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Agenda item

24/01726/HHD Farmside, Sutton Lane, Sutton.


As the applications comprised the planning permission and listed building consent of the same building works, they were considered as agenda one item.


Clare Anscombe, Senior Planning Officer presented the application for demolition of single storey rear extension and porch, erection of two storey rear extension, conversation of outbuildings into a utility room and associated works (amended plans).


            Ian Davidson, spoke in objection to the application which raised clarification points regarding overlooking of Mr Davison’s property. Mr Davidson stated that a window in the proposed extension would overlook the patio on his property.


            David Wallom, the applicant addressed the Sub-Committee which raised clarification points regarding difficulties with construction encroaching on the neighbouring property. Mr Wallom confirmed that maintenance of the proposed extension and access to the site was not going to be an issue and there would be access onto the property without using the neighbouring property.


            The Senior Planning Officer’s presentation addressed the following points:

  • The Parish Council had objected to the application.
  • The property was a Grade II listed building with a thatched roof. The property was within Stanton Harcourt and Sutton Conservation Area.
  • The planning history of the property which included an extension in the 19th century and a later flat roof 20th century extension. The proposed extension was a sensitive design which would preserve the heritage of the building.
  • The proposed extension would be set down from the ridge of the existing property and would have a pitched roof which would reflect the form of the host property.
  • Timber and slate materials would be used to reflect the host property and surrounding buildings. Whilst the materials were modern, the design and use would reflect the newer part of the building. The link and roof of the extension would be visible from the street however the materials would complement the surrounding properties. 
  • The officer’s site visit had reviewed the overshadowing of the neighbouring garden. The submitted Daylight and Sunlight Assessment stated that all neighbouring windows that had a requirement for daylight or sunlight, passed the relevant BRE diffuse daylight and direct sunlight tests.
  • The officer recommendation was for approval subject to the conditions and informative as set out in the report.


The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following points:

  • The members asked for clarification on whether the window overlooking the neighbouring property would be obscured. The Planning Officer confirmed that this window would face down the garden. Overlooking would not be a reason for refusal of this application.
  • Clarification on the BRE assessment and whether it would conform to guidelines. The Planning Officer confirmed that the assessment had been commissioned and submitted by the applicant on request of Officers and that this assessment stated that it had been carried out in accordance with the latest BRE guidelines.
  • The members asked if there had been any comments submitted from Historic England. The Planning officer confirmed that that no comments had been received due to the demolition of a recent extension and was secondary to the host building.
  • The Members asked for clarification on the measurements of the proposed extension and how this impacted on the boundary wall of the neighbouring property. The Planning Officer showed the presentation slides for members to view the distances between the boundary and the neighbouring property.


24/01726/HHD Farmside, Sutton Lane, Sutton.

Councillor Julian Cooper proposed that the application be deferred for a site visit by members of the Sub-Committee.  This was seconded by Councillor Nick Leverton and was put to the vote

The Sub-Committee Resolved to:

1.    Defer the application for a site visit by members, to be held on Monday 13 January at 12pm.  



Councillors Mead and Lyon did not take part in the determination of this application.