Agenda item
24/00432/FUL Land East of Fawler Road, Charlbury
James Nelson, the Principal Planner, presented the application for the upgrading and re-siting of the existing access into agricultural land and provision of trackway (amended plans and description).
Gareth Epps, spoke in objection to the application which raised the following points; the removal of the hedgerows, mud on the access road, safe access to the site, damage to the public right of way, track marks to Charlbury House.
The Principal Planner’s presentation addressed the following points:
- The application was to upgrade and the re-siting of existing access point into the agricultural land and the provision of a track way.
- The application was before the Sub-Committee due to objections from the Town Council on highway safety grounds.
- The site was within the Cotswolds National Landscape, the Charlbury Conservation Area and Flood Zone 1.
- The works on the site had been subject to an enforcement investigation, as hardstanding had been laid without planning consent and existing access widened and formalised. A condition had been included in the application for the hardstanding within the existing access be removed within 6 months of the date of the consent.
- Amendments had been made to the application due to the proposed access not providing a suitable level of visibility when entering and exiting the site. The proposed new access was to the South and the amendment had been subject to re-consultation.
- The proposed access to the site would be 3.5 metres wide and 25 metres from the existing opening. The amended access was to ensure appropriate visibility and the limited removal of hedgerows. The existing/widened access would be replanted with hedgerows, mitigating impacts on loss of ecology.
- The application complied with the West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2031, policies OS1, OS2, OS4, T2, EH1, EH3, EH9, EH10 and EH15, Charlbury Neighbourhood Plan 2031, Policies HE3, NE1 and NE5 and the NPPF 2024. The officer recommendation was approval of the application, subject to conditions.
The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following points:
- Replanting of hedgerows would encourage the native hedgerows to link up and minimise the disruption to ecology and maximise the development of biodiversity.
- The application had taken guidance from Oxfordshire County Council Highways regarding the safety of access to and from the site by changing the location of the access. Re-consultation from the OCC Highways had resulted in no objections but the application being subject to conditions.
- Limiting the access to agricultural use only would be difficult to enforce via a condition. If the use of the land changed this would be subject to control.
- Some Members suggested a site visit to consider the safety of the access, however the guidance from OOC highways was considered when debating the application.
Councillor Rosie Pearson proposed a site visit. This was seconded by the Chair.
Voting record-3 for the proposal, 7 against and 1 abstention. The vote was not carried.
Councillor Adam Clements proposed that the application be approved in line with the Officer recommendations. This was seconded by Councillor Mark Walker and put to the vote.
Voting record– 8 for the proposal, 2 against and 1 abstention. The vote was carried.
The Sub-Committee Resolved to:
1. Approve the application approved in line with the Officer recommendations.
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