care. Places would be available to local residents who wish to gain skills and accreditation in these areas which would benefit the local economy.


Councillor Andrew Prosser, Executive Member for Climate Action and Nature Recovery, reported that the first meeting had been held for the Cap-zero Project which the Council was co-funding. In future a shift would be made from use of fossil fuels to electricity. The communities of Eynsham and surrounding villages had been involved and members would  ...  view the full minutes text for item CL.175


Participation of the Public

A member of the public, who is a registered elector in the District, may ask questions of the Chair of Council, any Member of the Executive or the Chair of any Committee, on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties or which affects the District.

A member of the public is limited to asking one such question at any meeting of the Council, other than Annual Council. No more than one question can be asked on behalf of any organisation or body at any Council meeting.

Notice that the question is to be asked, together with a written copy of the question, must be provided to the Director of Governance, via email to [email protected], and is to be received no later than noon on the seventh working day before the day of the meeting.

The deadline for submissions for public participation to be received by Democratic Services is 12.00pm on Monday 15 July 2024.


There was no public participation at the meeting.


Questions by Members pdf icon PDF 46 KB

The following questions have been submitted by Members of Council to Members of the Executive, in accordance with the Council Procedure Rules (Constitution Part 5A, Rule 12).


Written responses will be circulated to Members and published on the Council’s website at least one working day prior to the meeting. A Member submitting a question is entitled to ask one supplementary question at the meeting which must arise directly from the question or the response to it.


The supplementary questions and answers will be detailed in the minutes of the meeting.


Question 1: Councillor Thomas Ashby to Councillor Tim Sumner, Executive Member for Leisure and Major Projects

How many hirings have we received for the new Council Chamber yet?


Question 2: Councillor Thomas Ashby to Councillor Tim Sumner, Executive Member for Leisure and Major Projects

When will the plans be released for the new 3G Pitch in Witney?


Question 3: Councillor Jane Doughty to Councillor Alaric Smith, Executive Member for Finance

What are the plans to fill the shops in Marriotts Walk?


Question 4: Councillor Adrian Walsh to Councillor Alaric Smith, Executive Member for Finance

Will a structural survey be undertaken at Marriotts Walk to ensure the long-term viability of storing electric vehicles?


Question 5: Councillor Thomas Ashby to Councillor Lidia Arciszewska, Executive Member for Environment

Our grass verges are in a desperate state, making West Oxfordshire look untidy and dangerous in visibility splays.  What plans does the Council have in place to coordinate, Towns/Parishes, District and County Councils to ensure that our green spaces are well maintained across West Oxfordshire?


Question 6: Councillor Ed James to Councillor Alaric Smith, Executive Member for Finance

Since taking over Marriotts Walk, what has the return on investment been to the District Council?


Question 7: Councillor Adrian Walsh to Councillor Andy Graham, Leader of the Council

Does the Leader support the new MPs view that Witney North’s housing plans are moved to the land at Ducklington Farm?


Question 8: Councillor Nick Leverton to Councillor Andy Graham, Leader of the Council

How much money has the Council spent on planning appeals?


Question 9: Councillor Alex Wilson to Councillor Andy Graham, Leader of the Council

Can the Leader confirm that WODC will continue with bi-weekly bin collections?


Questions by Members, as listed on the agenda, and the responses to those questions, which were circulated in advance, were taken as read.


The Chair invited the questioners to ask a supplementary question if they wished and then invited the relevant Executive Members to respond.


The Written Questions, Written Answers, Verbal Supplementary Questions and Verbal Supplementary Answers are detailed in a separate document appended to the Minutes of the Meeting.


Recommendations from the Executive pdf icon PDF 66 KB


To agree recommendations made to Council by the Executive, from its meetings since 22 May 2024.



The Executive Recommends that Council resolves to:

  1. Approve the addition of the capital programme for the landlord’s fitout works (Letting of Unit at Marriott’s Walk);


And subject to the resolutions of 22 July 2024, the Executive recommends that Council resolves to:

  1. Delegate authority to the Assistant Director for Planning and Sustainable Development to submit the CIL charging schedule for independent examination in accordance with the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 20210 (as amended) including any minor modifications, subject to there being no significant issues raised during the six-week consultation period (Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule);
  2. Carry forward the capital budget of £4,086,328 (Financial Performance Report 2023-24 Quarter Four);
  3. Approve the transfers to and between Earmarked Reserves as detailed in the report (Financial Performance Report 2023-24 Quarter Four);
  4. Agree to utilise Housing Reserves as set out in section 4 of the report (Our House Project Funding Extension 2024-2026);
  5. Note the appointments to outside bodies, as set out in Annex B (Outside Body Appointments – TO FOLLOW);
  6. Approve the implementation of Phase 1 of the Publica Transition on the basis of the Detailed Transition Plan (Publica Transition Plan);
  7. Delegate to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council the decision to deal with any final detail matters arising from the Detailed Transition Plan (Publica Transition Plan);
  8. Delegate authority to the Director of Governance in liaison with the Leader to update the constitution by making any consequential changes required as a result of Phase 1 of the Publica Transition (Publica Transition Plan);
  9. Carry out a budget re-basing for the 2026/7 financial year so that the funding provided to Publica is proportionate to the services received (Publica Transition Plan).

Additional documents:


The Chair advised that the recommendations numbering 1 to 10 would be taken one by one and voted on individually.


1: Approve the addition of the capital programme for the landlord’s fitout works (letting of unit at Marriot’s Walk).


Councillor Andy Graham, The Leader of the Council referred to Councillor Enright, Executive Member for Economic Development, to present the recommendation.  Councillor Enright confirmed the fitout for Marriott’s Walk. Capital Works would continue to improve Marriott’s walk as well as the whole of the town centre. One unit that had been unoccupied since the opening of Marriott’s Walk would shortly be coming into use by a local business. Every unit was in use or subject to negotiation for a business to move in. 


Councillor Andy Graham proposed that Council approve the addition of the capital programme for the landlord’s fitout works (letting of unit at Marriot’s Walk).


This was seconded by Councillor Duncan Enright, was put to a vote, and was unanimously agreed by Council.


Council Resolved to:

  1. Approve the addition of the capital programme for the landlord’s fitout works (letting of unit at Marriot’s Walk).


2: Delegate authority to the Planning Policy Manager to submit the CIL charging schedule for independent examination in accordance with the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) including any minor modifications, subject to there being no significant issues raised during the six-week consultation period (Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule).


The Leader presented the recommendation reminding Members that the item had been long standing and dated back to 2015. The full proposal would go out to consultation in early autumn. The consultation period had been extended from four weeks to six weeks and would start mid-August and finish at the end of September to enable everyone to have an opportunity to put forward views. The proposal would result in parish councils having more of a say regarding infrastructure. Section 106 agreements would not be affected. Other councils had been consulted.


In the debate it was clarified that the portfolio holder would review the consultation responses with the Planning Policy Manager and would decide whether any issues raised were considered to be significant.


The Chief Executive confirmed that the consultation would be an opportunity to reflect community views. The funding gap analysis would be important when the proposal goes to examination and the Inspector would need to take a view on that. and the justification for imposing the CIL. The funding gap analysis would not affect the consultation and was a separate exercise.


Councillor Andy Graham proposed that Council delegate authority to the Planning Policy Manager to submit the CIL charging schedule for independent examination in accordance with the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) including any minor modifications, subject to there being no significant issues raised during the six-week consultation period (Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule).


This was seconded by Councillor Duncan Enright, was put to a vote, and was unanimously agreed by Council.


Council Resolved to:

  1. Delegate authority to  ...  view the full minutes text for item CL.178


Recommendations from the Council's Committees pdf icon PDF 62 KB

To agree recommendations made to Council by the Licensing Committee from its meeting held on 18 June 2024.


The Licensing Committee recommends that Council resolves to:

1.    Approve the draft Pavement Licensing Policy, subject to any further amendments;

2.    Approve the new fees as detailed in paragraph 3.3 of the original report (see Annex A).

Additional documents:


Councillor Mark Walker, Chair of the Licensing Committee, presented the Pavement Licensing Policy. The policy was introduced in 2020 to enable local businesses to continue trading safely during Covid. As part of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 the licensing policy would become permanent. The policy would ensure safe provision for use of pavement spaces. The costs of administering the policy would be covered by fees of £185 for new applications and £150 for renewal of existing licenses. The licence would be valid for 2 years. Approval of the policy would encourage more trade and support for businesses in the district. Councillor Walker recommended the policy for approval.


Councillor Mark Walker proposed that Council:

  1. Approve the draft Pavement Licencing Policy, subject to any further amendments;
  2. Approve the new fees as detailed in paragraph 3.3 of the original report (Annex A).


This was seconded by Councillor Dave Jackson, was put to a vote, and was unanimously agreed by Council.


Council Resolved to:

  1. Approve the draft Pavement Licencing Policy, subject to any further amendments;
  2. Approve the new fees as detailed in paragraph 3.3 of the original report (Annex A). 


Results of Member Survey on Council Start Times pdf icon PDF 67 KB


To report to Council the results of the Member Survey on Council start times which Council agreed to undertake at the Annual Meeting on 22 May 2024.



That Council resolves to:

1.    Note the report;

2.    Agree any trial of a different start time for a meeting of full Council.

Additional documents:


Councillor Andy Graham, Leader of the Council, presented the report on the survey for Council meeting start times. The responses had produced varied views and highlighted issues such as work commitments and covering childcare. The Leader proposed the next Council meeting start at 4.00pm on 25 September 2024.

The 4.00pm start would be on a trial basis. The Leader recommended the report be noted and the Council meeting on 25 September start at 4.00pm. 


The debate followed and raised the following points. There would always be views on start times due to personal commitments however timings for Council meeting could be reviewed as the proposed time was a trial time. A later start time for meeting would give officers and staff a longer prep time. Staff views had not been included in the survey as the decision was for Councillors to make.


The Leader proposed that Council note the content of the report, and agree the Council meeting on 25 September start at 4.00pm on a trial basis. This was seconded by Councillor Alaric Smith, was put to a vote, and was unanimously agreed by Council.


Council Resolved to:

  1. Note the content of the report;
  2. Agree the Council meeting on 25 September start at 4pm as a trial.


Motion A: Council of Sanctuary - Proposed by Councillor Rachel Crouch

This council acknowledges the dedication and achievements of the officer team in fulfilling the council’s obligations towards people seeking sanctuary in West Oxfordshire.

The Council has acted promptly and efficiently to deliver support and housing for those seeking sanctuary (asylum seekers, refugees, guests), including using the main funding rounds for:

  • 6 families via the Syrian Vulnerable Person Resettlement Scheme since 2015
  • The Afghan resettlement scheme since 2021
  • Support for people from Ukraine, including the Homes for Ukraine scheme since 2022
  • The Local Authority Housing Fund to provide follow-on housing for Afghan and Ukranian residents, since 2023.

In many cases, particularly surrounding work with the Home Office and the residents of the Witney Four Pillars Hotel, council officers have worked in diligent new ways to ensure people seeking sanctuary receive the best welcome to Witney that could be offered.

This council pledges to learn from these experiences, from the local volunteers who work with our sanctuary seekers, and from sanctuary seekers themselves; and from organizations with even more experience, to develop into a district with a joined-up strategy and framework for welcoming people who seek sanctuary.

To do this, the Council resolves to request that the Executive considers proposals to follow the Awards Process for becoming a Council of Sanctuary and to:

  1. Commit to joining the City of Sanctuary Local Authority Network, and to work towards recognition as a ‘Council of Sanctuary’. (Steps 1-2 and Criteria 1-2 of the Process). 
  2. Develop a Strategy for People Seeking Sanctuary. This will be achieved through discussion with local groups and local people seeking sanctuary; via a Steering Group of councillors, local groups and officers; to identify what WODC can do better to facilitate a well-thought-through level of welcome and service for those seeking sanctuary within the community. (Steps 3-5 and Criteria 3-7).
  3. Prepare and submit an application for recognition as a Council of Sanctuary, and to deliver its Strategy over the ensuing 3 years, working towards the next accreditation cycle. (Steps 6-9 and Criteria 3-7).




Councillor Rachel Crouch introduced the motion which sought the Council’s commitment to join the Council of Sanctuary.  Councillor Crouch gave a brief overview of the Council of Sanctuary and how joining would benefit the work done in the district for asylum seekers and refugees in the area. Councillor Crouch also thanked the officers for all their hard work supporting those seeking asylum and refuge within the local communities.


The debate followed and raised the following points. The Members complimented staff for all their hard work over many years supporting the community and to be part of the Council of Sanctuary would enable a wider network of support. It would also promote a welcome culture within the district.

Members asked that any documents included with future motions be circulated as the electronic links did not work. 

Members commented on how the local residents had made positive contributions to refugees with the aim of making sure newcomers were welcomed and are integrated into the community. 


Councillor Rachel Crouch proposed the motion be adopted by Council. Councillor Crouch stated her gratitude to all Members for their support of the Motion and the importance of working together on a vital issue. This was seconded by Councillor Jane Doughty, was put to a vote, 33 votes for, 3 abstentions and was agreed by Council.



Council Resolved to pass the following Motion:


This council acknowledges the dedication and achievements of the officer team in fulfilling the council’s obligations towards people seeking sanctuary in West Oxfordshire. The Council has acted promptly and efficiently to deliver support and housing for those seeking sanctuary (asylum seekers, refugees, guests), including using the main funding rounds for:


· 6 families via the Syrian Vulnerable Person Resettlement Scheme since 2015;


· The Afghan resettlement scheme since 2021;


· Support for people from Ukraine, including the Homes for Ukraine scheme since 2022;


· The Local Authority Housing Fund to provide follow-on housing for Afghan and Ukranian residents, since 2023.

In many cases, particularly surrounding work with the Home Office and the residents of the Witney Four Pillars Hotel, council officers have worked in diligent new ways to ensure people seeking sanctuary receive the best welcome to Witney that could be offered.


This council pledges to learn from these experiences, from the local volunteers who work with our sanctuary seekers, and from sanctuary seekers themselves; and from organizations with even more experience, to develop into a district with a joined-up strategy and framework for welcoming people who seek sanctuary.


To do this, the Council resolves to:

  1. Request that the Executive considers proposals to follow the Awards Process for becoming a Council of Sanctuary and to: 1.

·         Commit to joining the City of Sanctuary Local Authority Network, and to work towards recognition as a ‘Council of Sanctuary’. (Steps 1-2 and Criteria 1-2 of the Process).

·         Prepare and submit an application for recognition as a Council of Sanctuary, and to deliver its Strategy over the ensuing 3 years, working towards the next accreditation cycle. (Steps 6-9 and Criteria  ...  view the full minutes text for item CL.181


Motion B: Community Governance Reviews - Proposed by Councillor Ruth Smith

New developments on the boundaries between towns and villages and between larger and smaller villages bring with them the question of what structure of town and parish governance would best reflect the identities and interests of the new residents and the newly-shaped communities.

A Community Governance Review gathers evidence and viewpoints from the communities involved and may result in ‘reparishing’; the redrawing of parish boundaries; changes to the number of councillors, changes to ward boundaries, changes to the name or type/style of ‘parish’ council, grouping or ungrouping parishes and even the creation of new councils.

West Oxfordshire District Council has not routinely conducted such reviews since the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007.

Council resolves to adopt, by the end of 2024, a policy for Community Governance Reviews, based on recommendations to be brought to the Executive when officers have considered it, to include:

-       The expected interval between reviews, per parish and as a whole district

-       The size of proposed developments that should trigger a CGR for parishes

-       Other considerations in line with the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 and the joint guidance on community governance reviews published by the Communities and Local Government Department and LGBC [Local Government Boundary Commission].



The webpage for the Vale of White Horse Community Governance and Electoral Issues Committee

Examples of recent local CGRs and evidence of a policy for regular reviews (Vale says every 4 years)

-       Vale:

-       Cherwell:

-       Vale and South working together every 4 years

A 2011 NALC roundup of lessons from CGRs.

Government Guidance on Community Governance Reviews (2010)



Councillor Ruth Smith introduced the motion which sought the Council’s commitment to adopt a policy for Community Governance Reviews. Councillor Smith asked for a minor change to the motion wording to “by the end of 2024/25”. Councillor Smith gave a brief overview of the Community Governance Review and how adopting this review would benefit the districts towns and parishes. The review would ensure community involvement and a possible redrawing of boundaries.


The debate followed and raised the following points. Members felt that the district had experienced a large change due to new housing estates and a “bottom up” approach would form the basis of a review for towns and parishes.


The review should be approached in an evolving way and not a catch up way.

The review with the minor amendment 2024/25 would work with the ongoing District Boundary Review, Local Plan and the Publica Transition Plan.


Councillor Ruth Smith proposed the motion be adopted by Council. Councillor Smith thanked all Members for their support of the Motion and the importance of going forwards with the review. This was seconded by Councillor Andy Graham, The Leader, was put to a vote, and was unanimously agreed by Council.


Council Resolved to pass the following Motion:


New developments on the boundaries between towns and villages and between larger and smaller villages bring with them the question of what structure of town and parish governance would best reflect the identities and interests of the new residents and the newly-shaped communities.


A Community Governance Review gathers evidence and viewpoints from the communities involved and may result in ‘re-parishing’; the redrawing of parish boundaries; changes to the number of councillors, changes to ward boundaries, changes to the name or type/style of ‘Parish’ council, grouping or ungrouping parishes and even the creation of new councils.


West Oxfordshire District Council has not routinely conducted such reviews since the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007.


Council resolves to adopt, by the end of 2024, a policy for Community Governance Reviews, based on recommendations to be brought to the Executive when officers have considered it, to include: -


  • The expected interval between reviews, per parish and as a whole district;
  • The size of proposed developments that should trigger a CGR for parishes;
  • Other considerations in line with the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 and the joint guidance on community governance reviews published by the Communities and Local Government Department and LGBC [Local Government Boundary Commission].




The webpage for the Vale of White Horse Community Governance and Electoral Issues Committee


Examples of recent local CGRs and evidence of a policy for regular reviews (Vale says every 4 years);

·         Vale:

·        Cherwell:

·         Vale and South working together every 4 years:


A 2011 NALC roundup of lessons from CGRs.



Government Guidance on Community Governance Reviews (2010)


  1. To adopt, by the end of 2024/25, a policy for Community Governance Reviews, based on recommendations to be brought to the  ...  view the full minutes text for item CL.182