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Issue - decisions

Road Closure Policy

08/03/2024 - Road Closure Policy

Councillor Duncan Enright, Deputy Leader of the Council and Executive Member for Economic Development, introduced the report, which considered a new policy for the administration of Temporary Road Closure applications.


In debate, and by invitation of the Leader, Councillors Michele Mead and Julian Cooper queried whether fees and charges related to road closures for significant national events such as Armistice Day, were required to be applied for by local town and parish councils where necessary, and also sought clarification as to whether road closures required authority for events such as national cycle races and major sporting events.


Officers clarified that the new policy was targeted at more local events and fees would be charged as appropriate. Officers gave further assurance that events of national significance had standing authority from Oxfordshire County Council, and that the County Council was the authority charged with the provision of such closures.


Councillor Duncan Enright proposed that the Executive agree to the recommendations as listed on the report. This was seconded by Councillor Andy Graham, was put to a vote, and was unanimously agreed by the Executive.


The Executive Resolved to:

  1. Note the report and approve the Temporary Road Closure Policy;
  2. Agree to implement the Temporary Road Closure Policy following the standard call-in period, but no sooner than 1 April 2024;
  3. Agree to amend the Officer Scheme of Delegation and insert that the determination of Temporary Road Closure applications will be made by an appropriate officer in consultation with a legal representative, where there is no objection from any statutory consultee;
  4. Approve the fees as set out in paragraph 4 of the report for Temporary Road Closure applications.