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Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Woodgreen, Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 1NB. View directions


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence and temporary appointments. The quorum for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee is 6 members.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations from Members of the Committee on any items to be considered at the meeting.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 82 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held 5 June 2024.


Announcements from the Chair

To receive any announcements from the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Participation of the Public

To receive any submissions from members of the public, in accordance with the Council’s Rules of Procedure, anyone who lives in the district or who pays council tax or business rates to the Council is eligible to read a statement or express an opinion at this meeting.  You can register to speak by sending your written submission of no more than 750 words to [email protected] by no later than 10.00am on the working day before the meeting.


Publica Transition Plan pdf icon PDF 282 KB


To consider the Detailed Transition Plan and to note its contents.



The Committee notes the report and agrees any recommendations it wishes to make to the Executive on 22 July 2024.

The Executive is recommended to recommend to Council to:

1.    Approve the implementation of Phase 1 of the Publica Transition on the basis of the Detailed Transition Plan;

2.    Delegate to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council the decision to deal with any final detail matters arising from the Detailed Transition Plan;

3.    Delegate authority to the Director of Governance in liaison with the Leader to update the constitution by making any consequential changes required as a result of Phase 1 of the Publica Transition;

4.    Carry out a budget re-basing for the 2026/7 financial year so that the funding provided to Publica is proportionate to the services received.

Additional documents:


One-Year Publica Business Plan pdf icon PDF 69 KB


To consider the Draft Publica Business Plan 2024-25, produced by the Publica Board in consultation with Directors and Shareholders.



The Committee notes the report and agrees any recommendations it wishes to make to the Executive on 22 July 2024.

The Executive is recommended to:

1.    Note the 2024/25 Publica Business Plan;

2.    Note that the Leader of the Council, as shareholder representative, will approve the Publica Business Plan 2024-2025 in due course.

Additional documents:


Waste Service Update pdf icon PDF 231 KB


To provide members with an update of current waste services and to provide a timeline and options for future service design and delivery.



That Overview and Scrutiny Committee resolves to:

1.    Note the contents of the report and provide feedback where necessary.


Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule pdf icon PDF 85 KB


To consider a draft CIL charging schedule which has been prepared in response to updated viability evidence.



The Committee notes the report and agrees any recommendations it wishes to make to the Executive on 22 July 2024.

The Executive is recommended to:

1.    Approve the Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule (DCS) attached at Annex A for the purposes of a six-week period of public consultation in accordance with the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended);

2.    Delegate authority to the Planning Policy Manager to make any minor factual/typographical amendments to the CIL Draft Charging Schedule (DCS) following consultation with the Executive Member for Planning and Sustainable Development, prior to publication;

3.    Recommend to Council to delegate authority to the Planning Policy Manager to submit the CIL charging schedule for independent examination in accordance with the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) including any minor modifications, following consultation with the Executive Member for Planning and Sustainable Development, subject to there being no significant issues raised during the six-week consultation period; and

4.    Ensure that appropriate mechanisms are put in place to enable Town and Parish Councils to meaningfully contribute with regard to potential Section 106 planning obligations when these are being negotiated.

Additional documents:


Financial Performance Report 2023-24 Quarter Four pdf icon PDF 441 KB


To report the financial performance of the Council in 2023/24.



The Committee notes the report and agrees any recommendations it wishes to make to the Executive on 22 July 2024.

The Executive is recommended to:

  1. Note the 2023/24 financial performance;
  2. Recommend to Council to carry forward the capital budget of £4,086,328;
  3. Recommend to Council to approve the transfers to and between Earmarked Reserves as detailed in the report.


Additional documents:


Public Convenience Contract pdf icon PDF 66 KB


To note that a contract award for the cleaning and maintenance of public conveniences would be agreed by the Executive.



The Committee notes the report and agrees any recommendations it wishes to make to the Executive on 22 July 2024.

The Executive is recommended to:

1.    Award the contract for cleaning and maintenance of public conveniences to the preferred contractor.

Additional documents:


Report back on recommendations pdf icon PDF 172 KB

For the Committee to note the Executive’s response to any recommendations arising from the previous Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting.


Committee Work Programme pdf icon PDF 91 KB


To provide the Committee with an updated Work Programme for 2024/25.



That the Committee notes and comments on the work programme.


Executive Work Programme pdf icon PDF 156 KB


To give the Committee the opportunity to comment on the Executive Work Programme.



That the Committee agrees which items on the Executive Work Programme should be subject to pre-decision scrutiny and the priority order of those items.


Matters Exempt from Publication and Exclusion of Press and Public

If the Overview and Scrutiny Committee wishes to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of any of the items on the exempt from publication part of the agenda, it will be necessary for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to pass a resolution in accordance with the provisions section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 on the grounds that their presence could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as described in specific paragraphs of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


The Overview and Scrutiny Committee may maintain the exemption if and so long as, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.



Public Convenience Contract - Exempt Appendix