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Agenda item

23/02297/FUL Land Adjoining Dunlaoghaire Primrose Lane


Elloise Street introduced the application for a new dwelling to replace stables and store, to create a holiday let (amended plans).




The Planning Officer drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to the following points;


  • The application was before the Sub-Committee due to Bampton Parish Council objecting to the scheme.
  • The proposed dwelling was to replace a redundant stable. The dwelling would be used as a holiday let.
  • The site was within flood zone 2.
  • The site was within the Bampton Conservation area however there were no listed buildings near the site.
  • There was a public right of way that would pass by the site, so public would be able to walk past the proposed site which is a 10 minute walk to Bampton Town Centre.


John Duff addressed the Sub-Committee in objection to the application.


Sam Smart, applicant, addressed the Sub-Committee, which raised the following points of clarification of the public right of way and its usage. Concerns were raised about the flood zone; would the foundations of the proposed dwelling be different from the barn. The applicant confirmed that the footprint for the barn and hardstanding was 100 squared metres and the proposed dwelling footprint would be smaller at 87 squared metres.


The Planning Officer continued with their presentation which clarified the following points:

·         In line with Local Plan Policy E4, the site is close to a service centre only 10 minutes from the centre of Bampton. It was advised that the current barn would not be suitable for retention.

·         The holiday let would include a condition of an 8-week time limit for letting to prevent the dwelling being used as a permanent dwelling and the Council can request records from the previous 12 months to surmount this.

·         Concerns were raised over the acoustic design, a condition has been included to provide a noise management plan.

·         There were concerns over the conservation area in which whether a dwelling-house could have potentially been in this location in the past, nevertheless, the holiday let was a high quality design and would not result in harm to the conservation area.

·         There were no objections from the Drainage Officer however the Environment Agency, EA, considered the site to be under Flood Zone 2 and the application has been assessed on this guidance.

·         A full surface drainage scheme would have to be submitted before the commencement of building the proposed dwelling, to ensure flooding would not be acerbated in this area.

·          The Planning Officer recommended the application be approved in line with the report.


The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following points:

  • Concerns that the holiday let could be used as a permanent residence – the Planning Officer confirmed that there would be a condition to ensure that the length of time a let could last was 8 weeks and records of a 12 month period could be requested to check this condition was being adhered to.
  • Concerns over the potential of flooding in the area. The Planning Officer confirmed that the applicants had submitted a flood risk assessment which considered the area to be in flood zone 1, however due to the EA mapping, the application was considered under flood Zone 2 and as a result, the pre-commencement condition is recommended.
  • The Sub-Committee asked for clarification on whether flood zone 2 was suitable to build on. The Planning Officer confirmed that as per the guidance in the NPPF the development of more vulnerable buildings such as hotels, would be acceptable in the proposed location.



Councillor Lysette Nicholls proposed that the application be deferred for a site visit. This was seconded by Councillor Julian Cooper, was put to the vote. There were 11 votes in favour and 1 abstentions. The vote was carried.


The Sub-Committee Resolved to:


Agreed a site visit on Monday 4 March at 10am.