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Agenda item

24/00655/FUL 111 Manor Road, Witney


Clare Anscombe, Senior Planner, introduced the application, for the erection of a dwelling with associated parking, bin and bike stores.


Huw Mellor addressed the Sub-Committee on behalf of the applicant, which raised a clarification point regarding heating systems to be used inside the proposed dwelling.


The Senior Planner continued with their presentation, which clarified the following points:

  • Planning permission had been granted in May 2024 for an extension, however the applicant had changed the application and wished to build a separate dwelling of comparable size and proportions to the previous application;
  • There would be provision for 2 parking spaces and a cycle store in the garden;
  • The design was in keeping with the surrounding properties and similar materials would be used. The proposed dwelling would be a logical compliment to the character of the area and there would be no visual impacts on the street scene;
  • There were no policies in the National Planning Policy Framework that would give an obvious reason to refuse the application because no adverse impact would demonstrably outweigh the benefits of the application;
  • The proposed dwelling would be built in Witney and have access to local services;
  • The proposed dwelling would be 40 square metres which would be considered acceptable for occupancy. There would be enough space for leisure activities and an outdoor space to sit in;
  • The neighbouring amenity impact would include some loss of privacy due to a proposed window on the first floor for the bathroom. A condition to use obscured glass would be included. There would be no significant impact of loss of privacy or loss of light;
  • There were no objections from the Biodiversity or Drainage Officers.


The Senior Planner recommended the application be approved.


The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the

following points:


  • Clarification on the number of windows lost when the proposed dwelling was constructed. The windows currently served the hallways. The ground floor window would remain, and the first-floor window would be removed;
  • Clarification on: 1.  living space meeting the current government requirements and enabling a comfortable living environment. 2. Whether the property could be extended to create a two-bedroom house in the future. The Senior Planner confirmed that the property was within government requirements when considering floor space. The property could be extended to create another bedroom without planning permission if extended internally and no condition could be added to prevent this as to enforce this condition would be difficult. Also, it would be difficult to remove permitted development rights due to the location of the dwelling;
  • Clarification on the parking location not encroaching on the neighbouring land. All parking spaces were on the application land;ether the application could include an informative which covered a reminder for a sustainability standards checklist – The Senior Planner advised the application would include this when notifying the applicant of the Sub-Committee’s decision.


Councillor Andrew Prosser proposed that the application be approved, in line with Officer recommendations. This was seconded by Councillor Andy Goodwin, was put to a vote, and

was unanimously agreed by the Sub-Committee.


The Sub-Committee Resolved to:

1.    Approve the application in line with Officer recommendations.