Agenda item
23/01957/FUL Threeways, Bruern Road, Milton-under-Wychwood.
James Nelson, Planning Officer, present the application for the erection of a bungalow with detached garaging and associated works (amended plans).
Elizabeth Rendell spoke in objection to the application.
The Committee asked for clarification on the Local Neighbourhood Plan and what part of the plan was in conflict with the application. Elizabeth Rendell explained that the plan did not support the development as it was on the outskirts on the village.
Joanna Van de Poll addressed the Committee as the applicant.
The Planning Officer continued with the presentation which clarified the following points;
- The application complies with policies OS2, HI, H2, CH1 and CH2. The benefits of the application outweigh the adverse impacts;
- The application meets the housing need within the area as set out in the Local Plan;
- The application is next to the built-up area of the village and fits in with the character of the local housing, with housing set in generous plots;
- The application is for a bungalow with a height of 5.5metres and both with the garage will be set back from the road;
- The materials used would be Cotswold stone, natural slate roof, painted timer and aluminium windows and doors;
- The application would not lead to material planning harms concerning neighbourliness, highways, flooding or drainage matters;
- Planting of shrubs and plants to act to define the northern and western boundaries and act as screening, as well retaining the hedgerow along the northern boundary.
The Planning Officer recommended the application for approval.
The Vice-Chair invited the Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following clarification points;
· There was no material harm to the Cotswold National Landscape (CNL). As the application was not a larger scheme CNL was not consulted.
· The application was not in conflict with the Neighbourhood Plan as the application was for a dwelling to be build on land that joins the village. The land was considered more ‘in-fill’. The need for housing had been identified so the application was inline with policy H2.
· The location of the plot and the proposed dwelling when the Neighbourhood plan was considered. The application was in keeping with the character of the surrounding dwellings whilst not being of a dispersed nature and set alone.
· On the Landsdown development would there be the possibility that two-storey housing could overlook the development when considering neighbours. The Planning Officer confirmed that two storey housing was not located next to the proposed dwelling.
· The need for a Construction Management Plan to manage parking and security lights as there were concerns that lights might impact neighbouring properties.
· The previous application from 2014 had a significant difference in design and the application came under a different Local Plan.
Councillor Andrew Beaney asked that conditions for a Construction Management Plan and security lighting be included. The Planning Officer confirmed that Condition 11in the report covered an external lighting design strategy.
Councillor Jeff Haine proposed to approve the application as per the Officer’s recommendations in the report with an additional Condition for a Construction Management Plan to be included. This was seconded by Councillor Andrew Beaney, was put to the vote 10 for and 1 against and was approved by the Committee.
Committee Resolved to;
- Approve the application in line with Officer’s recommendations with an additional condition for a Construction Management Plan.