Agenda item
Recommendations from the Executive (formerly Cabinet) to Council
To consider recommendations made to Council by the Executive, since its meeting on 16 November 2022.
That Council:
1. Consider the recommendations made by the Executive.
Councillor Andy Graham, Leader of the Council, introduced the report which was to consider and approve recommendations made to Council by the Executive, since its meeting on 16 November 2022. Councillor Graham advised Council that Councillor Dan Levy, Executive Member for Finance, would propose the first recommendation from the Cabinet meeting of 16 November 2022, whilst Councillor Geoff Saul, Executive Member for Housing and Social Welfare, would propose recommendations two and three. Councillor Graham further advised that he would be seconding both proposals.
The three decisions that were recommended by the Executive to be adopted by Council, were detailed within Annex A of the main Agenda Item report.
Councillor Michele Mead rose to query if there was a specific reason why both the 2023/34 Budget and Council Tax were not listed as recommendations from the Executive, but noted that they were Agenda items at the meeting, and that this had been seen as a traditional working practice previously.
After consultation with the Monitoring Officer, the Chair stated that this is not required constitutionally, but that the points were noted for future reference.
Councillor Ben Woodruff rose to query the recent name change of the Executive, from Cabinet. Councillor Graham responded stating that it was owing to a recommendation made to Council by the Constitution Working Group.
Councillor Levy introduced the first recommendation from the meeting of Cabinet on 16 November 2022, in which Cabinet resolved to recommend to Council that approval be given to approve the increase to income bands, as detailed within paragraph 2.5, from 1 April 2023.
This was proposed by Councillor Levy and seconded by Councillor Graham. The recommendation was put to a vote and was unanimously agreed by Council.
The second and third recommendations were introduced by Councillor Saul from the meeting of the Executive on 8 February 2023, in which the Executive resolved to recommend to Council to allocate Capital Funding of £2m to match fund the capital grant payable by Department for Levelling Up, Communities and Local Government in the event of a direct acquisition approach, and further resolved to recommend to Council to allocate Section 106 funding to support the business case up to a maximum of £40,000 per unit to gap fund the scheme to deliver affordable rents in the event of a direct acquisition approach.
This was proposed by Councillor Saul and seconded by Councillor Graham. The recommendations were put to a vote and was unanimously agreed by Council.
Council Resolved to:
1. Approve the recommendations made by the Executive:
· Cabinet resolved to recommend to Council that approval be given to approve the increase to income bands, as detailed within paragraph 2.5, from 1 April 2023 – 16 November 2022;
· Executive resolves to recommend to Council to allocate Capital Funding of £2m to match fund the capital grant payable by Department for Levelling Up, Communities and Local Government in the event of a direct acquisition approach – 8 February 2023.
· Executive resolves to recommend to Council to allocate Section 106 funding to support the business case up to a maximum of £40,000 per unit to gap fund the scheme to deliver affordable rents in the event of a direct acquisition approach – 8 February 2023.
Supporting documents:
WODC Report - Council 15 Feb 2023 - Recommendations from Executive, item CL.59
15 Feb 23 - Council - Recommendations from Executive - Annex, item CL.59