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Agenda item

Applications for Development


To consider applications for development, details of which are set out in the attached schedule.


That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendations of the Business Manager – Development Management.


Page No.

Application No.


Planning Officer

11 - 27



1 Rye Grass Woodstock

Joan Desmond

28 – 36


Netherby Farm

Banbury Road


Chipping Norton

James Nelson

37 - 46


Glyme Bank Lidstone

Chipping Norton

James Nelson

47 - 51


Cumbrae Church Road, Milton Under Wychwood

Chipping Norton

Emile Baldauf-Clark




22/01768/FUL 1 Rye Grass Woodstock

The Principal Planner, Joan Desmond, introduced the application for the demolition of existing retirement dwellings. Construction of 37 new replacement age restricted. Apartment units, contained in 4 new apartment blocks, together with associated works, amenity spaces and parking (Amended).

The Principal Planner brought members attention to the late representation report and the late letter received. The late letter in summary reiterated the previous letter, including overlooking, privacy loss and requesting members visit the site during school commuting hours. The Principal Planner added that conditions 12 and 14 deal with noise during and after construction.

Councillor Julian Cooper, speaking as a ward Councillor, concluded that he thought a site visit was worthwhile, especially at the beginning or at the end of the day.

The following points of clarification were raised following Councillor Cooper’s address to the Committee:

  • Reasons and policies for suggested site visit
  • Height and aspects of the proposed build


Giles Brockbank of Ridge and Partners LLP (Limited Liability Partnership), spoke on behalf of the applicant, in support of the application.

The following points of clarification were raised with the applicant spokesperson and discussed by Councillors:

  • Objections put forward from Thames Valley Police that had been addressed
  • Existing site unviability to new site being sustainable
  • Fit for purpose, modern standards and sustainable construction methods
  • Mobility scooters storage
  • Lifts
  • Demolition phases
  • Bin storage and kerbside collection
  • Construction following latest building regulations
  • Efficient heating solutions that are cost viable
  • Grey water recycling
  • Juliet balconies


Copies of the speeches of those that addressed the Committee are attached to the original copy of the minutes.

14:30 Councillor Graham left the meeting.

The Principal Planner continued with the presentation showing photographs of the site, concluding that planners advised approval of the application as per recommendations in the original report.

Following the presentation, the Chair Councillor Poskitt proposed a site visit, this was seconded by Councillor Jackson, was put to the vote and was unanimously carried.

Resolved application was deferred for a site visit to assess the privacy concerns.

The site visit was set for Thursday 2 February at 09:30am.


22/02330/FUL Netherby Farm, Banbury Road. Swerford, Chipping Norton

The Senior Planner, James Nelson, introduced the application for change of use of land to allow for two bell tents and an amenity block for glamping (part retrospective).

14:37 Councillor Cooper left the meeting.

Jeremy Sealey spoke as the applicant, in support of the application.

The following queries and points of clarification were raised with the applicant and discussed by Councillors:

  • Scale and size of the farm, 3 fields and 34 acres
  • Glamping tents distance from the farm house
  • Redundant farm buildings
  • Use of the Glamping tent throughout or part of year
  • Ablutions
  • Septic tank
  • Solar panel electrical provision and generator
  • Walkway lighting


Copies of the speeches of those that addressed the Committee are attached to the original copy of the minutes.

The Senior Planner continued with the presentation, concluding that planners advisedapproval of the application as per recommendations in the original report.

The Chair invited Councillors to discuss the application which raised the following

concerns and issues:

  • Residential mobile home use on site and enforcement of termination
  • Enforcement to remove the rubble hill that has accumulated on site
  • Realistic income predictions
  • Loss of roadside vision
  • Age restrictions legal or condition
  • Objection from Parish Council
  • Extra condition to limit to glamping
  • Extra condition to return site to field if glamping removed


The Senior Planner informed the committee that residential mobile home was not part of this application and not relevant. Enforcement Team were responsible for enforcement for removal of spoil.

Following the discussions Councillor Saul proposed approval of the application, as per the officers recommendation in the original report, with an extra condition. This was seconded by Councillor Poole, was put to the vote and was carried.

Resolved application was approved as per the officers recommendation in the original report, with an additional condition: The glamping use hereby approved shall be carried out in association with the operation of the agricultural unit known as ‘Netherby Farm’ and not as a standalone glamping operation. Should commercial farming operations at Netherby Farm cease or the land cease to be used for glamping purposes for any reason whatsoever, the two bell tents, amenity block and any other chattels shall be removed from the land in their entirety within 3 months of the cessation of the use.

REASON: The proposed use is justified on the basis of a farm diversification scheme rather than a standalone use.


22/02693/FUL Glyme Bank Lidstone, Chipping Norton

15:04 The Chair, Councillor Poskitt, and Councillors Beaney & Wilson left the room whilst this application was being addressed. The Vice-Chair, Councillor Poole became Chair for this application.

The Senior Planner, James Nelson, introduced the application for an erection of a detached building to provide storage, garaging and first floor ancillary living

accommodation and associated works. The Senior Planner drew Councillors attention to the fact that the application was assessing the original floor plans.

Michael Baggaley spoke as the applicant, in support of the application, stating that plans were never amended.

The following queries and points of clarification were raised by Councillors:

  • Clarity of use of storage how much was storage and garage space
  • Ancillary accommodation number of rooms
  • Ancillary dwelling and secondary dwelling
  • Unsustainable area


Copies of the speeches of those that addressed the Committee are attached to the original copy of the minutes.

The Senior Planner continued with the presentation, concluding that planners advised refusal of the application as per recommendations in the original report.

The Chair invited Councillors to discuss the application which raised the following

concerns and issues:

  • Size of the dwelling
  • Future of property could it be sold off, clarity
  • Unsustainable location
  • Ancillary building versus separate building


Following the discussions, Councillor Jackson proposed approval which was against officer’s recommendation, in the original report. This was seconded by Councillor Arciszewska and was put to the vote. The vote failed by four votes.

Councillor Haine proposed refusal as recommended by officers in the original report, this was seconded by Councillor Cahill, was put to the vote and was carried. 

Resolved application was refused as per the officer’s recommendation in the original report.


22/03093/HHD Cumbrae Church Road, Milton Under Wychwood, Chipping Norton

Councillors Beaney, Wilson and Poskitt returned to the meeting.

Councillor Poskitt resumed the position of Chair for the meeting.

The Planning Officer, Emile Baldauf-Clark, introduced the application for the erection of a two storey side extension (amended plans). The Planning Officer drew member’s attention to the Late Representation report where Parish Council raised an objection.

David Jowell spoke as the applicant, in support of the application.

The following queries and points of clarification were raised by Councillors:

  • Clarity of number of rooms looking onto neighbours
  • Bathroom windows, proposed to remain closed
  • Fence height line


Copies of the speeches of those that addressed the Committee are attached to the original copy of the minutes.

The Senior Planner continued with the presentation, concluding that planners advised approval of the application as per recommendations in the original report.

The Chair invited Councillors to discuss the application which raised the following

concerns and issues:

  • Concrete line on site
  • Land height
  • Privacy concerns


Following the discussions Councillor Haine proposed to defer the application for a site visit, this was seconded by Councillor Cahill, duly put to the vote and unanimously carried.

Resolved application was deferred for site visit.

Site visit arranged for Thursday 2 February in the morning, following the Woodstock site visit.









Supporting documents: