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Committee attendance

Council, 5 meetings
MemberCouncillor Joy Aitman Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Mike Baggaley Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Andrew Beaney Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Andrew Coles Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Julian Cooper Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Jane Doughty Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Andy Graham Attendances5
MemberCouncillor David Jackson Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Liz Leffman Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Nick Leverton Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Martin McBride Attendances0
MemberCouncillor Michele Mead Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Elizabeth Poskitt Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Carl Rylett Attendances2
MemberCouncillor Geoff Saul Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Duncan Enright Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Andy Goodwin Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Alex Wilson Attendances3
MemberCouncillor Andrew Prosser Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Alaric Smith Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Ruth Smith Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Charlie Maynard Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Rosie Pearson Attendances5
MemberCouncillor David Cooper Attendances1
MemberCouncillor Lidia Arciszewska Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Hugo Ashton Attendances3
MemberCouncillor Natalie King Attendances3
MemberCouncillor Michael Brooker Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Dan Levy Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Edward James Attendances3
MemberCouncillor Alistair Wray Attendances4
MemberCouncillor David Melvin Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Phil Godfrey Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Mark Walker Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Adrian Walsh Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Liam Walker Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Tim Sumner Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Andrew Lyon Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Sandra Simpson Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Rachel Crouch Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Thomas Ashby Attendances2
MemberCouncillor Genny Early Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Roger Faulkner Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Paul Marsh Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Steve Cosier Attendances3
MemberCouncillor Sarah Veasey Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Nigel Ridpath Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Adam Clements Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Stuart McCarroll Attendances5
Executive, 5 meetings
MemberCouncillor Julian Cooper Attendances1
MemberCouncillor Andy Graham Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Carl Rylett Attendances1
MemberCouncillor Geoff Saul Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Duncan Enright Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Andrew Prosser Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Alaric Smith Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Lidia Arciszewska Attendances3
MemberCouncillor Hugo Ashton Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Dan Levy Attendances1
MemberCouncillor Tim Sumner Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Rachel Crouch Attendances4
Lowlands Area Planning Sub-Committee, 5 meetings
MemberCouncillor Joy Aitman Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Julian Cooper Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Nick Leverton Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Michele Mead Attendances3
MemberCouncillor Andy Goodwin Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Andrew Prosser Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Michael Brooker Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Dan Levy Attendances1
MemberCouncillor Alistair Wray Attendances5
MemberCouncillor David Melvin Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Phil Godfrey Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Adrian Walsh Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Liam Walker Attendances2
MemberCouncillor Andrew Lyon Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Rachel Crouch Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Steve Cosier Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Sarah Veasey Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Stuart McCarroll Attendances1
Overview and Scrutiny Committee, 6 meetings
MemberCouncillor Joy Aitman Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Mike Baggaley Attendances2
MemberCouncillor Andrew Beaney Attendances6
MemberCouncillor Andrew Coles Attendances1
MemberCouncillor Julian Cooper Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Andy Graham Attendances1
MemberCouncillor David Jackson Attendances6
MemberCouncillor Liz Leffman Attendances3
MemberCouncillor Nick Leverton Attendances6
MemberCouncillor Michele Mead Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Elizabeth Poskitt Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Carl Rylett Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Geoff Saul Attendances1
MemberCouncillor Duncan Enright Attendances1
MemberCouncillor Alex Wilson Attendances6
MemberCouncillor Alaric Smith Attendances1
MemberCouncillor Ruth Smith Attendances6
MemberCouncillor Rosie Pearson Attendances1
MemberCouncillor Lidia Arciszewska Attendances2
MemberCouncillor Hugo Ashton Attendances1
MemberCouncillor Natalie King Attendances3
MemberCouncillor Dan Levy Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Alistair Wray Attendances6
MemberCouncillor Mark Walker Attendances0
MemberCouncillor Liam Walker Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Andrew Lyon Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Sandra Simpson Attendances3
MemberCouncillor Rachel Crouch Attendances1
MemberCouncillor Thomas Ashby Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Genny Early Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Paul Marsh Attendances6
MemberCouncillor Steve Cosier Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Adam Clements Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Stuart McCarroll Attendances6
Uplands Area Planning Sub-Committee, 5 meetings
MemberCouncillor Mike Baggaley Attendances1
MemberCouncillor Andrew Beaney Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Julian Cooper Attendances5
MemberCouncillor David Jackson Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Elizabeth Poskitt Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Geoff Saul Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Rosie Pearson Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Lidia Arciszewska Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Mark Walker Attendances4
MemberCouncillor Tim Sumner Attendances1
MemberCouncillor Roger Faulkner Attendances5
MemberCouncillor Adam Clements Attendances4