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Issue - decisions

Flood Management Service Review

10/03/2023 - Flood Management Service Review

Councillor Lidia Arciszewska, Executive Member for the Environment, introduced and gave an overview of the report which provided the Executive with a structured summary of the Flood Management Service review, the areas explored, relevant findings and a proposed way forward that will not only meet current but future challenges facing the District and its residents regarding the risk from flooding.

In debate, the Executive, along with Councillor Norman MacRae MBE, were keen to praise the work of Laurence King, the Council’s Lead Flood Risk Management Officer in this area, and to commend him for the work he has undertaken. Many members had spoken in the past regarding the contribution of his work in the area. Particular attention was given to the work of Officers who were working in liaison with Thames Water and the Environment Agency. The County Council, along with Witney Town Council were currently seeking to recruit volunteers to act as flood wardens, as part of a trial in the area.

Phil Martin, Assistant Director for Business Support Services, highlighted that Oxfordshire County Council was the lead flood authority locally. Resourcing issues had played a major role in the shortcomings of both Thames Water and the Environment Agency, and the Council was meeting with them on a monthly basis to address a wide range of issues that arose from this subject.

Councillor Arciszewska proposed that the Executive agree to the recommendations as listed on the report. This was seconded by Councillor Andrew Prosser, was put to a vote and was unanimously agreed by the Executive.

Executive Resolved to:

  1. Note the outcomes of the review;
  2. Agree the recommendations outlined within the report.