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Issue - decisions

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Update

10/03/2023 - Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Update

Councillor Geoff Saul, Executive Member for Housing and Social Welfare, introduced and gave an overview of the report which provided an update on the introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in West Oxfordshire.

In debate, it was noted that the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill, introduced by central government, had taken the decision to abolish ‘CIL’ and replace it with a National Levy. The Executive stated that work must continue on the Levy in its current form and that it would take some time for the transition to take effect. The Council was commissioning a viability study, which would feed into the Council’s work on its update to the Local Plan in 2041, and encourage affordable, quality homes within the district.

Councillor Saul proposed that the Executive agree to the recommendations as listed on the report. This was seconded by Councillor Andrew Prosser, was put to a vote and was unanimously agreed by the Executive.

Executive Resolved to:

  1. Note the content of the report;
  2. Agree that new viability evidence is commissioned to inform both a draft CIL charging schedule and the new West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2041.