Agenda item
An application for a new premises licence
To determine a new premises licence application made by Samuel Chaloner on behalf of Blind Tiger Ltd.
That the Licensing Sub-Committee is asked, in light of the representations received, to consider the application and determine whether to: -
· grant the application as requested;
· grant the application subject to such conditions that are necessary to promote the licensing objectives;
refuse the application in whole or in part where it is necessary in order to promote the licensing objectives.
The Chair, Councillor MacRae, welcomed everyone to the hearing and introduced the Panel, and the Council’s Officers, in attendance.
The Chair announced that the hearing was to consider an application for a new premises licence made by Samuel Chaloner on behalf of Blind Tiger Limited.
The Panel was asked to consider the application and determine whether to:
· grant the application as requested;
· grant the application subject to such conditions that are necessary to promote the licensing objectives;
· refuse the application in whole or in part where if it was necessary in order to promote the licensing objectives.
The Applicant in the case was Mr Samuel Charloner who was not in attendance, but was represented by Emily Rutter the majority shareholder of Blind Tiger Limited.
Mr Ian C. R. Wares was in attendance and represented the Police.
There were no Interested Parties present.
The Chair outlined the process the hearing would follow and explained that the Panel would be advised by the Council’s Legal Adviser, and Committee Clerk.
The Licensing Officer, Andrea Thomas, outlined the application. She highlighted that the Applicant had agreed to the conditions laid out by Thames Valley Police and Environmental Team at West Oxfordshire Council.
Police were in attendance and Environmental Team were on Jabber (the Councils Communications System) if the Panel had any questions, they would be able to answer them live via the system.
There had been written objections received from Gemma Nolan and Robert Shelley, neither were in attendance to the hearing.
The Chair invited Emily Rutter to address the Committee.
Emily Rutter explained she spoke on behalf of the Applicant, and believed that with the conditions agreed that it mitigated all concerns, and thought that some concerns were linked to other nearby venues.
The Chair made it clear that the Panel were only considering this application.
Emily Rutter concluded that the Applicant would adhere to all fire, health and safety conditions also which she felt with the all the conditions agreed mitigated all concerns and that there was nothing more to add.
The Licensing Officer reflected that the Applicant had also included in the application, a dispersal policy to manage customers leaving the premises late in the evening.
The Chair asked Mr Wares if the Police had any questions, there were none.
The Chair asked the Panel if there were any questions. Councillor Fenton asked why the venue allowed children up to 8pm. Emily Rutter explained that the Blind Tiger welcomed children accompanied by adults until 8pm, as they thought that customers may wish to use the venue following a shopping trip to town.
The Chair asked if there were any more questions from anyone present. There were no further questions.
The Chair noted that the conditions listed in the report at 3.2, the first condition was a replication by the times stated in the application.
The Chair checked with the Panel that they were satisfied with the conditions and that the application met with the authorities licence objectives, and there were no concerns. The Panel indicated there were no concerns.
The Chair confirmed that the conditions listed in the report under 3.2 (exception first condition) and conditions in 3.3 of the report against the activities and times listed in the report under 1.4, were acceptable to the Applicant as follows:
Premises Licence for the following licensable activities and times:
· Supply by retail of alcohol on the premises
Sunday to Wednesday Midday to Midnight
Thursday to Saturday Midday to 0200hrs
· Live Music and Recorded music
Sunday to Wednesday Midday to 0030hrs
Thursday to Saturday Midday to 0230hrs
· Hours open to the public
Sunday to Wednesday Midday to 0030hrs
Thursday to Saturday Midday to 0230hrs
Thames Valley Police conditions to be attached to the Licence:
1. CCTV systems must record, while the premises is open to the public and retain
footage for 30 days and must be available on request from TVP or other
authorised person.
2. Last entry to new customers on Thursday, Friday and Saturdays will be
3. If the premises is open past midnight there will be at least 2 x SIA licensed door
staff on duty from 220hrs until 30 minutes after closing.
4. There must be a refusal/incident log on the premises and the SIA staff will
record details their names and SIA badge numbers when booking on duty.
Environmental Health - West Oxfordshire District Council conditions to be attached to the Licence:
1. After 2300hrs all external doors and windows must be kept closed, other
· than for access and egress, when amplified music is taking place.
2. The volume of any music at the premises shall be controlled to prevent
nuisance to neighbouring properties.
3. The Management shall receive and respond to any complaints throughout
the duration of all events.
4. Prominent, clear notices shall be displayed at all exits requesting customers
· to respect the needs of local residents and leave the premises and the
area quietly
5. The volume and bass frequencies (low frequency content at 63Hz and
125Hz octaves) of recorded and live music shall be specifically controlled to
prevent nuisance at neighbouring premises.
6. If justified complaints are received the West Oxfordshire District Council
will require a noise limiter to be installed, fitted, working and maintained at
all times, in such a manner as to control all sources of amplified music or
speech (live and recorded) at the premises. This should be set at a limit that
has been agreed by the Council's Technical Pollution Services Team.
7. All speakers to be mounted on isolation mounts. Speakers should not be
attached to party walls or the ceiling.
The Chair of the Panel stated they had also considered the Licensing Objectives which are:
• The prevention of crime and disorder;
• Public safety;
• The prevention of public nuisance;
• The protection of children from harm;
Based on the information provided and taking into account the representations made by the responsible authorities and application representatives, the Panel
Resolved that the application for premise licence be granted subject to the conditions mentioned. The Panel stated they had considered the application in accordance with the licensing objectives and the Council’s Licensing Policy. The Panel considered the application and conditions promoted the licensing objectives.
Supporting documents:
- Blind Tiger Committee Report 1, item 9. PDF 218 KB
- Annex A, item 9. PDF 9 MB
- Annex A1, item 9. PDF 77 KB
- Annex B, item 9. PDF 84 KB
- Annex B1, item 9. PDF 70 KB
- ANNEX C, item 9. PDF 303 KB
- Annex D, item 9. PDF 328 KB
- Annex E WODC Licensing Committee Hearing Procedures, item 9. PDF 169 KB