Agenda item
Applications for Development
To consider applications for development, details of which are set out in the attached schedule.
That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendations of the Business Manager – Development Management.
Page |
Application No. |
Address |
Planning Officer |
11-31 |
22/01908/FUL |
Land South West Of Chapel Lane, Standlake. |
David Ditchett |
32-47 |
22/03548/FUL |
The Bell Inn Langford |
Esther Hill
48-55 |
Manor Farm Cottage Broughton Poggs |
Clare Anscombe |
56-60 |
23/00566/LBC |
Manor Farm Cottage Broughton Poggs |
Clare Anscombe |
The Chair, Councillor Michael Brooker, advised the Committee that the final 2 applications for development listed on the agenda, 23/00565/HHD and 23/00566/LBC, would be presented together, and that there would be separate votes for each application.
22/01908/FUL Land South West of Chapel Lane, Standlake.
David Ditchett, Principal Planner, presented the application for the erection of a detached 4-bedroom dwelling with integral double garage and related landscaping and adapted entrance point.
The Principal Planner confirmed that an email had been received at 1.20pm on the afternoon of the meeting from the applicant’s agent withdrawing the application, therefore it would not be considered by the Committee. The Principal Planner stated that the application would not be decided by the LPA, owing to its withdrawal, and a letter would be placed on the file for the public to view.
22/03548/FUL The Bell Inn, Langford.
David Ditchett, Principal Planner, presented the application for the instalment of replacement packaged sewage treatment plant and associated engineering operations.
The Principal Planner drew the Committee’s attention to the Additional Representations Report which highlighted the submission of amended drawings after the date of the agenda’s publication.
The Principal Planner further stated there would be a period of re-consultation, which meant the application was not considered by Members at the meeting. The Principal Planner confirmed that Langford Parish Council’s concerns had been addressed and that they no longer objected to the development.
The application was not envisaged to come before a future Lowlands Planning Area Sub-Committee and would be determined under delegated powers once the consultation period had expired. The Principal Planner confirmed that this was subject to change, and that officers would update Members accordingly if appropriate.
23/00565/HHD and 23/00566/LBC Manor Farm Cottage, Broughton Poggs.
Clare Anscombe, Senior Planner, introduced the applications in a combined presentation, for replacement fencing and gates (part-retrospective) (amended plans). The Senior Planning Officer’s presentation clarified the following points:
- The lowering of gates to the same height as the fence and the stonewall;
- Climbing plants replaced those removed and which on growth will help to screen the fence;
- Design of the fencing would be comparable with the fencing used previously;
- The proposed development would lead to less than substantial harm to the significance of the Listed Building and Conservation Area. However in the view of Officers, this harm would be outweighed by public benefits, including an increased sense of security, biodiversity and economic benefits to the local economy, from the installation of the fencing work by professional tradesmen.
The Chair invited the Committee to discuss the application, which raised a clarification point regarding the fence being kept as the same height as the pre-existing fence.
23/00565/HHD Manor Farm Cottage, Broughton Poggs.
Councillor Andrew Prosser proposed that the application be approved, in line with Officer Recommendations. This was seconded by Councillor Colin Dingwall, was put to the vote and was unanimously approved by the Committee.
Committee Resolved to:
- Approve the application in line with the Officer recommendations.
23/00566/LBC Manor Farm Cottage, Broughton Poggs.
Councillor Andrew Prosser proposed that the application be approved, in line with Officer Recommendations. This was seconded by Councillor Colin Dingwall, was put to the vote and was unanimously approved by the Committee.
Committee Resolved to:
- Approve the application in line with the Officer recommendations.
Supporting documents:
- Committee_Schedule August 14th 2023, item 22. PDF 414 KB
- Late Reps 14th August 2023_, item 22. PDF 251 KB