Agenda item
Temporary Event Notice - Siege of Oreleans, Carterton
To determine an Objection Notice submitted by Thames Valley Police in relation to a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) for an event at the Siege of Orleans, Carterton.
The Panel must decide one of the following:
· to permit the licensable activities as stated in the Notice;
· to permit the licensable activities as stated in the Notice subject to imposing relevant Conditions that are imposed on the Premises Licence that are necessary to promote the licensing objectives; or
· to serve a Counter Notice on the premises user and not permit the licensable activities to go ahead.
Members considered a report from the Group Manager of Residents’ Services which asked them to consider a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) for an event taking place at the premises known as The Siege of Orleans, Alvescot Road, Carterton where an objection had been received from Thames Valley Police.
The TEN was lodged by the premises user, Mr Chris Jones, on 8 July 2021 requesting permission to provide entertainment and the sale of alcohol from 1600 hours to 0100 hours on 24 and 25 July 2021, for 100 people per evening. An objection notice was received from Thames Valley Police on 12 July 2021. Copies of the notification and the objection notice were attached as annexes A and B to the report.
No objection had been received from Environmental Health at the District Council. The Siege of Orleans had held a premises licence since April 2015 and a copy of this was attached at Annex C.
The Licensing Officer for Thames Valley Police, Mr Ian Wares, had submitted a report, attached at Annex E and this had been responded to by the premises user, as attached at Annex F to the report.
The Panel was asked to consider the TEN, in light of the information provided and determine whether to permit the licensable activities, impose relevant conditions or to refuse the TEN.
The Interim Head of Legal Services addressed the meeting and advised all present of the procedure to be followed. Clarification was also given on the timescales in which objections needed to be submitted.
The Chairman then asked all parties to introduce themselves and these were:
Mr Chris Jones – premises user
Ms Emily Rutter – manageress
Mr Ian Wares – Licensing Officer for Thames Valley Police
Corporal Jack Lambie – on behalf of the RAF Police
Mrs Michelle Bignell – Service Leader for Licensing and Business Support, WODC
Ms Andrea Thomas – Licensing Officer, WODC
Mrs Susan Gargett – Interim Head of Legal Services, WODC
Mr Jones outlined the proposed activities and explained the reasons that the business felt the TEN was required, bearing in mind the impact that the pandemic had had on income and to enable them to compete with other premises in the local area. He advised that all customers would be off site by 0100 hours and outside areas would be clear by 2330 hours. Mr Jones felt that the later hour would allow for safer dispersal of numbers and advised that the venue had received a number of bookings for the weekend.
There was some discussion relating to the areas covered by the existing premises licence and whether the District Council had agreed to the use of the alleyway, although nothing formal had been received in writing.
Mr Wares, Thames Valley Police, outlined his concerns which related to a number of reported incidents of anti-social behaviour, drug use and fighting at the premises. He outlined each of the incidents explaining when they had been reported and the actions taken following each one. Mr Wares went on to advise of the drug swabs taken on site by officer in May 2021 and the readings received from these and explained that there had been a number of reports and members of the public continued to raise their concerns about the premise, to Police.
It was noted that the operator of the premises had worked with the Police and had met previously to try to resolve issues and work through the problems raised. Mr Wares concluded by advising that the Chief Inspector still had concerns about the venue.
Following a query from Councillor MacRae, it was noted that an incident had occurred on site involving an RAF Serviceman and the RAF Police had been called. It was recognised that the RAF Police had no powers to deal with the incident on site but the serviceman had been arrested at the base the following morning.
The Panel retired to consider the matter and, upon their return;
RESOLVED that: the licensable activities be permitted with amended terminal hours to cease at midnight on each evening.
Supporting documents:
- Item 05 - Siege of Orleans Report V2, item 4. PDF 53 KB
- Item 05 - Annex A, item 4. PDF 480 KB
- Item 05 - Annex B Police Comment, item 4. PDF 2 KB
- Item 05 - Annex C Licence, item 4. PDF 6 MB
- Item 05 - Annex D Location, item 4. PDF 427 KB
- Item 05 - Annex Ei Police, item 4. PDF 384 KB
- Item 05 - Annex Eii Police Letter, item 4. PDF 453 KB
- Item 05 - Annex F, item 4. PDF 194 KB
- Item 05 - Appendix G - Procedure, item 4. PDF 88 KB