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Agenda item

Dates of Future Meetings

·         Wednesday 24 July 2024 – 2.00pm;

·         Wednesday 25 September 2024 – 2.00pm;

·         Wednesday 27 November 2024 – 2.00pm;

·         Wednesday 29 January 2025 – 2.00pm;

·         Wednesday 26 February 2025 – 2.00pm;

·         Wednesday 26 March 2025 – 2.00pm;

·         Wednesday 21 May 2025 – Annual Council – 2.00pm.


Councillor Andy Graham, Leader of the Council, introduced the agenda item, which advised the dates of future Council meetings for the municipal year 2024/25.


The Leader proposed that the meeting of 25 September 2024 be held at 6.00pm on a trial basis. This was seconded by Councillor Michele Mead, who highlighted that many members have full-time employment outside of the Council, and that a later start time would make the Council more inclusive and would encourage stronger public attendance at meetings.


Councillor Andrew Coles, Vice-Chair of the Council, proposed an amendment to the proposal, whereby Council would defer the decision regarding the start time of the September meeting of Council, to the next meeting in July 2024, so that members could be surveyed on meeting start times, ahead of any trial. Councillor Coles explained the rationale for the amendment, highlighting that later start times for meetings of Council would raise challenges for members who had additional commitments outside of the Council, such as shift work and childcare commitments, and that the best way for all views to be considered, would be for members to be consulted on the matter.


In seconding the proposed amendment, Councillor Steve Cosier explained that future candidates for elections may become disenfranchised from putting themselves forward for election, if the role of councillor did not work with their pre-existing commitments. Councillor Cosier affirmed that a consultation for Members was a reasonable approach to seek the view of Members regarding start times of meetings, so that all views could be taken into consideration ahead of a decision being taken.


In debate, Members stated that if a trial did not work as originally proposed owing to a lack of consensus from the Council’s membership, a simple solution would be to revert to the original timetable as previously agreed.


Members also expressed their support for a survey and stated that as elected Councillors, they were mandated to attend meetings wherever possible, and that flexibility could be exercised in order to make meeting start times more accommodating.


Members also highlighted that start times to meetings had been consulted on in the past with no firm resolutions being agreed, and that other councils had been through a similar process previously.


Several members also highlighted the additional workload a consultation would pose upon officers, adding that the consultation must be worthwhile and effective in order for a consensus to be achieved, and that the right balance must be applied when taking into consideration all views.


Councillor Andy Graham advised that they were happy to accept the amendment proposed by Councillor Andrew Coles, to defer a decision regarding the start time of the September meeting of Council, until the meeting of Council in July 2024 pending a member survey on preferred start times. Councillor Michele Mead, as seconder to the original motion, confirmed they would also accept the amendment. This was put to a vote, and was unanimously agreed by Council.


Council Resolved to:

1.    Defer a decision regarding the start time of the September meeting of Council, until the meeting of Council in July 2024.