Agenda item
Applications for Development
To consider applications for development, details of which are set out in the attached schedule.
That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendations of the Business Manager – Development Management.
Page No. |
Application No. |
Address |
Planning Officer |
13 - 21 |
21/01213/FUL |
Plough Inn Black Bourton Road Clanfield
Elloise Street
22 - 34 |
22/01069/FUL |
29 Mercury Close Bampton
Esther Hill
35 - 53 |
22/01434/FUL |
The Horse And Radish Burford Road Minister Lovell
David Ditchett
54 - 64 |
22/01593/FUL |
Kilkenny Lane Country Park Elmhurst Way Carterton
Elloise Street
65 - 79 |
22/01674/FUL |
Oakwood Place Lew Road Curbridge
David Ditchett |
80 - 83 |
22/01835/LBC |
35 - 37 Woodgreen Witney
Tara Hayek
84 - 93 |
22/01881/S73 |
Church Farm Church End South Leigh
Elloise Street
The Chair announced that due to the public participants who wished to speak the applications would be heard in a revised order.
22/01593/FUL Kilkenny Lane Country Park Elmhurst Way, Carterton
The Planning Officer, Elloise Street introduced the application is for the extension of the existing car park.
Three people had registered to speak on this application. Mr Les Goble and Councillor Rosie Pearson spoke against the application and Councillor Bull spoke in favour. Their presentations are attached to the original copy of the minutes.
In discussion, it was clarified that there was no dispute that additional parking was needed at this well used Country Park. The questions arose around the number of spaces, the location of the car park and the materials used, in particular that the surface of the car park should be suited to less abled people.
It was suggested that the application should be reconsidered to take account of;
- Costs of materials
- Disabled parking spaces (location and method of construction)
- Bike parking numbers
- Biodiversity
- EV charging points
6. Reduction of parking spaces
Committee resolved to defer the application to enable the planning officer to explore points listed above with the applicant
Councillor Woodruff left the meeting at 3.15pm.
22/01434/FUL The Horse and Radish, Burford Road. Minister Lovell
Principal Planning Officer David Ditchett introduced the application is for the siting of 8 no shepherds huts together with hard and soft landscaping to include provision of a pond, access track, external lighting and associated services
Two people had registered to speak on this application. Councillor Jean King, Minister Lovell Parish Council, spoke against the application. Mr Brian, applicant, spoke in favour. Their presentations are attached to the original copy of the minutes.
In discussion Councillors asked whether there would be any condition requiring the removal of the huts should they not be successful. Mr Ditchett confirmed that a suitable worded condition could be applied. It was noted that an additional 8 parking spaces were to be provided, there was no objection from OCC Highways and that there was screening on the northern side of the plot which would help screen the development from the valley.
Committee resolved that the application should be approved subject to the addition of a condition requiring that the shepherd’s huts should be removed in their entirety within 12 months of the cessation of their use.
22/01674/FUL Oakwood Place Lew Road, Curbridge
Principal Planning Officer, David Ditchett introduced this application is for the erection of a single dwelling and associated ancillary works. Creation of visitor parking spaces.
Mr Ditchett reminded Members of the late representations previously circulated recommending that the wording of condition 3 be changed.
Nicky Pugh spoke in favour of this application and a copy of her speaking notes is attached to the original copy of the minutes.
Councillor Fenton declared an non – pecuniary interest.
Mr Ditchett said that conditions could not be placed on trees to ensure their protection as they were not within the red line boundary. However the trees are to be retained.
Mr Ditchett made Members aware of the neighbour objections relating to parking and access however noted that there was no objection from OCC Highways and the prosed parking is sufficient.
Committee resolved to approve the application with the change to condition 3 as recommended.
22/01881/S73 Church Farm, Church End, South Leigh
Elloise Street, Planning Officer introduced the application is for the removal of condition 4 of the planning approval 20/03306/FUL to allow the continued use of buildings as storage units.
Two people had registered to speak on this application. Councillor Brooks spoke against the application. Mr Eachus in favour. Their presentations are attached to the original copy of the minutes.
Councillors discussed the statement made on behalf of the Parish Council and highlighted local issues in the area including highway safety impacts.
Members were made aware that the Highways Officers at OCC did not object to the removal of the condition. In addition, they were also made aware of the condition tests within the NPPF.
In discussion Councillors asked what would happen if the restriction was removed and for clarification on the date from period of time the condition would remain. The officer confirmed it would be from the original date, March 2021.
Principal Planner David Ditchett suggested that the condition could be amended to state the date of the first use rather the date on the original permission. This would be instead of removing of the condition.
There was also a discussion with Members with regards to the new reason for the amended condition which was detailing an importance on highway safety. Also discussed was what information would be required for them to be satisfied with a removal of the condition which was highlighted as relevant transport surveys on the actual scheme as well as information from the Parish Council.
Committee resolved that permission is granted with condition varied to read;
‘The use hereby permitted shall be discontinued and the land restored to its former condition on or before 4 years from the date of the first use of the development hereby approved.
REASON: A permanent permission is inappropriate until the effects of the development on the area have been assessed with particular regard to highway safety’.
21/01213/FUL Plough Inn Black Road, Clanfield
The application is for the erection of a timber shed to be used as an office, Indian sandstone pathway and vertical boarded bin store enclosure (part retrospective).
Committee resolved that there should be a site visit on the morning of the next lowlands planning meeting. Post meeting note: date changed due to clash with the scheduled meeting of the Development Control Committee. Site visit has now been scheduled for Thursday 3rd November at 10am.
22/01069/FUL 29 Mercury Close, Bampton
Esther Hill, Planning Officer introduced this application which is for the erection of an attached dwelling with off street parking and associated ancillary works. Alterations to the existing dwelling including two storey and single storey extensions.
Whilst recognising the need for smaller dwellings, Councillors had concerns about the very cramped nature of the property. Officers felt that it was an on balance decision. It was recognised that the Council cannot demonstrate a 5YHLS however, the benefits of one dwelling were very limited and not sufficient to outweigh the harm found.
Councillors question whether it would be better as a single bed house. Mr Ditchett said there are no national minimum space standards for a one person, 1 bed, 2 storey house.
Committee resolved to refuse the application due to;
1. The dwelling falls below the minimum space standards, therefore by reason of its scale the proposal would provide insufficient internal living spaces, having a detrimental impact on the residential amenity for future occupants.
2. By reason of the plot size and the design and scale of the proposed dwelling, the development will result in a cramped and contrived form of development resulting in the over development of the application site, representing poor design.
Councillor Eaglestone voted in favour of approving the application.
22/02835/FUL 35 -37 Woodgreen, Witney
Councillors Prosser and Aitman left the meeting having discussed the application at the Town Council.
The application was for the proposed installation of an eave/tile guard. The application came to the Committee as the property is owned by a Member of West Oxfordshire District Council.
Committee resolved to approve the application.
Councillors Prosser and Aitman re-joined the meeting.
Councillors Leverton and Fenton left the meeting at 4.35pm.
Supporting documents:
- Item 4 Committee_Schedule October 2022.rtf, item 88. PDF 634 KB
- Lowlands October Planning Sub Committee- Late Representations, item 88. PDF 199 KB