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Agenda item

23/0106/FUL Land West of Witney North of A40 and East of Downs Road, Curbridge.


23/0106/FUL Land West of Witney North of A40 and East of Downs Road, Curbridge.

David Ditchett, Principal Planner, introduced the application for the erection of seventy-four dwellings and associated infrastructure (amended plans). The principal planner gave a short summary from a 3rd party.

Councillor Thomas Ashby, West Oxfordshire District Council, addressed the Committee in objection to the application.

Councillor Jane Doughty, Witney Town Council, addressed the Committee in objection to the application.

The Committee asked for clarification on whether the residents had felt mislead over the building of a community hub and secondary school.

Councillor Doughty confirmed that the residents had been told by the developers that the time of the purchasing their houses that there were plans for a community hub and a secondary school to be built.

Daniel Sharp, Nexus Planning, addressed the Committee, on behalf of the applicant and in support of the application.

The Committee asked for clarification on the percentage of affordable housing, supporting services and the Section 106 contributions.

Daniel Sharp confirmed there was 40% affordable housing. The developer was in the process of agreeing the S106 contribution for the current application.

The Principal Planner continued with the presentation, which clarified the following points:

  • On 20 December 2022, Oxfordshire County Council confirmed there was no need for a secondary school. The Principal Planner brought the Committee’s attention to Page 31, point 5.3 of the report;
  • The S106 agreement would be agreed, and the final amount would be in the legal agreement;
  • There were no planning harms, and the proposal was in accordance with the development plan;
  • The recommendation from officers was to delegate back to the Officers to overcome ecology and highways objections, and to finalise the conditions and negotiate the legal agreement; 
  • The Principal Planner brought the Committee’s attention to Page 36, point 5.37 of the report, and advised that West Oxfordshire District Council were working with the developer to deliver the local centre and pavilion at Windrush Development.


The Principal Planner recommended approval of the application in line with the conditions set out in the report.

The Chair invited the Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following clarification points.

  • The Committee asked about the density of housing on the site. The Principal Planner confirmed the housing density was in keeping with the wider development in the surrounding area at 38 dwellings per hectare;
  • The Committee raised concerns about the comment from Thames Water. The Principal Planner suggested the possibility amending conditions 9 and 10 for Thames Water. There were concerns that the site would cover water mains, in this case the developer would have to work with Thames Water to move any water mains as it was not a planning issue; 
  • Would there be any provision for affordable housing to have garages. The Principal Planner confirmed that there were parking spaces provided for the affordable houses and garages were not part of planning policy;
  • Concerns were raised over the phasing of the development. The Principal Planner confirmed that the local centre and pavilion to be build were part of the separate legal agreement and the application before the Committee was a stand-alone application; 
  • The Committee highlighted concerns about the parking provision at the Pavilion. The Principal Planner confirmed that there would be 64 parking spaces allocated;
  • The Committee asked if the site was sustainable and would residents be able to walk easily to local services. The Principal Planner confirmed that site was well within the 20-minute guidance to access services when the local centre is built but currently does not meet the 20-minute guidance. There would also be public transport options that would be available in reasonably close proximity to the site;
  • The Committee asked the Principal Planner if Thames Valley Police comments would be addressed by Officers. The Principal Officer confirmed that Officers are not seeking to address these matters. However, Members could vote for Officers to address these as part of further negotiations if they wish. The Committee requested that Officers do address the Thames Valley Police comments;
  • The Committee and Principal Planner discussed amendments to conditions 9 and 10.


Councillor Lysette Nicholls proposed the application be approved in line with the Officer’s Recommendations and delegated back to Officers to approve subject to, Legal agreement to be negotiated; Address outstanding Ecology, Highways and Crime Prevention matters; and Amendments to Thames Water conditions 9 and 10. This was seconded by Councillor Andrew Prosser was put to the vote.

There were 9 votes in favour, 2 votes against and 0 abstentions. The vote carried.

The Committee Resolved to:

  1. Approve the application, in line with Officer’s Recommendations, and to delegate the application back to Officers to approve, subject to:

1.    Legal agreement to be negotiated;

2.    Address outstanding Ecology, Highways and Crime Prevention matters;

3.    Amendments to Thames Water conditions 9 and 10.