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Committee attendance

Cabinet (for meetings after 18 January 2023 see "Executive"), 5 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Merilyn Davies 5
Councillor Joy Aitman 2
Councillor Alaa Al-Yousuf 1
Councillor Rosa Bolger 1
Councillor Andrew Coles 1
Councillor Julian Cooper 4
Councillor Suzi Coul 5
Councillor Jane Doughty 5
Councillor Harry Eaglestone 2
Councillor Ted Fenton 1
Councillor Andy Graham 5
Councillor Jeff Haine 5
Councillor David Harvey 5
Councillor Norman MacRae MBE 5
Councillor Martin McBride 1
Councillor Michele Mead 5
Councillor Alex Postan 5
Councillor Harry St John 1
Councillor Duncan Enright 3
Councillor Colin Dingwall 3
Councillor Andrew Prosser 1
Council, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Merilyn Davies 2
Councillor Jake Acock 1
Councillor Mike Cahill 1
Councillor Joy Aitman 2
Councillor Alaa Al-Yousuf 2
Councillor Luci Ashbourne 0
Councillor Andrew Beaney 1
Councillor Rosa Bolger 1
Councillor Jill Bull 2
Councillor Laetisia Carter 1
Councillor Nathalie Chapple 2
Councillor Andrew Coles 2
Councillor Owen Collins 0
Councillor Julian Cooper 2
Councillor Derek Cotterill 2
Councillor Suzi Coul 2
Councillor Maxine Crossland 2
Councillor Jane Doughty 2
Councillor Harry Eaglestone 1
Councillor Ted Fenton 2
Councillor Steve Good 0
Councillor Andy Graham 2
Councillor Jeff Haine 2
Councillor David Harvey 1
Councillor Gill Hill 2
Councillor David Jackson 2
Councillor Richard Langridge 1
Councillor Liz Leffman 1
Councillor Nick Leverton 2
Councillor Norman MacRae MBE 2
Councillor Martin McBride 2
Councillor Michele Mead 2
Councillor Elizabeth Poskitt 2
Councillor Alex Postan 2
Councillor Carl Rylett 0
Councillor Geoff Saul 2
Councillor Harry St John 2
Councillor Ben Woodruff 0
Councillor Duncan Enright 2
Councillor Rupert Dent 2
Councillor Dean Temple 2
Councillor Andy Goodwin 0
Councillor Colin Dingwall 2
Councillor Alex Wilson 2
Councillor Lysette Nicholls 1
Councillor Mathew Parkinson 1
Councillor Andrew Prosser 1
Councillor Mark Johnson 2
Delegated Decisions, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Suzi Coul 1
Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Mike Cahill 1
Councillor Joy Aitman 2
Councillor Alaa Al-Yousuf 2
Councillor Andrew Coles 2
Councillor Owen Collins 0
Councillor Julian Cooper 1
Councillor Harry Eaglestone 3
Councillor Ted Fenton 3
Councillor Liz Leffman 2
Councillor Norman MacRae MBE 2
Councillor Martin McBride 3
Councillor Alex Postan 3
Councillor Carl Rylett 3
Councillor Harry St John 2
Councillor Ben Woodruff 2
Councillor Rupert Dent 2
Councillor Dean Temple 1
Councillor Andy Goodwin 3
Councillor Mark Johnson 1
Licensing Committee, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Mike Cahill 0
Councillor Owen Collins 0
Councillor Harry Eaglestone 1
Councillor Ted Fenton 1
Councillor Steve Good 0
Councillor Andy Graham 0
Councillor David Jackson 0
Councillor Norman MacRae MBE 1
Councillor Alex Postan 0
Councillor Geoff Saul 0
Councillor Lysette Nicholls 1
Licensing Panel, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Mike Cahill 3
Councillor Harry Eaglestone 2
Councillor Ted Fenton 1
Councillor Steve Good 0
Councillor Andy Graham 2
Councillor Norman MacRae MBE 4
Councillor Alex Postan 1
Councillor Lysette Nicholls 1
Miscellaneous Licensing Sub-Committee, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Ted Fenton 1
Councillor Steve Good 1
Councillor David Jackson 1
Councillor Norman MacRae MBE 1
Councillor Geoff Saul 1
Urgency Committee, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Merilyn Davies 1
Councillor Mike Cahill 0
Councillor Joy Aitman 1
Councillor Nathalie Chapple 0
Councillor Julian Cooper 1
Councillor Suzi Coul 0
Councillor Jane Doughty 1
Councillor Andy Graham 1
Councillor Jeff Haine 1
Councillor David Harvey 0
Councillor Richard Langridge 1
Councillor Norman MacRae MBE 1
Councillor Michele Mead 0
Councillor Alex Postan 1
Councillor Duncan Enright 1