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Agenda item

Motion A: Council of Sanctuary - Proposed by Councillor Rachel Crouch

This council acknowledges the dedication and achievements of the officer team in fulfilling the council’s obligations towards people seeking sanctuary in West Oxfordshire.

The Council has acted promptly and efficiently to deliver support and housing for those seeking sanctuary (asylum seekers, refugees, guests), including using the main funding rounds for:

  • 6 families via the Syrian Vulnerable Person Resettlement Scheme since 2015
  • The Afghan resettlement scheme since 2021
  • Support for people from Ukraine, including the Homes for Ukraine scheme since 2022
  • The Local Authority Housing Fund to provide follow-on housing for Afghan and Ukranian residents, since 2023.

In many cases, particularly surrounding work with the Home Office and the residents of the Witney Four Pillars Hotel, council officers have worked in diligent new ways to ensure people seeking sanctuary receive the best welcome to Witney that could be offered.

This council pledges to learn from these experiences, from the local volunteers who work with our sanctuary seekers, and from sanctuary seekers themselves; and from organizations with even more experience, to develop into a district with a joined-up strategy and framework for welcoming people who seek sanctuary.

To do this, the Council resolves to request that the Executive considers proposals to follow the Awards Process for becoming a Council of Sanctuary and to:

  1. Commit to joining the City of Sanctuary Local Authority Network, and to work towards recognition as a ‘Council of Sanctuary’. (Steps 1-2 and Criteria 1-2 of the Process). 
  2. Develop a Strategy for People Seeking Sanctuary. This will be achieved through discussion with local groups and local people seeking sanctuary; via a Steering Group of councillors, local groups and officers; to identify what WODC can do better to facilitate a well-thought-through level of welcome and service for those seeking sanctuary within the community. (Steps 3-5 and Criteria 3-7).
  3. Prepare and submit an application for recognition as a Council of Sanctuary, and to deliver its Strategy over the ensuing 3 years, working towards the next accreditation cycle. (Steps 6-9 and Criteria 3-7).




Councillor Rachel Crouch introduced the motion which sought the Council’s commitment to join the Council of Sanctuary.  Councillor Crouch gave a brief overview of the Council of Sanctuary and how joining would benefit the work done in the district for asylum seekers and refugees in the area. Councillor Crouch also thanked the officers for all their hard work supporting those seeking asylum and refuge within the local communities.


The debate followed and raised the following points. The Members complimented staff for all their hard work over many years supporting the community and to be part of the Council of Sanctuary would enable a wider network of support. It would also promote a welcome culture within the district.

Members asked that any documents included with future motions be circulated as the electronic links did not work. 

Members commented on how the local residents had made positive contributions to refugees with the aim of making sure newcomers were welcomed and are integrated into the community. 


Councillor Rachel Crouch proposed the motion be adopted by Council. Councillor Crouch stated her gratitude to all Members for their support of the Motion and the importance of working together on a vital issue. This was seconded by Councillor Jane Doughty, was put to a vote, 33 votes for, 3 abstentions and was agreed by Council.



Council Resolved to pass the following Motion:


This council acknowledges the dedication and achievements of the officer team in fulfilling the council’s obligations towards people seeking sanctuary in West Oxfordshire. The Council has acted promptly and efficiently to deliver support and housing for those seeking sanctuary (asylum seekers, refugees, guests), including using the main funding rounds for:


· 6 families via the Syrian Vulnerable Person Resettlement Scheme since 2015;


· The Afghan resettlement scheme since 2021;


· Support for people from Ukraine, including the Homes for Ukraine scheme since 2022;


· The Local Authority Housing Fund to provide follow-on housing for Afghan and Ukranian residents, since 2023.

In many cases, particularly surrounding work with the Home Office and the residents of the Witney Four Pillars Hotel, council officers have worked in diligent new ways to ensure people seeking sanctuary receive the best welcome to Witney that could be offered.


This council pledges to learn from these experiences, from the local volunteers who work with our sanctuary seekers, and from sanctuary seekers themselves; and from organizations with even more experience, to develop into a district with a joined-up strategy and framework for welcoming people who seek sanctuary.


To do this, the Council resolves to:

  1. Request that the Executive considers proposals to follow the Awards Process for becoming a Council of Sanctuary and to: 1.

·         Commit to joining the City of Sanctuary Local Authority Network, and to work towards recognition as a ‘Council of Sanctuary’. (Steps 1-2 and Criteria 1-2 of the Process).

·         Prepare and submit an application for recognition as a Council of Sanctuary, and to deliver its Strategy over the ensuing 3 years, working towards the next accreditation cycle. (Steps 6-9 and Criteria 3-7).

  1. Develop a Strategy for People Seeking Sanctuary. This will be achieved through discussion with local groups and local people seeking sanctuary; via a Steering Group of councillors, local groups and officers; to identify what WODC can do better to facilitate a well-thought-through level of welcome and service for those seeking sanctuary within the community. (Steps 3-5 and Criteria 3-7).