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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 53 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 17 October 2022.


The minutes of the meeting held on 17 October were approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record, subject to

1.    Page 7 21/03837/FUL Land South of Shaston, The Green, Freeland.  The Chair asked for clarity as the officer commented that the appeal was in July, when WODC still claimed a 5YLS. That the inspector was unconvinced by WODC’s claim only became public, when her decision and comments were published.


2.    Page 8. Resolved as per Officer’s recommendations to refuse the application.


3.    Page 9. Changed Claire Lock to Claire Locke.






Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Dave Jackson, Councillor Julian Cooper substituted for Councillor Jackson.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations from Members of the Committee on any items to be considered at the meeting


Declarations of Interest were received as follows:


22/1330/OUT. Councillor Beaney highlighted that West Oxfordshire District Council has a corporate interest in the application.


22/02429/FUL. Councillor Saul agreed to leave the Chambers as he present the report to Cabinet with recommendations regarding the application.





Applications for Development pdf icon PDF 465 KB


To consider applications for development, details of which are set out in the attached schedule.


That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendations of the Business Manager – Development Management.



Application No.


Planning Officer

13 - 43


Land North Of Witney Road,

Long Hanborough


Stephanie Eldridge

44 - 60


Play Area Walterbush Road,

Chipping Norton


James Nelson



Additional documents:


22/01330/OUT Land North of Witney Road, Long Hanborough.


Stephanie Eldridge, Principal Planner, introduced the report of an outline application for the construction of up to 150 dwellings with access from Witney Road, open space and additional work. The principal planner read out a statement in relation to further representations.


There was a statement read out by Councillor Martin Barrow-Starkey, Long Hanborough Parish Council, in objection to the application. A copy of this submission is attached to the original copy of the minutes.


There was a statement read out by Roger File, Blenheim Estates in support of the application. A copy of this submission is attached to the original copy of the minutes.


The Chair invited questions from the Members. The Committee asked what the last year’s land supply figures were. Mr File confirmed the that Inspector’s appeals had demonstrated that the district had less than 5 years land supply and that was the Council’s position. The Committee asked why this site, which is not in the Local Plan was being promoted ahead of other sites of Blenheim Estates which are in the Local Plan.  Mr File confirmed other sites were being promoted within the Local Plan, and had some sites that have been in the system for three and half years and were put forward for the December committee meeting. This application had been put forward as it was believed the application would provide additional housing in a sustainable local which would meet the 5YLS.

The Committee asked about the archaeological aspect of the application and wanted reassurances that there would be no construction on the areas of archaeological interest. Mr File confirmed that there had been consultation with the county archaeologist which had informed the parameter plan.



Stephanie Eldridge, Principal Planner continued with the presentation and gave an overview and summary regarding the 5YLS, decision using the tilted balance, the NPPF policy. Considerations around AONB, environment impacts which included traffic use and heritage impacts as well as 50% affordable housing. Officers recommended that the application be approved subject to additional conditions laid out in the late representations report. Also an additional condition secured details of the biodiversity net gain at the reserved matters stage and also completion of the necessary legal agreement.


Councillor Arciszewska proposed to defer the application until after the report on 5YLS had been released. Councillor Julian Cooper seconded this proposal.


There was a discussion regarding the land supply, public benefits of the application and if the application was deferred would this delay the same outcome.


The proposal was put to the vote 2 votes for the proposal and 10 votes against. No abstentions.


Councillor Haine proposed to approve the application. Councillor Saul seconded this proposal.



Councillor Arciszewska made a statement:

Hanborough has undergone rapid growth in recent years; nearly 400 houses were built there since 2015, a 37% increase. Only 25 of these homes were in the Local Plan. Another 300 houses were built in the nearby villages of Freeland and North Leigh. What concerns  ...  view the full minutes text for item 34.


Update as to progress of 2 applications on allocated sites in Woodstock ref 21/00217/OUT and 21/00189/FUL pdf icon PDF 60 KB


To update members as to progress towards determination of the above applications and to enable member input following the site visits such as to reduce the likelihood of the need for further deferrals when the items are considered.



That the Sub-Committee notes the update and provides such initial views as to what may need to be addressed in the committee reports as they see fit.

Additional documents:


Update as to progress of 2 applications on allocated sites in Woodstock ref 21/00217/OUT and 21/00189/FUL


Phil Shaw, Business Manager for Planning, gave the presentation of the report in the absence of Joan Desmond, Case Officer. The report was to update Members of the progress towards the determination of the above applications. Also to enable Members to have input following site visits such as to reduce the likelihood of the need for further deferrals when the items are considered. It was hoped that the applications can come before the December committee however responses were outstanding from Conservation Officer, Landscape Officer, Biodiversity Officer and policy team. Also the County Council comments on the Hill Rise application were still outstanding. The applicants had agreed to pay for an assessment by the company who worked with the council on the Local Plan. Phil Shaw asked the Committee if there were any items that the Members would want to see included in the reports when the applications come to the Committee for consideration.


The Committee asked if the numbers of dwellings in the application differed from what the Inspector suggested in the Local Plan, pages 288 and 289. The Committee  asked the officers at the next meeting, for an explanation of the amendment on the number of dwellings as recommended by the inspector.  If numbers are different then these numbers must be explained by the officers. There was a discussion regarding the provision of increase in numbers of dwellings on applications. Also the Committee asked for protection of the listed building on the Banbury Road site. The Committee asked for sections in the reports around sustainability, harms and benefits alongside clarity on provision of GP, schools, parking and police services. 


Councillor Julian Cooper asked for an amendment. The Committee put this to the vote which was unanimous. The Committee noted the updated report.


Councillor Beaney left the meeting at 3.40pm





Applications Determined under Delegated Powers and Appeal Decisions pdf icon PDF 145 KB


To inform the Sub-Committee of applications determined under delegated powers and any appeal decisions.


That the reports be noted.

Additional documents:


The report giving details of applications determined under delegated powers was received and noted.


The report giving details of appeal decisions was received.




The Principal Planner gave an overview of the appeals. Each appeal was dismissed. There were two lengthy applications for floodlights at Beaconsfield Hall, Shipton Under Wychwood, which had both been dismissed due to impact on the neighbours, noise and disturbance and the impact on AONB.


Councillor Al-Yousuf asked about Enforcement Officers.  Phil Shaw, Business Manager for Planning gave an update on recruitment of officers, and confirmed that Kelly Murray had been appointed to the Principal Enforcement Officer role. Phil Shaw explained that there was a project at Cotswold District Council (with a view to start a similar project at WODC) to take on veterans in an enforcement investigator role capacity.  Phil Shaw was planning to speak to Veteran’s Gateway to move this forward.


Councillor Julian Cooper asked what has happened regarding Unicorn House.  Phil Shaw explained that he had an upcoming meeting and expected an update from Property Services.