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Agenda item

Applications for Development


To consider applications for development, details of which are set out in the attached schedule.


That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendations of the Business Manager – Development Management.



Application No.


Planning Officer



The Granary Jericho Farm



Darcey Whitlock




Land (E) 438738 (N) 212506 Witney Road

North Leigh

Joan Desmond




46A Market Square


Esther Hill




46A Market Square


Esther Hill




Carterton Football Club  Swinbrook Road


Elloise Street




Cuckoo Pen Farm Westwell


David Ditchett




112 Brize Norton Road Minster Lovell

David Ditchett







The Chair announced that application 22/02956/FUL had been withdrawn from the agenda, and that the second application 22/02498/OUT would be heard first.


22/02498/OUT Land (E) 438738 (N) 212506 Witney Road

The Principal Planner Joan Desmond, introduced the application for the erection of up to 55 dwellings with access off Akeman Road, together with creation of new areas of open space, landscaping and all enabling and ancillary works (Outline planning application all matters reserved except access).

The Principal Planner brought members attention to the late representation report, which refers to WODC (Sports) no comments received and a correction on the original report, that the end sentence of paragraph 5.67 to be deleted.

There was also a very late, amended comments submission, received from Thames Water regarding insufficient capacity and planners were recommending a new condition to be added to the application.

Councillor Harry St John spoke as a Ward Councillor.

The following points of clarification were raised and discussed by Councillors:


              Blenheim Palace site not within the Parish

Councillor Sarah Veasey spoke on behalf of the Parish Council.

Paul Slater spoke on behalf of the applicant.

The following points of clarification were raised and discussed

by Councillors:

              Wide mixture of homes to be built

              Willingness to enter detailed discussions in relation to S106 matters

              Cycle path

              Economics of local employment from Rectory homes

Copies of the available speeches of those that addressed the Committee, are attached to the original copy of the minutes.

The Principal Planner continued with the presentation, summarising that balancing all considerations, officers were recommending that the application be provisionally approved.

The Chair invited Councillors to discuss the application which raised the following

concerns and issues:

              S106 contribution to cycle path – further information requirement

              Management and maintenance of site post build


              Energy efficiency measures

              Crime and Design concerns raised in the Police comments

              Thames Water involvement and additional condition – further information requirement

              Biodiversity net gain

              Local housing needs versus housing being built – further information requirement

              Clarification of transfer of MUGA

The Principal Planner assured members that additional Informatives and Conditions can be placed on the application which should ensure detailed requirements are captured.

Councillor Brooker proposed deferral of the application for extra information gathering, this was seconded by Councillor Woodruff, was voted on and was defeated.

The Chair Councillor Langridge, proposed provisional approval of application with extra Condition and Informative, as per officer’s recommendation, this was seconded by Councillor Eaglestone, was voted on and was carried.

Committee Resolved to:

Provisionally approve the application as per officer’s recommendation in the original report with the following additional condition:

No development shall be occupied until confirmation has been provided that all sewage works upgrades required to accommodate the additional flows from the development - which is currently scheduled for completion in March 2025 - have been completed.

REASON: This is a result of Sewage Treatment Upgrades, which are likely to be required to accommodate the proposed development. Any upgrade works identified will be necessary in order to avoid sewage flooding and/or potential pollution incidents.

Members also requested an additional informative relating to Secure by Design principles and the S106 discussions to include land transfer for the MUGA to the Parish Council and cycle/footpath contribution.


22/02137/HHD The Granary, Jericho Farm, Worton, Witney

The Principal Planner David Ditchett, introduced the application for a proposed basement extension, replacing existing timber framed windows and doors, with new double glazed metal framed windows and doors, changing one of the south facing ground floor windows to a door set and raise adjoining windows. The west facing old dairy wing elevation, to have timber cladding finish in-between French doors replaced with a natural Cotswold stone finish (previously approved).

The Principal Planner brought members attention to the late representation report which includes comments from the Council’s drainage engineer and five additional objection comments from three addresses which had been submitted.

Vincent Carpenter spoke as an objector to the application.

The following points of clarification were raised and discussed by Councillors:

·         Vincent Carpenter confirmed he was a chartered civil engineer when asked

·         Risks to both courtyards

·         Side road ditches clearance by neighbour

·         Drainage

·         Foundation movement

·         Unground water – streams

·         Flooding on two occasions over 20 years

·         Ground water

·         Age of buildings

Dr Stephen Buss spoke on behalf of the applicant, in support of the application.

The following points of clarification were raised and discussed by Councillors:

·         Surface water

·         Ground water

Copies of the available speeches of those that addressed the Committee, are attached to the original copy of the minutes.

The Chair asked if additional conditions could be placed on the application.

The Principal Planner confirmed that pre-commencement conditions are in place on the application.

The Principal Planner continued with the presentation and referred Members to condition 6 on the report. Members were advised to rely on the Council’s independent experts to advise the Council, and that drainage would be controlled by pre-commencement conditions that require details to be agreed by the Council’s specialist officers, before work can begin on site. The Principal Planner explained the history of the application, the most recent submissions by the applicant and neighbours, the resolution of Members on January 4th, the most recent drainage officer comment, and the risks of continuing to request details that can be supplied via a condition discharge application. The Principal Planner confirmed that officer recommendation is to grant permission, subject to the conditions set out in the Committee Report. 

The Chair invited Councillors to discuss the application which raised the following

concerns and issues:

·         Flood risk

·         Lack of foundations

·         Aqua flow

·         Drainage report

·         Drainage plan

·         Underpinning


Councillor Fenton proposed approval as recommended by officer’s in the original report. This was seconded by Councillor Poskitt, was voted on and was carried.

Councillor Goodwin voted against the application and requested his vote be on record.

Committee Resolved to:

Provisionally approve the application as per officer’s recommendation in the original report.


22/02853/FUL 46A Market Square, Witney

The Planning Officer Esther Hill introduced the application for the renovation and refurbishment of existing outbuilding and extension to create a one and half storey three bedroom house with associated amenity area and two car parking spaces.

The Planning Officer brought members attention to the late representation report, which included an amended version of drawing, that had been submitted and uploaded to the application file. The submission of this amended drawing was to correct a discrepancy on the site plan, which showed the incorrect length of the proposed cross gable extension.

Jo Druce-Harding spoke as the applicant.

The Chair allowed the speaker to address both applications 22/02853/FUL and 22/02854/LBC at the same time in one speech.

The following points of clarification were raised and discussed by Councillors:

·         Wall material

·         Roof tiles

·         Business and home usage

The Planning Officer continued with the presentation concluding that officer’s recommendation was to refuse the application as set out in the original report.

The Chair invited Councillors to discuss the application which raised the following

concerns and issues:

·         Listed building

·         Look of the building

·         Town Council comments

·         Little had changed since last application

·         Lack of pre-application engagement as last advised by Members

David Ditchett, Principal Planner reminded Members of the statutory requirement of Members for assessing applications that effect heritage assets. Explaining that the public benefit test as set out in paragraph 202 of the NPPF should be applied.

Councillor Dingwall proposed approval against the officer’s recommendation, this was seconded by Councillor Maynard, was voted on and was defeated.

Councillor Poskitt proposed refusal as per officer’s recommendation, this was seconded by Councillor Eaglestone, was voted on and was carried.

Committee Resolved to:

Refuse the application as per officer’s recommendation in the original report.



22/02854/LBC 46A Market Square, Witney

The Planning Officer Esther Hill introduced the application for internal and external alterations to renovate and refurbish existing outbuilding and extension, to create a one and half storey three bedroom house with associated amenity area and two car parking spaces.

The Planning Officer brought members attention to the late representation report, which included an amended version of drawing that had been submitted and uploaded to the application file. The submission of this amended drawing was to correct a discrepancy on the site plan, which showed the incorrect length of the proposed cross gable extension.

Jo Druce-Harding spoke as the applicant.

The Planning Officer continued with the presentation concluding that officer’s recommendation was to refuse the application as set out in the original report.

Councillor Poskitt proposed refusal as per officer’s recommendation, this was seconded by Councillor Eaglestone, was voted on and was carried.

Committee Resolved to:

Refuse the application as per officer’s recommendation in the original report.

Councillors urged the applicant to seek advice from the planners as they thought that there could be a solution.


22/02956/FUL Carterton Football Club, Swinbrook Road, Carterton


This application was withdrawn from the agenda before the meeting started.


The Chair announced a five minute comfort break at 4:25pm.

Councillor Dan Levy left the meeting.


The meeting resumed at 4:30pm.


22/03048/FUL Cuckoo Pen Farm, Westwell, Burford

The Principal Planner David Ditchett introduced the application for re siting of existing spoil mound to form associated landscaping for Tymure House.

Duncan Hartley had submitted a statement on behalf of the applicant, which was read out by the Democratic Services Officer. A copy of the statement is attached to the original copy of the minutes.

The Principal Planner continued with the presentation, concluding that officer’s recommendation was to approve the application.

The Chair invited Councillors to discuss the application which raised the following concerns and issues:




           History of the site


Councillor Eaglestone proposed approval as per officer’s recommendation, this was seconded by Councillor Brooker, was voted on and was carried unanimously.

Committee Resolved to:

Approve the application as per officer’s recommendation in the original report.


22/03152/FUL 112 Brize Norton Road, Minster Lovell, Witney

The Principal Planner David Ditchett introduced the application for the erection of a detached dwelling and associated works, concluding that officer’s recommendation was to approve the application.

The Chair invited Councillors to discuss the application which raised the following

concerns and issues:

·         Parish Council comments

·         Location of the bins storage

The Principal Planner confirmed that a condition placed on the application would address the bins storage.

Councillor Nicholls proposed approval as per officer’s recommendation, this was seconded by Councillor Fenton, was voted on and was carried unanimously.

Committee Resolved to:

Approve the application as per officer’s recommendation in the original report with an additional condition:

Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby approved, details of the location and design of the bin store shall be submitted to the Council for approval. The bin store shall be constructed in accordance with the agreed details prior to the first occupation of the development and shall be retained as such thereafter.

REASON: To safeguard the character and appearance of the area and in the interests of the convenience and efficiency of waste storage and collection.

Supporting documents: