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Agenda item

24/00175/HHD Olde Well Cottage, 109 Station Road, Brize Norton.


Elloise Street, Planning Officer, introduced the application for the erection of a single storey extension with attached garage and wood store. 

The Planning Officer drew the Sub-Committees’ attention to the following points:

  • The location plan was presented with the developed site outlined in red.
  • The proposed site of the extension with attached garage and wood store was located to the south.
  • An aerial view was shown with Station Road situated to the west of the site.
  • There were constraints as it was a listed building.
  • The site was located in flood zone 2 and not within a conservation area.
  • There was a stepping down of the property with a bedsit approved in the early 2000’s.
  • The proposed single storey extension was to be adjoined to the existing bedsit on the ground floor and provided an additional 2 bedrooms to the property overall. The extension was to be 12m in length and 5m in width. With an eaves height of 2.4m and an overall ridge height of 4m.
  • In addition to the extension was a single storey oak framed garage which was to be 5.77m in length and 5m in width and 3.5m in overall height.
  • There was also to be a small wood store at 1.5m in width and 2.2m in height.

Fiona Gove spoke as the applicant for the application.

The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to ask any questions of clarification, which raised no points.

The Planning Officer continued with the presentation, which clarified the points contained in section 5.8-5.15 of the report and Officers recommended refusal on the basis of those points.

The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to ask any questions of clarification which were as follows:

  • If approval was sought a water drainage scheme would be required due to site falling in flood zone 2.
  • Approval would be reconsidered if various elements were removed and the overall scale of harm was reduced or removed.
  • Various Councillors expressed that they felt the front view from the road of the existing structure with the material used would be improved by the extension with attached garage and wood store. Other Councillors suggested they felt torn and were concerned about the overall carbon footprint of the site and also that it was in flood zone 2.
  • Another Councillor commented that as it currently stood it was an over-development, however; with modifications and pre-application advice the recommendations could be different and therefore accepted should it come back to Committee.


Councillor Nick Leverton proposed the application be refused in line with officer recommendations and was seconded by Councillor Andy Goodwin. It was put to a vote and the outcome was as follows: 9 voted in favour, 2 voted against and there were 2 abstentions; therefore, the vote was carried.

The Sub-Committee Resolved to:

  1. Refuse the application on the grounds that the application by reason of its siting and scale, the development would be transformative to the dwelling house and would detract from the character of the original property and would have a negative appearance on the street scene. The proposed development would result in an incongruous overdevelopment which would have an adverse impact on the historic nature of this Grade 2 Listed Building. The proposal would result in less than substantial harm to this heritage asset, which would fail to be outweighed by the public benefits of the proposed development as per paragraph 208 of the NPPF. Consequently, the proposal would fail to comply with Policies OS2, OS4, H6, EH9 and EH11 of the West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2031, the West Oxfordshire Design Guide and advice in the NPPF.