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Agenda item

Applications for Development


To consider applications for development, details of which are set out in the attached schedule.


That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendations of the Business Manager – Development Management.



Application No.


Planning Officer


15 - 59



Land South East Of

Oxford Hill




Joan Desmond



60 - 70



The Granary

Jericho Farm




OX29 4SZ


Darcey Whitlock





20/02654/OUT Land South of Oxford Hill, Witney


Joan Desmond, Principal Planner introduced the application for outlined planning application (with all matters reserved except access) for the erection of up to 450 dwellings together with associated open space and green infrastructure (amended). The principal planner referred to the additional representation report which highlighted the following points:


·         Revised plans.

·         Letter from agent to be brought to the attention of the committee.

·         For the committee to consider deferring the application to allow more time to resolve outstanding issues.

·         To consult with highways.

·         To enable the application to be brought back to the committee.


The committee discussed the deadline and asked for clarification on the point of non-determination. The principal planner advised that whilst the January deadline for the application had been agreed with the agent, this was not now realistic given the intention to further amend the application.  A further agreement to extend the period of time for determination would allow the application to be reported to a later Committee.  .


Councillor Fenton proposed that the application be deferred,. This was seconded by Councillor Alaric Smith. This was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.


Resolved the application was deferred to allow for consideration of new information and revised plans and to allow the applicant to engage with Officers, including OCC Highways, to try and resolve S106 matters.



22/02137/HHD The Granary, Jericho Farm, Worton, Witney.


David Ditchett, Principal Planner, introduced the application for a proposed basement extension, which would replace existing timber framed windows and doors with new double glazed metal framed windows and doors. This would also see a change to one of the south facing ground floor windows into a door set and raise adjoining windows. The west facing old diary wing elevation would also have a timber cladding finish in-between French doors replaced with a natural Cotswold stone finish (previously approved 21/03845/HDD).


A statement was read out by Frances Sunderland, in objection to the application. A copy of this statement submission is attached to the original copy of the minutes.


The principal planner continued with the presentation confirming that there had been no objections to the previous application. As part of the application before the committee there were conditions to cover a Construction Environmental Management Plan and a surface water / ground water drainage plan. The principal planner concluded that the planners advised approval as per the recommendations in the report.



The Chair invited the committee to discuss the application which raised the following concerns and issues:



·         Flood history and risk levels.

·         Flood risk and impact on the site and surrounding area.

·         Time and costs of referral and refusal at a later date.

·         Risk of delaying application.

·         Engineering solutions to flooding.

·         Concerns around monitoring work, especially regarding conditions 4 and 6.



Councillor Maynard proposed that the application be deferred. This was seconded by Councillor Goodwin This was put to the vote and was carried.


Resolved. The application was deferred to enable the applicant to provide the details required for Condition 6 to be dealt with before the decision is issued.

Supporting documents: