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Service Performance Report 2023-24 Quarter Three

08/03/2024 - Service Performance Report 2023-24 Quarter Three

Councillor Andy Graham, Leader of the Council, introduced the report, which provided details of the Council’s operational performance at the end of 2023-2024 Quarter Three (Q3).


In debate, the Executive praised the work of Officers for a series of consistently thorough, detailed and high-quality reports, and thanked the wider analysis team, embedded within the Council’s data team, for their continuing hard work.


The Executive praised the levels of the Council’s operational service output across the quarter, including the processing of planning applications and increased collections of Council Tax. The Executive also highlighted recent events that had taken place in the district which had helped to achieve the levels of operational output detailed within the original report, and made specific reference to a Christmas Market, held at Marriott’s Walk in Witney in December 2023, which contributed to substantially increased footfall in the town.


Officers gave the Executive clarity regarding the figures contained within missed waste collection target setting, and advised that missed collection figures overall were reducing. Officers and the Executive thanked the work of the Council’s waste collection partner Ubico for their continued work in support of the Council.


Councillor Andy Graham proposed that the Executive agree to the recommendation as listed on the report. This was seconded by Councillor Duncan Enright, was put to a vote, and was unanimously agreed by the Executive.


The Executive Resolved to:

1.      Note the 2023-2024 Q3 service performance report.