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Issue - decisions

Review of Weekly Markets

14/12/2023 - Review of Weekly Markets

Councillor Duncan Enright, Deputy Leader of the Council and Executive Member for Economic Development, introduced the report, which considered the outcome of a review of the outdoor markets of West Oxfordshire as completed by the consultant.


The Deputy Leader gave a detailed overview of the review work that had been undertaken, and referenced some of the troubles that Town Centres have faced more generally over recent years, particularly as a result of heftily increased levels of e-commerce, and because of the Covid pandemic. The Deputy Leader also highlighted that Outdoor Markets bring a vibrancy to local towns and can also help increase footfall simultaneously, particularly due to availability of goods that are not as easily available online, such as fresh fruit, vegetables and fish.


In debate, the Deputy Leader also referred to the work that the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee had undertaken on the review. The Deputy Leader stated the Committee had made a recommendation to the Executive suggesting that local ward members be invited to related meetings of town partnerships as consultees, and that a commercial market operator is sought for a period of 1 year rather than two years.

The Deputy Leader committed to sharing a draft brief following the expression of interest exercise with all members, and that a review report of the work undertaken by a commercial operator, be considered by Overview and Scrutiny Committee in 12 months before being re-considered by the Executive.


On invitation from the Leader, non-Executive Members stated they would be keeping a keen interest on the charter works with Witney and Chipping Norton, and how this could invigorate the market of Carterton back to its previous levels, alongside work with local Town Councils.


Councillor Duncan Enright proposed that the Executive agree to the recommendations as listed on the report, with additional wording added to Recommendation 2, stating that a further review report be considered by Overview and Scrutiny Committee in 12 months before being re-considered by the Executive. This was seconded by Councillor Andy Graham, was put to a vote, and was agreed unanimously by the Executive.


The Executive Resolved to:

  1. Delegate authority to the Chief Executive, in conjunction with the Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Economic Development, to undertake an Expression of Interest exercise to select a commercial market operator to run the weekly retail markets in Witney and Chipping Norton;
  2. Delegate authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Executive Member for Economic Development, to appoint a commercial market operator for an initial period of two years, with a review report be considered by Overview and Scrutiny Committee in 12 months before being re-considered by the Executive.