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Agenda item

Applications for Development


To consider applications for development, details of which are set out in the attached schedule.


That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendations of the Business Manager – Development Management.


Application Number



11 - 33


Bladon Chains Caravan Park,  Bladon

Joan Desmond

34 - 61


Land East Of Barns Lane, Barns Lane, Burford

Joan Desmond


62 - 73


The Bungalow, Wilcote, Chipping Norton

Stuart McIver

74 - 83


Land North East of 51 High Street, Ascott Under Wychwood

James Nelson

84 – 94


Kantara, Woodstock Road, Charlbury

Stuart McIver

95 – 101


Land North Of Wilcote Riding, Finstock

Kim Smith

102 - 106


The Pentacle, Enstone Airfield North, Enstone

Kim Smith



The Sub-Committee received the report of the Business Manager – Development Management, giving details of an application for development, copies of which had been circulated.

RESOLVED: That the decision on the following application be as indicated, the reasons for refusal to be as recommended in the report of the Business Manager – Development Management, subject to any amendments as detailed below:-


20/02600/FUL - Bladon Chains Caravan Park, Bladon

The Principal Planner, Mrs Desmond, introduced the outline application for the re-organisation and upgrade of the existing Caravan Club Site to include the removal of 92 touring caravan pitches, demolition of existing site buildings, construction of replacement facilities and maintenance/housekeeping buildings, with provision of static accommodation in the form of 36 Holiday Lodges.

Ms Elle Cass addressed the Committee on behalf of the applicant, and a copy of her submission is attached as an appendix to the original copy of the minutes.

Following a question from Councillor Poskitt, relating to water and sewage arrangements for the site, Ms Cass clarified that a full drainage system was in place.

The Principal Planner presented her report and in noting the late representation report, highlighted that there were no archaeological constraints to the proposal. The proposal was therefore recommended for approval, subject to the conditions listed in the full report.

Councillor Cooper addressed the meeting and referred to the planning policies listed on page 20 of the report. He noted that the site was located in the middle of Bladon and Woodstock and within a World Heritage site, and advised that he would like to view the site to judge its proximity to these locations. Councillor Cooper proposed that the application be deferred to enable a site visit to take place and this was seconded by Councillor Poskitt.

Councillor Postan addressed Members and commented on the proposed pitch of the roofs.

In response to comments made, Councillor Jackson was not sure what benefit a site visit could be, and the Chairman advised that it may give a sense of the area.

Councillor Davies agreed that the site should be visited when the caravans were in place.

Having been proposed and duly seconded, the deferral to allow a site visit to take place was put to the vote, and was lost.

Councillor Postan proposed that the application be approved as per the officers’ recommendation.

Councillor Cooper reiterated his original concern that the site lay between Bladon and Woodstock and could bring the communities too close together in a similar way to developments between Ducklington and Witney, and Carterton and Brize Norton.

Councillor Poskitt raised a concern that the lodges would be turned into houses and holiday homes, as they would not be deemed as permanent residence, then queried if conditions could be added. Mrs Desmond advised that it was not reasonable to limit the time as it was a rental.

Councillor Jackson felt that the removal of the caravans and the introduction of lodges would be a greater landscape enhancement, especially when it led to the scope of additional tree planting. 

Councillor Postan asked for clarification as to whether the lodges were to be sold or let. Ms Cass confirmed the lodges would be let only, and not sold.

Councillor Postan proposed that the application be granted as per officers’ recommendations and this was seconded by Councillor Davies.

The officers’ recommendation for approval, subject to the conditions listed in the report, was put to the vote and was carried.


Councillor Cooper voted against approval.


21/02343/OUT Land East Of Barns Lane, Barns Lane, Burford

The Principal Planner, Mrs Desmond, introduced the outline application with all matters reserved for up to 141 assisted extra care residential units (Class C2), up to 32 affordable housing units (Class C3) along with associated communal facilities, parking, vehicular and pedestrian access, internal roads, public open space, landscaping, drainage and other associated infrastructure.

The following people addressed the committee:

Councillor John White – Town Councillor, objecting

Jennie Craven – objecting

Councillor Derek Cotterill – Ward Councillor, objecting

Mrs Desmond continued her presentation and drew attention to the late representations report. Members noted that there was a financial offer of £1 million towards the provision of off-site affordable housing, but the Strategic Housing and Development Officer had commented that such an offer would not address the shortfall in provision of on-site affordable housing, required by policy H3. The comments of the Biodiversity Officer had also been received, who advised that the application still fails to provide adequate information relating to priority species, biodiversity net gain and proposed contributions towards the objectives of the Conservation Target Area.  As such, the development conflicted with adopted Local Plan policies and the NPPF and was recommended for refusal for the reasons stated in the report.  It was also noted that refusal reason 4 was being omitted and the following refusal reason being proposed:

  • Insufficient information on priority species, biodiversity net gain and proposed contributions towards the objectives of the Conservation Target Area have been submitted in conflict with Policy EH3 of the West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2031 and advice in the NPPF. 

The Chairman commented that the officers’ report was very detailed and he agreed with all three speakers that had addressed the Committee.

Councillor Saul agreed with the officers’ report, noted that the site had come up before with a smaller proposal which had been refused.  He noted that this was a major application, which lay in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and as such should only be approved in exceptional circumstances.  Councillor advised that as he could not see any exceptional circumstances, he proposed that the Committee accept the officer’s recommendation to refuse the application, which Councillor Postan seconded.

Councillor Davies fully supported the officer’s recommendation and, as she was committed to create a great communities with affordable homes, she thought 18% affordable housing was appalling.  She also felt that the location of the proposed affordable housing, on the edge of the community, was unacceptable.

Councillor Poskitt commented that extra care would be required for elder community, and also disagreed with putting them on the edge of the community.

Councillor Jackson agreed and commented that the fields were beautiful as they were. Also, that a major development added to the infrastructure needs of the community, which was already an issue for the doctor’s surgery.

Councillor Cooper supported refusal.

The Officer recommendation of refusal was then put to the vote and was carried unanimously.



21/02800/FUL The Bungalow, Wilcote, Chipping Norton

It was noted that this application fell within the Lowlands Area Sub-Committee, and as such would be discussed at their next meeting on 5 January 2022


21/02804/RES Land North East of 51 High Street, Ascott Under Wychwood

The Planning Officer, James Nelson introduced the reserved matters application for the erection of two detached dwellings with associated works, including detached garaging and vehicular and pedestrian accesses to both properties.

The following people addressed the committee:

Councillor Sue Richards – Parish Councillor, objecting

Nick Pains – objecting

Professor Robert Adam – applicant supporter 

Mr Nelson continued his presentation and referred Councillors to the late representation report which advised that a late representation had been received along with a letter of support. The representation was in support of the application, stating that the applicants had been proactive in engaging with the local community and the amendments made indicated this. The letter expressed the view that the design, siting and form was appropriate for its context and Members should therefore support the application.

In summary, Members were recommended to support the approval of the application with the following change to condition 5 in the report:

  • The landscaping scheme shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:


The creation of a wildflower grassland along the road verge;

The creation of flowering lawns within the rear gardens of the dwellings;

Members were also requested to consider removal of permitted development rights for roof lights.

Councillor Temple felt that the vehicle turning area, which would be used by delivery drivers could be an issue for the future.

Councillor Postan enquired about the materials being used and in response Mr Nelson confirmed that a schedule of material were to be submitted in line with the conditions attached to the permission.

Councillor Jackson was also concerned about the vehicle turning point being lost to the site. Mr Nelson confirmed that the land was privately owned and Mr Shaw confirmed that as the Highways team had no objection it was not a reason for refusal.

Councillor Poskitt thought the houses were too large, but could not see a reason for refusal. Councillor Saul agreed and thought post-construction, the turning point issue may arise.

The Chair wanted to know if a new turning point could be requested and Mr Shaw advised that an informative could be put in place to address this. Councillors Davies, Saul, Cooper and Poskitt agreed with this.

Councillor Temple proposed that the application be approved as per officers’ recommendations, subject to the proposed changes, an additional condition to remove permitted development rights, plus an informative address the vehicle turning point concerns.

This was seconded by Councillor Poston.

The proposal was put to the vote and carried unanimously.



The Chair adjourned the meeting for a comfort break at 3.45pm, and the meeting resumed at 4.00pm.


21/03048/FUL Kantara, Woodstock Road, Charlbury

The Planning Officer, Stuart McIver introduced the application for the erection of a new dwelling and associated works. The application related to ‘Kantara’, a detached dwelling located within the built up area, but on the outskirts of Charlbury. The dwelling was set back from the road, situated within a substantial plot and located within the Charlbury Conservation Area and the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

The application was recommended for approval as officers’ considered that it complied with the provisions of policies OS2, OS4 H2, EH1, EH3, EH10, and T4 of the adopted Local Plan; WODC Design Guide 2016 and the relevant paragraphs of the NPPF 2021.

Councillor Poskitt enquired if there could be a protection order placed on the trees. The Planning Officer confirmed that the trees were already under a Tree Preservation Order (TPO).

Councillor Cooper proposed approval as per officers’ recommendations, and Councillor Jackson seconded.

The proposal was put to the vote and carried unanimously.



21/03322/FUL Land North Of Wilcote Riding, Finstock

The Principal Planner, Kim Smith introduced the application for the demolition of existing buildings and the erection of two replacement buildings for use as hay storage and implement store.

The application sought planning consent to remove two agricultural buildings clad with rusting corrugated metal, presently in a very poor state of repair located on the skyline, with two buildings of a similar design and scale. The proposed buildings were of a mono pitched design nine metres squared with a maximum height of 5.5m. It was proposed that the walls would be clad in wood, the roof would be constructed of corrugated fibre cement board (grey) and roller shutter doors were proposed. The existing access off Wilcote Riding would be used to service the buildings and it was proposed to site the buildings slightly forward of the existing buildings, in order to allow maintenance of the hedgerow and the rear elevations.

Information contained in the late representation reported advised that County Highways had raised no objection.

Officers were recommending approval for the application subject to the conditions listed in the report, with an additional 4 conditions, three which related to ecological matters and a fourth landscaping condition. An ecological informative was also to be attached.

Councillor Cooper proposed that the application be approved as per officers’ recommendations and Councillor Davies seconded.

The proposal was put to the vote and was carried unanimously.



21/03452/FUL The Pentacle, Enstone Airfield North, Enstone

The Principal Planner, Kim Smith introduced the application for the erection of a Polytunnel attached to two existing containers. The polytunnel cover proposed was approximately 12 metres by 12 metres with a maximum height of 5.6 metres above ground level and it was felt would sit comfortably within the enclosed yard area. Given that there were hangars serving the airfield of similar material (olive green PCV ) with curved roof form,  in close proximity to the site, officers did not feel this would appear alien or out of character, particularly given the context of both Enstone Airfield and the industrial complex. Miss Smith also highlighted a late representation which was verbally reported from ENCON (Local environmental group).

Councillor Wilson proposed that the application be approved as per officers’ recommendations.

Councillor Postan seconded.

The proposal was put to the vote and carried unanimously.



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