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Agenda item

Applications for Development


To consider applications for development, details of which are set out in the attached schedule.


That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendations of the Business Manager – Development Management.



The Sub-Committee received the report of the Business Manager – Development Management, giving details of an application for development, copies of which had been circulated.

RESOLVED: That the decisions on the following applications be as indicated in the report of the Business Manager – Development Management, subject to any amendments as detailed below:-

20/03576/FUL Carterton Recreation Ground Alvescot Road

The Senior Planner (Development Management) introduced the application.

A public submission had been received and was read out by Jonathan Longden

representing Leys Longden and Co in support of the application . A summary of his submission is attached as Appendix A to the original copy of these minutes.

Following a question from Councillor Fenton, Mr Longden confirmed that the existing pavilion would be demolished.

The Senior Planner (Development Management) then presented her report containing a recommendation of approval with an additional condition covering energy efficiency and ventilation.  Following questions from Councillors St John and Haines, she advised that the building was 1800 square metres and that the car parking proposed was adequate for simultaneous functions in the building and in Brownes Hall; also that because Sport England have specific space requirements for changing rooms, Brownes Hall’s facilities were not suitable for a new sports club; and that the bandstand is to remain.

Councillor Enright confirmed that Brownes Hall was owned by a Trust.

Councillor Haine proposed that the application be granted as per officers recommendations. 

This was seconded by Councillor Enright who agreed that Brownes Hall was unsuitable as changing facilities.

The Officer recommendation of approval was then put to the vote and was carried.



21/00866/FUL Cotswold Edge Lower End

The Senior Planner (Development Management) introduced the application.

A public submission had been received and was read out on behalf of Guy Wengraf, the applicant, in support of the application . A summary of his submission is attached as Appendix A to the original copy of these minutes.

Following a question from Councillor Leverton, the applicant confirmed that the footprint of the building was approximately 20% bigger than the existing bungalow.

The Senior Planner (Development Management) then presented her report containing a recommendation of approval.

Following questions from Councillors Crossland, Leverton, Haine, Levy and St John. The Senior Planner (Development Management) advised that: the dwelling roof height was comparable to existing rooves in the village; that the proximity of 16m to the next property was acceptable; that there are 4 en-suite bathrooms and 2 toilets in the dwelling; that condition 8 includes a maximum water consumption of 110 litres use per person per day, in accordance with policy OS3 and that the building is being dropped into the ground to meet maximum roof height requirements; that condition 9 would ensure protection of all the trees on the site; the stone to be used was local limestone and that an additional condition will be added for ecological measures to be included.  It was noted that there are already bat and bird boxes and a bat cage included in the application.

Councillor Haine proposed that the application be granted as per officers recommendations. 

This was seconded by Councillor Leverton.

The Officer recommendation of approval was then put to the vote and was carried.



21/00949/LBC Woods House Church Close

The Senior Planner (Development Management) introduced the application and presented her report containing a recommendation of approval.

Councillor Enright asked whether the same decision would have been made if this were not an application by a member of staff.  The officer confirmed that all decisions are made independent of the applicants status.

Councillor Enright then proposed that the application be granted as per officers recommendations.

This was seconded by Councillor Levy.

The Officer recommendation of approval was then put to the vote and was carried.

Councillor Crossland abstained.



21/01285/FUL Phase 3B Land At West Witney Downs Road

The Business Manager – Development Management introduced the application.  He then presented his report containing a recommendation of approval and delegation of negotiations to officers.  He advised that officers had concerns about the proposed density of the development and that the section 106 agreement being referred to by the applicant had been superseded.  The more recent section 106 agreement requires 40% (as opposed to 30%) affordable housing within the development.  Having discussed the above with the applicant, he advised that the applicant agreed to the above changes and also with the provision of funding to Witney Town Council to support the West Witney Sports Ground refurbishment of the changing rooms.  An additional condition to provide a connection into the adjacent cycle way would be added to the planning conditions.

The Business Manager – Development Management also proposed that these final negotiations with the applicant be delegated to officers.

Following questions from Councillors St John, Leverton, Enright and Levy, the Business Manager – Development Management advised that: the land was previously housing; that previous payments required by the section 106 agreement were up to date; that there were no 17 bedroom houses proposed on the development and this is a typing error on the website; that Thames Water’s concerns about surface water drainage are covered by condition 6 as well as the informatives and notes to applicant; that the amount of community halls available is already adequate to the town’s requirements; and that the cycle network issues could be improved by work to parts of the routes nearer to the town centre rather than on this estate.  Though an additional condition to provide a connection into the adjacent cycle way would be added to the planning conditions.

Councillor Haine proposed that the application be granted as per officers recommendations with the agreed final terms to be presented to this Committee.

This was seconded by Councillor Crossland.

The Officer recommendation of approval and delegation of negotiations to officers was then put to the vote and was carried.



21/01481/FUL Shilton Road Filling Station Winton

The Senior Planner (Development Management) introduced the application.

A public submission had been received and was read out on behalf of Graham Soame  representing Mr and Mrs Gilbert in support of the application.  A summary of his submission is attached as Appendix A to the original copy of these minutes.

The Senior Planner (Development Management) then presented her report containing a recommendation of refusal.

Councillor Crossland advised the committee that she knows the site well and that over the years this road has become much busier.  She was of the opinion that the overflow parking on the road from a café would have a negative impact on neighbours parking near their homes and this made any commercial use of the site inappropriate.  Councillor St John suggested that an application for a bungalow might be received more positively.

Councillor Bolger commented on the location of the cycle parking on the plan, noting that it would be blocked by parked cars and unlikely to be used.

Councillor Crossland proposed that the application be refused as per officers recommendations.

This was seconded by Councillor Eaglestone.

The officer recommendation of refusal was then put to the vote and was carried.



21/01587/FUL Turley Farm Turley Lane

The Senior Planner (Development Management) introduced the application and presented her report containing a recommendation of approval.  She advised that she would recommend an informative being added –  that the applicant provide a sign requesting visitors to drive carefully through the village.


Councillor Haine proposed that the application be granted as per officers recommendations.

This was seconded by Councillor Crossland.

The Officer recommendation of approval was then put to the vote and was carried.



21/01588/FUL 25 Foxwood Aston

The Senior Planner (Development Management) introduced the application and presented her report containing a recommendation of refusal.  She advised that Oxfordshire County Council Highways Department have objected to the application on the grounds of the location of the parking spaces and a lack of easy pedestrian access.  The application had been amended in the light of this objection, however the Highways Department still objected.

Councillors noted the objection from the Highways Department.

Councillor Leverton proposed that the application be refused as per officers recommendations on parking grounds and the objection from the Highways Department.

This was seconded by Councillor Enright.

The Officer recommendation of refusal was then put to the vote and was carried.



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