Agenda item
Oxfordshire Park and Charge Project - Approval of Legal Agreements
To seek authority to enter into Legal Agreements with the proposed Charge Point Operator (CPO) and utility company providing electricity to charge points based in the Council’s car parks as part of the Oxfordshire Park & Charge project, and to provide an update on the next steps for the project.
(a) That the contents of the Oxfordshire Park & Charge document provided in Annex 1 be noted;
(b) That the risks identified within the report and in Annex 2 be noted, and the Chief Executive be authorised, in consultation with Group Manager for Commissioning, Group Manager for Business Support Services and Solicitor for the Council, to enter into Legal Agreements with the proposed Charge Point Operator (CPO) and utility company providing electricity to charge points based in the Council’s car parks as part of the Oxfordshire Park & Charge project; and
(c) That the project next steps and legal review underway be noted, as referenced in the exempt Annex 2.
The Cabinet received and considered the report of the Climate Change Manager, which provided an update on the Oxfordshire Park & Charge project and next steps.
The report also included a request that the Chief Executive be authorised, in consultation with Group Manager for Commissioning, Group Manager for Business Support Services and the Solicitor for the Council, to enter into Legal Agreements with the proposed Charge Point Operator (CPO) and utility company providing electricity to charge points based in the Council’s car parks, as part of the Oxfordshire Park & Charge project.
The Council was a partner in the Innovate-UK funded, Oxfordshire Park & Charge Electric Vehicle Charging Point (EVCP) project, as approved in April 2020. During 2020, the Council worked extensively with the Oxfordshire Park & Charge team to assess the viability of car parks within the Council’s stewardship. Six car parks had been selected as part of Tranche One for EVCP being installed in West Oxfordshire during the spring and summer of 2021 and these were listed in 1.2 of the report.
Officers had recently received draft Legal Agreements for the Oxfordshire Park & Charge project which were subject to review by the Council’s Legal Team, in consultation with the WODC’s Park & Charge project team. A summary of the main points noted as part of a legal review of contracts was provided in a confidential Annex 2 to the report.
Councillor Harvey presented the report and welcomed the next phase of the project. The proposals were seconded by Councillor MacRae.
Councillor Cooper raised a query relating to the figures detailed in the confidential appendix for the Woodford Way car park. Officers agreed to respond to him outside of the meeting. In addition, Councillor Cooper raised a concern that the car parking issue in Woodstock remained difficult and hoped that monitoring of any proposed arrangements would be balanced with ensuring the town remained vibrant and attractive to visitors.
In response, Councillor Harvey advised that the issuing of fixed penalty notices would be managed in the same manner as other parking policies.
Following a query from Councillor Leffman, Councillor Harvey explained that the original installation date had been extended by 12 months following recent events and agreed that the report should be updated to reflect that. With regard to her question relating to provision for Charlbury, he assured her that all areas would be considered equally.
Councillor Postan asked how this project would integrate with the Council’s own project to deliver EVCP’s in the District and why their seemed to be little progress with it. Councillor Harvey stated that he had been informed very recently that officers had looked at a revised plan and were hoping to send this out for tender in due course. With regard to the integration of the two projects, he advised that they were two separate entities.
Councillor Poskitt welcomed the report and noted that the dates in the report would be amended to avoid confusion. Councillor Harvey advised that a second meeting to discuss the car parking provision in Woodstock was due to take place on 26 February.
Having considered the report, the Cabinet agreed the recommendations.
(a) That the contents of the Oxfordshire Park & Charge document provided in Annex 1 be noted;
(b) That the risks identified within the report and in Annex 2 be noted, and the Chief Executive be authorised, in consultation with Group Manager for Commissioning, Group Manager for Business Support Services and Solicitor for the Council, to enter into Legal Agreements with the proposed Charge Point Operator (CPO) and utility company providing electricity to charge points based in the Council’s car parks as part of the Oxfordshire Park & Charge project; and
(c) That the project next steps and legal review underway be noted, as referenced in the exempt Annex 2.
REASONS: The project enabled the Council to protect the environment whilst supporting the local economy; Work with communities to meet the current and future needs and aspirations of residents; and provide efficient and value for money services, whilst delivering quality front line services.
OPTIONS: Alternative options were for the Council to carry out the installation and operation of 35 EVCP in six Council-owned car parks at the Council’s direct cost or to take no action to install EVCP’s – however, this was not recommended given the Council’s declaration of a climate and ecological emergency and its commitment to responding and delivering targeted climate action across the District.
Supporting documents:
- Oxfordshire Park and Charge Project - Approval of Legal Agreements, item 9. PDF 422 KB
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