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Agenda item

Applications for Development


To consider applications for development, details of which are set out in the attached schedule.


That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendations of the Business Manager – Development Management.


Page No.

Application No.


Planning Officer

13 - 28




Land South Of Shaston The Green, Freeland


Sarah Hegerty


29 - 43



Green Bank, Dyers Hill, Charlbury


James Nelson


44 - 49



Snowshill House, The Green,



James Nelson


50 - 56



Land And Building (E) 439518 (N) 226211 Enstone Airfield North, Enstone


Stephanie Eldridge




The Chair announced that due to the public participants who wished to speak the applications would be heard in a revised order.

21/03837/FUL Green Bank, Dyers Hill, Charlbury

James Nelson, Planning Officer, introduced the application for demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a replacement dwelling with associated car parking and landscaping (amended plans). The Planning Officer drew the Members attention to the late representations report.

There was a statement read out by Councillor Peter Kenrick, Charlbury Town Council, in objection to the application. A copy of this submission is attached to the original copy of the minutes.

A statement was read out by Peter Mance on behalf of the applicant. A copy of this submission is attached to the original copy of the minutes.

Councillor Ashton asked the speaker for clarification on excavation and landscaping. Peter Mance confirmed that earth excavated for construction of the property would be used for landscaping around the property.

The Planning Officer continued with the presentation and cited the local plan policy H6, including visual and ecological impacts when making the recommendations for approval of application. The officer confirmed there would not be an impact on drainage or any impact on Charlbury Conservation area and AONB.

There was a discussion regarding the access to the property. Councillors asked if there could be a condition included to cover travel management. The Planning Officer confirmed there had been no objections from the Local Highway Authority. Councillor Beaney referred to page 31 of the agenda pack referring to a Traffic Management Plan raised by Charlbury Town Council and asked what would be included. The Planning Officer confirmed that a condition for a Construction Traffic Management Plan could be included if the application was approved.

Councillors asked about the scale of the building and the floor area change as well as the characteristics of the design and views. The Planning Officer confirmed the scale of the existing dwelling and that the slightly increased scale of the new dwelling is reasonable as it is broadly the same footprint. Further, the design would not block the views of other resident and views of the town. Councillors asked about the flooding plan in light of amended plans submitted. The Planning Officer confirmed that an updated flood risk assessment had been carried out in relation to the revised plan and that the Drainage Team raised no objections subject to the condition.

Committee resolved that the application should be approved subject to the addition of a condition to include Construction Traffic Management Plan and an informative referencing several of points raised by the Town Council on page 31 of Officer’s report which should be included in CTMP when submitted.

Councillor Jeff Haine left the meeting.

2201879/FUL Snowshill House, The Green, Fifield, Chipping Norton.

James Nelson, Planning Officer, introduced the application for erection of Polytunnel for the purpose of growing agricultural produce for personal use. (Retrospective).

There was a statement read out by jointly by Adrian McDowell and Mark Slater in support of the application. A copy of this submission is attached to the original copy of the minutes.

The Planning Officer continued with the presentation. Confirming the proposed development would not impact the lawful use of the land. The site was not overly visible as it was screened by hedgerows. There would be no impact on highways or drainage.

There was a discussion on conditions regarding the screening and why it was needed. The Planning Officer confirmed the condition was to ensure any hedgerow screening was to be replaced if needed.  Further discussion took place on Condition 1 naming the applicant, Councillors questioned whether it should it be linked to use rather than ownership. The Planning Officer confirmed that the land should not be used as an extended garden and the wording could be changed to reflect this.

Committee resolved that the application should be approved subject to the amendment of condition 1 to remove reference to applicants and change for private agricultural use ancillary to the house only.

Abstention - Councillor Beaney. 

Councillor Jeff Haine returned to the Chamber.

21/03837/FUL Land South of Shaston, The Green, Freeland

Sarah Hegerty, Planning Officer, introduced the application for a new build chalet bungalow with detached double garage. In terms of the principle of development the site is not considered to comply with policy H2 because it sits outside the main built up area of Freeland. Due to the lack of 5 year land supply the tilted balance has been applied. Additional information was submitted regarding biodiversity and planting of shrubs and trees, the installation of bat boxes and the provision of a pond. The Planning Officer confirmed that in light of this initial concerns were overcome.

Councillors raised concerns about the access road, questioning who would be responsible for the road during the construction of the property as it is in poor condition. The Planning Officer confirmed that the County Council was approached and there was no objections by the Local Highway Authority. Councillor Al-Yousuf confirmed that neighbours had raised concerns over the public right of way for residents to access their properties on the access road as this road is not privately owned by a third party.

Councillor Al-Yousuf raised concerns on making decisions on applications when applying tilted balance highlighting planning policies OS2 and H2 regarding this application. Councillor Al-Yousuf proposed that the application be deferred to 14 November Uplands Area Planning Sub-Committee meeting after which there would be up to date guidance following the Development Control meeting on 7 November.  There was a discussion around tilted balance decisions and policies within the Local Plan. The officers advised that the deferral of the application would not be beneficial when considering policies as there are no harms identified. 

Resolved as per the Officer’s recommendations.

22/01915/FUL Land and Building (E) 439518 and (N) 226211.

Stephanie Eldridge, Principal Planning Officer introduced the application for erection of a detached building to provide administration, welfare and storage facilities for the aircraft maintenance, flying school and resident pilots. The Officer outlined the extent of development over the past 20 years on the site with storage units available. The design of the proposed building was considered out of character with the other simple, low lying buildings on the site.  Officers recommended refusal on the grounds the need for additional storage had not been justified and the unacceptable visual impact of the building.

There was a discussion regarding the storage and the design of the building. Concerns were raised about the urbanisation of buildings on the site and wider landscape. Councillor Al-Yousuf asked for clarification on the enforcement action, page 80. The officer confirmed that the enforcement team had done some work regarding the site and it was found that the number of flights on the site was well within the permitted level of activity on the wider site.

Resolved as per the Officer’s recommendations.


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