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Issue - decisions

Publica Transition Plan

08/03/2024 - Publica Transition Update

Ahead of the item of business being considered by the Executive, Officers employed by Publica Group left the Council Chamber.


Councillor Andy Graham, Leader of the Council, introduced the report, which considered a report from Local Partnerships and the findings and recommendations therein.


The Leader gave an overview of the implications that were associated with the report, and explained that, whilst not fully known, a wide-ranging scale of financial costings would be associated with the proposals, as well as legal and recruitment implications. The Leader highlighted that a full transition plan and full business case would be formulated in due, to ensure that residents and Council staff remained foremost in the aims of the Council. The Leader stated that an Interim Programme Director had recently been appointed to oversee the transition of services, and that the appropriate officers meet and engage with the Programme on a regular basis.


The Leader reminded the Executive that the Publica model, was not the same as the one that was initially set up in 2017, and the needs and aims of both individual council’s and residents had changed over the time that the model had been in place. The Leader urged Members to exercise caution when highlighting potential associated costs with the transition and that such plans must be fully costed and with the best interests of residents and staff in mind.


In debate, the Executive thanked the work of the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee for its input so far in scrutinising the proposals. The Executive reaffirmed its commitment to ensuring that the transition process was as smooth as possible, and that services to residents would not be affected. The Executive was also steadfast in ensuring that the terms and conditions of staff were protected as part of the transition.


The Executive also referred to the effectiveness of the Council, efficiencies of the Council, and feasibility of the project to ensure that the transition would be as smooth as possible, and the proposals associated with the transition project must be financially sound, and in keeping with the intended outcomes of the plan pertaining to West Oxfordshire District Council.


At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Michele Mead and Councillor Julian Cooper, attending as non-Executive Members, highlighted that the proposals were lacking consistent detail in relation to the overall financial implications of that transition, and that it was imperative to have a ‘cap’ on the financial costings associated with the project, before fully entering into a business agreement.


The Chief Executive stated that no estimates were currently available as the overall transition project was still in its infancy, and that a more detailed transition plan would be brought before the Executive in the coming months, which would take into account the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy.


Councillor Andy Graham proposed that the Executive agree to the recommendations as listed on the report. This was seconded by Councillor Duncan Enright, was put to a vote, and was unanimously agreed by the Executive.


The Executive Resolved to:

  1. Note the findings and recommendations set out in the Local Partnerships report;
  2. Note that the Interim Programme Director shall prepare a detailed transition plan, building on the recommendations set out in the Local Partnerships report, for subsequent consideration by Executive, Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Council.


Officers employed by Publica Group, returned to the Council Chamber at the conclusion of the item.