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Agenda item

Telephone Channel Access


The purpose of this report, in light of a continuous decline in demand, is to propose reduced telephone access hours to the public. This will allow focus to shift to digital channels, where demand is increasing.



That the Committee scrutinises the report and agrees any recommendations it wishes to make to the meeting of the Executive on 13 September 2023.


The Chair informed the Committee he was changing the order of the agenda, and that the Telephone Channel Access item would be heard first, the rest of the agenda order remained unchanged.

Michelle Clifford, the Business Manager Customer Services, introduced the Telephone Channel Access Report.

The Business Manager Customer Services summarised the report, highlighting the following points:

  • There has been an increase in digital use of services;
  • There had been a decline in telephone call volumes received after 2pm, especially on Wednesdays;
  • Staffing capacity to be increased over lunchtime to meet demand;
  • Trial to begin late October (subject to approval), reducing telephone opening hours by closing lines at 2pm;
  • Communications to the public to be managed by the Communications Department;
  • Trial to last between 3-6 months;
  • Some staff to operate from 2pm in other services;
  • Some staff have asked to reduce their hours, if the trial is successful;
  • Staff will get opportunities to learn new skills in other areas of the business after 2pm;
  • Trial will be monitored and reviewed;
  • Face to Face Service to remain at 9am to 5pm at the Welsh Way office in Witney;


The Business Manager for Customer Services concluded that Homelessness, Dangerous Structures and Election callers would receive a redirection message.

The Chair thanked the Business Manager for Customer Services and asked Members is they had any questions on the trail proposed.

Members of the Committee explored the following issues:


  • Redeployment of staff from 2pm to back offices;
  • Back office backlogs, which would be reduced through the redeployment of staff;
  • Data to backup the decrease in incoming calls;
  • Risk areas were identified as being Homelessness, Dangerous Structures and Elections (during the run up to electoral events);
  • Out of hours monitoring;
  • Staff numbers affected – 7.9 full time equivalent posts;
  • There would be a weekly review of the trial;
  • The trial period would last 3-6 months;
  • Monitoring of emails and complaints;
  • Councillors’ feedback;
  • The need for clear communications;
  • Savings and reinvestment.


Following the debate, the Chair Councillor Alaa Al-Yousuf, introduced the Interim Chief Finance and Section 151 Officer, James Howse, to the Committee.

The Interim Chief Finance Officer informed the Committee that innovations like the Telephone Access trail was crucial for generating savings.

Councillors were keen to see the data evidence to back up the fall in telephone demand after 2pm.

The Business Manager for Customer Services confirmed that following the meeting, Councillors would be sent the full data via email and be regularly contacted for feedback during the trial period. 


The Chair reminded the Committee of the recommendation within the report, which were for Cabinet to agree.


  1. Agree the reduced telephone access hours on a trial basis, with effect from Monday 16th October 2023, and
  2. Receive a further report, detailing the findings and recommendations from the trail, to an Executive meeting in the first quarter of 2024/25.


Councillor Michael Brooker proposed to support the recommendations within the report.

Councillor Elizabeth Poskitt seconded the proposal, which was duly put to the vote and was carried.

Councillor Michele Mead voted against the proposal.


The Committee Resolved to support the recommendations to Cabinet in the report, which were to:


  1. Agree the reduced telephone access hours on a trial basis, with effect from Monday 16th October 2023, and
  2. Receive a further report, detailing the findings and recommendations from the trail, to an Executive meeting in the first quarter of 2024/25.


Supporting documents: