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Issue - decisions

Leisure Strategy - Strategic Outcomes Planning Model (Districtwide)

14/07/2023 - Leisure - Strategic Outcomes Planning Model (Districtwide)

Councillor Alaric Smith, Executive Member for Leisure and Major Projects, introduced and gave an overview of the report, which sought approval for budgetary provision for the appointment of a consultant to prepare a Strategic Outcomes Planning Model for the District.

In debate, the Executive highlighted the importance of leisure provisions within the District and also more widely, and that it assists with good health and well-being practises.

Councillor Alaric Smith proposed that the Executive agree to the recommendations as listed on the report. This was seconded by Councillor Andy Graham, was put to a vote and was unanimously agreed by the Executive.

The Executive Resolved to:

  1. Authorise Officers to commence a Strategic Outcomes Planning Model for the District;
  2. Agree to include a provision of £26,850 within the 2023/24 Leisure budget;
  3. Appoint specialist leisure consultants to undertake the work.