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Agenda item

Applications for Development


To consider applications for development, details of which are set out in the attached schedule.



That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendations of the Business Manager – Development Management.



Application No.


Planning Officer



Land East Of Worton Road

Middle Barton

Stephanie Eldridge



The Chapel 6A Shipton Road Ascott Under Wychwood

Chipping Norton

James Nelson



Broadstone Farm Ditchley Road Charlbury

Chipping Norton

Sarah Hegerty



Mill House Hotel Station Road Kingham

Chipping Norton

Stephanie Eldridge




The Chair confirmed the revised order of applications to be heard as below.


22/03311/FUL Mill House Hotel, Station Road, Kingham.


Phil Shaw, Business Manager for Development and Sustainability introduced the application for the redevelopment of the Mill House Hotel site to provide a 38 bedrooms hotel and ancillary facilities including restaurant, alehouse, reception/ bake house and demonstrated barn. Associated provision of parking, landscaping and reinstatement of the former mill leat (Amended plans and information received).


James Roberts spoke in support of the application.


The Councillors asked for the verbal update referring to the committee report page 80 point 5.57.  James Roberts confirmed that they would be happy to have a condition on the Surface Water Drainage.


Phil Shaw continued with his presentation and clarified the following points;


·         The applicant had agreed to £20,000 financial contribution towards the parish council’s improvements to the village hall and sports pavilion

·         The County Council have raised objections due to highways and drainage details however the applicant has submitted and  addressed these issues. The County Highways officer will need to confirm agreement in writing.

·         Final drainage details are also almost ready to be submitted.

·         The application was no longer considered a major development as per the previous application,  following the applicant seeking pre-application discussions.

·         The impact on AONB was not affected due to the an original hotel being there. The addition of holiday cottages would be along the boundary of the site in an area that was previously approved for development.

·         Heritage aspects – the building is not a listed building however the site falls in the Kingham Conservation Area. The mill leat will be restored. The proposed new development’ character and appearance will be preserved and possibly enhanced.

·         The site is within walking distance to the local pub and railway station. The is also a local farm shop within walking distance and the hotel will offer a free electric shuttle bus to and from the station. Sustainable forms of travel to the site will be encouraged. There are no objections from Highways.

·         The Council’s Ecologist Officer confirmed there will be a net gain in biodiversity in the planting proposed.


Phil Shaw concluded the that planners recommended approval as per the officers report subject to confirmation on the drainage details and Highways formally removing their objections, with any other conditions from the County Council and the Section 106 agreement being signed to agree the financial contributions as set out in the report.


Councillor Alaa Al-Yousuf joined the meeting in the Chambers at 2.15pm.


The Chair invited the councillors to discuss the application which raised the following points:


·         Asked for clarification regarding the environment agency and concerns around sewage referring to the Windrush Against Sewage Pollution (WASP) letter that had been submitted.

·         60 MPH speed limit being moved due to pedestrians accessing the railway station and an extension to the pavement near railway bridge.

·         Concerns about the sewage infrastructure and capacity and if there could be a condition to deal with comments from Thames Water.

·         Welcomed the proposal as the hotel site would be developed and restored.


Phil Shaw confirmed that there was not a reason for refusal when considering the letter from WASP.

Phil Shaw confirmed that the speed limit and access along the road were issues that could be raised with the County Council and could be covered in the conditions. There could be a condition added for officers to be delegated to deal with the legal aspects of sewage and Thames Water.


Councillor Andrew Beaney proposed approval as per officers recommendations to the original report. Councillor Jeff Haine seconded this proposal which was put to the vote and carried. The vote was unanimous. Councillor Al-Yousuf did not vote due to arriving late to the meeting.


Committee Resolved to:


1.     Approve the application as per the officers recommendations with additional conditions:

·         Urbanising of footpath along Green Lane

·         Move the 60 mph speed limit moved further out of the village.

·         Filling the gap by the railway bridge

  • Officers having delegated authority to assess any Thames Water comments and legal aspects of sewage issues.


Councillor Beaney asked that the Construction Environmental Management Plan be shared with the Parish Council.


Phil Shaw left the Chamber at 2.34pm.


22/02947/OUT Land East of Worton Road, Middle Barton.


Abby Fettes, Development Manager, introduced the application for outline planning for development for up to 28 dwellings, vehicular access, green infrastructure including landscaping, and related drainage and other infrastructure works, (all matters reserved other than access from Worton Road).


Abby Fettes gave a verbal update of the additional representations. The County Council have removed their objection in relation to drainage subject to imposition to surface water drainage conditions.  The applicant has submitted a statement addressing the objection raised by the County Council regarding minerals and waste, this concluded that there was no potentially viable mineral resource present at the site or within the vicinity of the site. The applicant has submitted statement which disagrees with the landscape assessment within the officers report. The ecologist  has considered the biodiversity information submitted and has raised a further objection as there are discrepancies between the submitted biodiversity net gain assessment report and the net gain metric submitted.


Councillor Jane McRobie, representing the Middle Barton Parish Council addressed the committee. A copy of her speech is attached to the original copy of the minutes.


Peter Frampton, agent for the applicant spoke in support of the application. A copy of his speech is attached to the original copy of the minutes.


Abby Fettes continued with the presentation of the application with attention to the following points:

·         History of previous applications of the site.

·         Limited development due to the size of the village which respects the local character of the village.

·         The potential residents would have to rely on private cars as there is a limited bus service which would affect the sustainability of the development.

·         Due to the vicinity of the site the development would be pushed out into the local country side and would look out of place. The development would give the area an urbanised character.

·         Lack of surveys for protected species.

·         Accessibility of potential residents to amenities.

·         There were no technical objections from the County Council subject to conditions and Section 106 contributions.

·         The application proposed 28 dwellings of which 50% would be affordable however the demonstrable harms would not be outweighed by the low level development.


Abby Fettes concluded that planners advised refusal as per the officers recommendations in the committee report.


The Chair invited the councillors to discuss the application which raised the following points:


·         Considered the need for affordable housing in the village and influx of people moving in from outside the area.

·         The development is outside the curtilage of the village

·         Concerns about accessing the village due to narrow roads and increase in private vehicle use and potential parking problems.

·         If there was a site visit it would give an idea of the visual impact of the site


Councillor David Jackson proposed a site visit, this was seconded by Councillor Geoff Saul which was put to the vote and carried.



Committee Resolved to

1.    Site visit on Thursday 30th March 2023 at 9.30am.


The Chair reiterated the importance of attending site visits and when proposed, voted on and organised.


22/03160/FUL Broadstone Farm, Ditchley Road, Charlbury, Chipping Norton.


Sarah Hegerty, Planner, introduced the application for proposed alterations and change of use of barn to a dwelling, landscaping works and associated operations.


Alex Cresswell the agent, spoke in support of the application. A copy of his speech is attached to the original copy of the minutes.


The Councillors asked for clarification on surrounding developments near the site, including a property which had been recently converted. Alex Cresswell confirmed that the site has continuous developments along the Ditchley road into Charlbury. The recent property was replaced by a more appropriate design.


Sarah Hegerty continued with the presentation of the application and with attention to the following points:


·         The proposed application would change the characteristics of the setting due to being in the open countryside and therefore rural. 

·         Within the application the land is confirmed as agricultural

·         CH1 neighbourhood plan covered if the application would meet a specific housing need. No information had been submitted to cover this.

·         In relation to policy E3 the current building is modern and not considered to be worthy of retention or conversion and as such is not a traditional building in form or materials.

·         The Conservation Officer has objected in terms of harms to the conservation area having a deleterious impact on the historical character of the  area and would be very conspicuous in a very rural landscape.

·         The garage would be situated near the road and would have an impact on the street scene.


Sarah Hegerty concluded that planners advised refusal as per the officers recommendations in the committee report.


The Chair invited the councillors to discuss the application which raised the following points:


·         The councillors were in agreement with the officers recommendations

·         It was felt that there was an impact on the character of the site and the street scene

·         The application was not a traditional build and therefore was not in keeping with the surroundings.


Councillor Jeff Haine proposed refusal as per officers recommendations to the original report. Councillor Alex Wilson seconded this proposal which was put to the vote and carried.


Committee Resolved to:


1.    Refuse the application as per the officers recommendations in the committee report.


22/03129/FUL The Chapel 6A Shipton Road, Ascott under Wychwood, Chipping Norton.


The Chair confirmed that there was a visit to the site and reminded the committee the importance of attending the site visits when they are organised.


Senior Planning Officer James Nelson, introduced the application for the conversion of existing dwelling to form three holiday lets.


James Nelson brought the committee’s attention to the following points;


·         Tourist facilities are near the proposed dwellings and meets the criteria of policy E4 Local Plan

·         The proposed use of the holiday lets would result in a positive contribution to local services and facilities.

·         The proposed holiday lets provide satisfactory living accommodation and is alongside The Swan public house and should be considered a community facility and the holiday lets will run in conjunction with The Swan public house,

·         There will no impact to the street scene or the AONB.

·         Addressed members concerns over the parking. Parking would be reliant on existing 5 parking spaces and the adjacent street. Further consultation with Highways resulted in no objections.


James Nelson concluded that planners advised approval as per the officers recommendations in the committee report.


The Chair invited the councillors to discuss the application which raised the following points:


·         Councillors were in agreement with comments from Highways concerning parking on the street

·         Agreed that the application was a positive way to support The Swan public house, bringing economic benefits to the area as well as the public house.

·         Queried holiday let and the length of a holiday let and could a condition be added. James Nelson gave an example of a previous application with a condition on and explained that the condition was not necessary as the holiday lets’ use would be in conjunction with The Swan public house.



Councillor Andrew Beaney  proposed approval as per officers recommendations to the original report. Councillor Jeff Haine seconded this proposal which was put to the vote and carried. The vote was unanimous.



Committee Resolved to:


1.    Approve the application as per the officers recommendations within the committee report with an informative for The Swan public house inform holiday let users of the parking constraints and to avoid blocking neighbour’s access





Supporting documents: