Voting record
Council, Wednesday, 26th February, 2025 2.00 pm
Item: Budget 2025/26
Budget 2025/26 - To approve the reccomendations:
Resolution status:Carried
Vote | Councillors | Count |
VoteFor | CouncillorsAitman, Arciszewska, Ashton, Baggaley, Brooker, Clements, Andrew Coles, Julian Cooper, Rachel Crouch, Early, Duncan Enright, Phil Godfrey, Goodwin, Andy Graham, David Jackson, Liz Leffman, Andrew Lyon, Marsh, Maynard, McCarroll, David Melvin, Pearson, Elizabeth Poskitt, Prosser, Ridpath, Carl Rylett, Geoff Saul, Sandra Simpson, Smith, R Smith, Tim Sumner and wray | Count32 |
VoteAgainst | CouncillorsCooper and Edward James | Count2 |
VoteAbstain | CouncillorsThomas Ashby, Andrew Beaney, Faulkner, Nick Leverton, Michele Mead, Veasey, Walker, Walsh and Wilson | Count9 |
VoteConflict Of Interests | CouncillorsNone | Count0 |