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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Election of Chair


To appoint a Chair for the Civic Year 2023/24.



That a Chair of the Licensing Committee be elected for the Civic Year 2023/24.


The Chair of the Council, Councillor Andrew Coles, opened the meeting.


Democratic Services relayed to Council the names of Members who had been appointed to the Council’s Licensing Committee, who were:


  • David Jackson;
  • Mathew Parkinson;
  • David Melvin;
  • Tim Sumner;
  • Lysette Nicholls;
  • Edward James;
  • Jeff Haine;
  • Jane Doughty;
  • Mark Walker;
  • Andrew Lyon;
  • Sandra Simpson.


The Chair of the Council, Councillor Andrew Coles, asked Council for nominations to the position of Chair of Licensing Committee for the municipal year 2023/2024.


Councillor Mathew Parkinson, proposed that Councillor Mark Walker be appointed to the position of Chair of Licensing Committee for the municipal year 2023/2024. This was seconded by Councillor David Jackson and was put to a vote. The vote carried.


Council Resolved to:

1.      Appoint Councillor Mark Walker to the position of Chair of Licensing Committee for the municipal year 2023/2024.


Election of Vice Chair


To appoint a Vice-Chair for the Civic Year 2023/24.



That a Vice-Chair of the Licensing Committee be elected for the Civic Year 2023/24.



The Chair of Licensing Committee, Councillor Mark Walker, asked Council for nominations to the position of Vice-Chair of Licensing Committee for the municipal year 2023/2024.


Councillor Mathew Parkinson, proposed that Councillor David Jackson be appointed to the position of Vice-Chair of Licensing Committee for the municipal year 2023/2024. This was seconded by Councillor Mark Walker and was put to a vote. The vote carried.


Council Resolved to:

1.      Appoint Councillor David Jackson to the position of Vice-Chair of Licensing Committee for the municipal year 2023/2024.


Apologies of Absence


There were no Apologies for Absence received from Members.


Appointment of Licensing Sub Committees pdf icon PDF 72 KB


To invite the Licensing Committee to appoint Sub-Committees for the Civic Year 2023/24.



That the Licensing Committee resolves to:

a) Appoint five members of the Committee to the Miscellaneous Licensing Sub-Committee in accordance with political proportionality and the wishes of political groups (2 Liberal Democrat, 2 Conservative, 1 Labour), as set out in Annex A (to follow);

b) Note that Licensing Panel membership will comprise the Chair or Vice Chair of the Licensing Committee and two other members of the Licensing Committee drawn on an alphabetical rota basis from the remaining members of the Licensing Committee (subject to their availability and completion of licensing training prior to participation in a Licensing Panel meeting), as detailed in paragraph 3.3.

Additional documents:


Democratic Services relayed to Council the name of Members who had been nominated to serve on the Miscellaneous Licensing Sub-Committee, who were:


  • David Jackson;
  • Mathew Parkinson;
  • Edward James;
  • Jeff Haine;
  • Andrew Lyon.


The Chair of the Committee, Councillor Mark Walker, proposed that Council agree the appointments to the Miscellaneous Licensing Sub-Committee. This was seconded by Councillor David Jackson, was put to a vote, and was unanimously agreed by Council.


Council Resolved to:

1.    Appoint the following Councillors the Miscellaneous Licensing Sub-Committee:

  • David Jackson;
  • Mathew Parkinson;
  • Edward James;
  • Jeff Haine;
  • Andrew Lyon.

2.    Note that Licensing Panel membership will comprise the Chair or Vice Chair of the Licensing Committee and two other members of the Licensing Committee drawn on an alphabetical rota basis from the remaining members of the Licensing Committee (subject to their availability and completion of licensing training prior to participation in a Licensing Panel meeting), as detailed in paragraph 3.3.