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Agenda item

Proposed Reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the Planning System


To consider a number of proposed changes to National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and to agree West Oxfordshire District Council’s response to those proposed changes. 



The Committee notes the report and agrees any recommendations it wishes to make to the Executive on 11 September 2024.


The Executive is recommended to resolve to:

1.    Note the content of the report including the summary overview of the proposed changes to national planning policy;

2.    Delegate responsibility to the Planning Policy Manager, in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning, to agree, finalise and submit the suggested draft consultation response attached at Annex A.



Chris Hargraves, Planning Policy Manager

Councillor Hugo Aston, Executive Member for Planning


The Planning Policy Manager introduced the report that considered several proposed changes to National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and to agree West Oxfordshire District Council’s response to those proposed changes.

It was explained that the Government was consulting on a series of proposed changes. This included several specific changes to the NPPF and several broader reforms relating to planning fees, local plan intervention and the thresholds used for determining applications under the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) regime.

The consultation was running from 30 July – 24 September 2024 and the Government had indicated that a new version of the NPPF would be published before the end of the year. The purpose of this report was to provide an overview of the proposed changes together with an initial Officer response, highlighting, where possible, any implications for West Oxfordshire. Annex A provided a more detailed suggested draft response to each of the specific questions included within the consultation document.

The Executive Member for Planning suggested that further comments would be added to the response around the need to ensure the right infrastructure was sought e.g. water and sewerage infrastructure, more leniency on building regulations to enable the Council to specify requirements for net zero homes, suggesting that 5-year land supply calculations be based on permissions granted, and various other requests. Any comments were welcome and would be considered in the response made.

The following points and suggestions were to be noted following Member’s questions and queries:

·         Concern was raised over the lack of clarification of flooding because there appeared to be no guidance and no clarification. It was explained that the government was not proposing changes to the current regime around flood rick. There was the question of whether it did enough and whether this was a short-term or long-term approach. In terms of water quality, it was felt that a more holistic approach was required.

·         There was concern raised over the vagueness of what grey belt land was and it was explained that the remedy for a clear plan was likely to get a new Local Plan put in place with an updated development scheme. This would ensure that any delay was kept to a minimum; the timetable was currently being examined.

·         One of the points in the process was to change how developers work and national development plans would still be included; it was suggested that one would hope that a more centralised strategic approach would be undertaken.

·         Every opportunity should be taken to put forward a point of view after every question.

·         There was a question of how the point could be made that the housing numbers for West Oxfordshire District Council were often not the real numbers for the district which had to help to address Oxford’s unmet housing need. The Planning Policy Manager agreed that the method and new formula was flawed, and it seemed like urban numbers were decreasing whilst rural areas were increasing; where growth was difficult to achieve and supporting infrastructure was lacking.

·         The Planning Policy Manager suggested that a letter could be provided by the Council to the government in addition to the responses to the consultation questions.

·         It was confirmed that strategic working would be undertaken with other councils where possible and joint working between the authorities had been quite successful and effective in Oxfordshire. The Leader explained that there was a piece of work to show the impact and importance of collective working and meaningful partnerships.

·         The Local Plan required scrutiny and the Council should stand up to the inspectorate.

·         Housing stock should be proportionate to population; what was required was not only infrastructure, amenities, and transport; but it was also important to ensure to make sure the funding was available to create functioning communities. The Planning Policy Manager suggested that this could be included in the letter.

·         Classification of land was vital to the food supply and it was asked if this could be added to point 83 so that the land could be retained for that purpose. The Planning Policy confirmed it would be linked to the response.


RESOLVED that the Committee noted the report and agreed all Councillors were encouraged to send the Planning Policy Manager and the Executive Member of Planning any further suggestions prior to the Executive meeting on 11 September. A general letter would be put together expressing the view of West Oxfordshire Council once all comments were received.




RESOLVED that the Committee noted the report and agreed the following recommendations to the Executive on 11 September 2024:

Supporting documents: