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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Woodgreen, Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 1NB. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 74 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 12 February 2024.


The minutes of the previous meeting, held on Monday 12 February 2024, were approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record, subject to;

Minute of Outline Planning Application 23/01504/OUT – Councillor Rosie Pearson requested that the date of the previous Sub-Committee meeting where the application was considered, be amended from August 2024 to August 2023. This was consequently amended by Democratic Services.

Councillor Julian Cooper proposed from the Chair that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 12 February 2024 be agreed by the Sub-Committee as a true and accurate record, subject to the amendment stated by Councillor Rosie Pearson. This was seconded by Councillor Mark Walker, was put to a vote, and was agreed unanimously by the Sub-Committee.

The Sub-Committee Resolved to:

1.    Agree the minutes of the previous meeting held on Monday 12 February 2024 as a true and accurate record.


Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Alaa Al-Yousuf, Rizvana Poole and Dean Temple.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations from Members of the Committee on any items to be considered at the meeting


Declarations of Interest were received as follows;


23/03341/FUL Land South West of Radford farm buildings.

Councillor David Jackson knew the farm worker Tom Warner, however he did not know the applicant and had no pecuniary interests, therefore would remain to hear the application.




Applications for Development pdf icon PDF 486 KB


To consider applications for development, details of which are set out in the attached schedule.



That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendations of the Business Manager – Development Management.



Application No.


Planning Officer



Charlbury House, Woodstock Road, Charlbury

James Nelson



Land South West of Radford, Farm Buildings, Radford, Chipping Norton

Peter Morgan



Cheorl House, Church Street, Charlbury.

Rebekah Orriss



Chalfont, 3 Wroslyn Road, Freeland

Sarah Hegerty



Chalfont, 3 Wroslyn Road, Freeland

Sarah Hegerty



Additional documents:


23/01637/FUL Charlbury House, Woodstock Road, Charlbury.


James Nelson, Senior Planner, introduced the application for the demolition of the existing dwelling house and erection of replacement dwelling with associated outbuildings and landscaping works. The conversion and extension of the existing cottage to form a pool house with ancillary shower and changing facilities. The repair and extension of field barn (revisions to planning approval 22/02066/FUL to allow for inclusion of new stables and indoor riding arena).


Councillor Peter Kendrick, Chair of the Planning Committee at Charlbury Town Council addressed the Sub-Committee with clarification relating to the conservation target area and the Neighbourhood Plan.


The Senior Planner drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to the following points;


  • The proposal comprised a resubmission of application 22/02066/FUL with equestrian complex added to the scheme.
  • The proposed equestrian complex, despite its large scale, was considered appropriate for a rural context.
  • The proposed replacement dwelling and adjacent outbuildings would match the approved scheme in terms of siting, scale and design.
  • Landscaping would include improving the quality of the land by restoring and enhancing the surviving woodland and increasing hedgerow and woodland cover. Enlargement an existing spring fed pond and bury overland electricity lines would also be included.
  • 2.9 hectares of native woodland would be planted Northwest of the site.



The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following points:


  • Given the proposed planting of woodland what timeframe was needed for the growth of the trees to mitigate the size of the development. The Senior Planner clarified that the applicant would provide comprehensive details of planting which was covered in Condition 17. This would ensure the establishment and retention of the woodland and would also create a connection to current woodland blocks supporting biodiversity. 
  • The Senior Planner clarified that the woodland vegetation would be higher than the proposed buildings and would be screened from the South.
  • The condition regarding the access via Stonefield Lane had been strengthened. No construction, demolition, equestrian or commercial vehicles would be able to access the property via this lane.
  • Clarification on the District Ecologist’s report and the wording used. The Senior Planner confirmed that the report covered the previous application however a condition had been included which focused on the protection and habitat of species.


Councillor Jeff Haine proposed that the application be approved in line with Officer recommendations.


The Chair seconded the proposal. This was put to the vote with 4 for the proposal, 1 against and 4 abstentions. The vote was carried. 


The Sub-Committee Resolved to:

To approve the application in line with Officer recommendations.


23/03341/FUL Land South West of Radford Farm Buildings, Radford, Chipping Norton.


Peter Morgan, Planner, introduced the application for the erection of a two bedroom cottage for an agricultural worker.  The Planner brought the Sub-Committee’s attention to the business plan of which paper copies had been circulated before the meeting started.  The business plan had not been included in the application at the time of submission.


Sam Parsons, the applicant addressed the Sub-Committee and provided clarification regarding the information that had not been included and the removal of a caravan that was currently on the site.


The Planner drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to the following points;


  • Clarification would be sought over the information that had been received in support of the application.
  • The Business case would need to be viable to justify the building of the new dwelling.
  • There were no objections from Enstone Parish Council, the West Oxfordshire District Council Drainage Officer, however this was subject to a drainage condition. There were no objections from Oxfordshire County Council Highways due to no significant impact on the adjacent roads.
  • The proposed dwelling would have adverse impacts on the countryside due to its siting and design.
  • The application was before the Sub-Committee due to the Parish Council view being contrary to the Planning Officers.
  • The application was contrary to policies OS2, OS4 and H2 of the West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2031 and Officers recommended the application for refusal.


The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following points:


  • The Members acknowledged the business plan that had been circulated prior to the start of the meeting.
  • The proposed dwelling was for the agricultural worker employed at the farm and it was considered that the business case provided justified the need for the new dwelling.
  • The proposed dwelling design was in keeping with the farm complex and would have no impact on the surrounding countryside.
  • To include a condition to prevent the use of the proposed dwelling as a rental property or holiday let.


Councillor Mark Walker proposed that the application be approved against Officer’s recommendations with conditions to be agreed with the Chair and Local Members

This was seconded by Councillor Lidia Arciszewska, was put to the vote and was agreed unanimously.


The Sub-Committee Resolved to:

  1. To approve against Officer’s recommendations with conditions to be agreed with Joan Desmond, Principal Planner and the Chair and Local Ward Members.



24/00166/FUL Cheorl House, Church Street, Charlbury.


Rebekah Orriss, Planner, introduced the application for a change of use from office to residential use relating to the ground floor of the property. 


The Planner drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to the following points;


  • The front room was used as an office, the rest of the property was for residential use. There were no separate amenities for the office therefore the office was not self-contained or suitable for commercial use.
  • There would be no external work on the house, the frontage would remain the same.
  • The property was not a listed building, although there were listed buildings surrounding the property.
  • The application had been brought before the Sub-Committee due to the officer’s recommendations being contrary to the views of Charlbury Town Council.
  • The Charlbury neighbourhood plan policy ECT2 aimed to protect retail, employment and services and required evidence to show that business would no longer be commercially viable if there was a request to change the use of the premises.
  • The application complied with policies OS2, OS4, E1, EH1, EH10 and EH11 of the West Oxfordshire Local Plan and the Planner recommended approval of the application.


The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following points:


  • Concerns that people could buy properties that were once used for commercial use and change to residential use. The Planner confirmed that the application before the Sub-Committee concerned the loss of a very small commercial space without amenities.
  • Would a condition be included to protect the frontage of the shop from being changed. The Planner confirmed that there were no changes planned to the front of the shop however there could be a condition included if Members requested one.
  • Would a condition be included to protect House Martins that were raised as a concern by an objection comment. The Planner confirmed that this could not be applied as the application site only related to the ground floor.


Councillor Lidia Arciszewska proposed that the application be approved in line with Officer’s recommendations.


This was seconded by Councillor Jeff Haine, was put to the vote and was agreed unanimously.


The Sub-Committee Resolved to:

Approve the application with a condition to retain the shop front.


23/00215/S73 Chalfont, 3 Wroslyn Road, Freeland.


Joan Desmond, Principal Planner, introduced the application for variation of conditions 2 and 3 of Planning Permission 22/02862/HHD to allow design and material changes.  


Mark Doodles, representing Derek Kelly addressed the Sub-Committee in objection to the application. 


The Principal Planner drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to the following points;

  • The application had been brought before the Sub-Committee after being called in by Councillor Alaa Al-Yousuf regarding the design, massing and neighbouring amenity concerns.
  • Permission had been granted for the previous application 22/02862/HHD.
  • The changes relate to front and rear extensions.  The doorway proposed to the front would be reduced in width and the width of the front gables would be increased. The rear extensions would be increased in width and depth and the material changed from timber cladding to brick and render.  The proposed alterations were minor and not considered to disrupt the overall proportions of the property or detract from the appearance of the street scene.
  • The impact on neighbouring amenity spaces would not have a detrimental impact and would not be overbearing and as there would not be an increase in height there would be no loss of light.
  • The application was in accordance with policies OS2, OS4, H6 and T4 of the West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2031.
  • Officers recommended the application for approval.


The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following points:


  • Concerns regarding the overall impact on surrounding neighbouring amenities.
  • Concerns that approval could set a precedent for future applications as the extension work had already been started on the property with reference to application 22/02862/HHD.
  • Concerns that the applicant had gone against the original planning approval.
  • The application was for minor adjustments and a condition could be considered to limit permitted development rights.
  • A site visit would enable members to assess the changes to the permitted scheme.


Councillor Lidia Arciszewska proposed a site visit for Thursday 23 May 2024 at 10.30am.


This was seconded by Councillor Julian Cooper, the Chair. This was put to the vote with 7 for the proposal and 1 against. The vote was carried. 


The Sub-Committee Resolved to:

Conduct a site visit on Thursday 23 May 2024 at 10.30am.


24/00216/S73 Chalfont, 3 Wroslyn Road, Freeland.


Joan Desmond, Principal Planner, introduced the application for the variation of Condition 2 of Planning Permission 23/00124/HHD to allow design changes (retrospective).


The Principal Planner drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to the following points;


  • Permission had been granted for the previous application 23/00124/HHD. 
  • The footprint of the building has changed slightly and moved location so that the building was closer to the northern boundary.
  • The ridge height increased to 200mm.
  • The change in materials used on the roof from timber shingles to slates.
  • The right-hand side section changed form from a lean-to to a gable end.
  • The Officers recommended the application for approval.


The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following points:


  • Concerns regarding the significant increase in height and the impact on neighbouring amenities. The Principal Planner confirmed that the assessment on the amenity space included the proximity and orientation of the adjoining properties; boundary treatment and distances.
  • If there was a site visit would the Sub-Committee be able to suspend work on the garage until after the site visit. The Principal Planner clarified that officers had found no significant harm and even though it would be in the interest of the applicant to cease work it might not be possible for the request to be enforced.


Councillor David Jackson proposed a site visit for Thursday 23 May 2024 at 10.30am.


This was seconded by Councillor Julian Cooper, the Chair. This was put to the vote with 7 for the proposal and 1 against. The vote was carried. 


The Sub-Committee Resolved to:

  1. Conduct a site visit on Thursday 23 May 2024 at 10.30am.




Applications Determined under Delegated Powers. pdf icon PDF 235 KB


To inform the Sub-Committee of applications determined under delegated powers.



That the report be noted.


The report giving details of applications determined under delegated powers was received and noted by the Sub-Committee.


Councillor Andrew Beany asked for an update on the Mullin’s application.  Joan Desmond, Principal Planner advised that the application could be found on the West Oxfordshire District Council website. Additionally, the Principal Planner would seek to ensure that  an update was provided to all Sub-Committee Members and the Chair.


Appeals Decisions Report. pdf icon PDF 94 KB


To inform the Sub-Committee of appeal decisions.



That the report be noted.



The report giving details of Appeal Decisions was received and noted by the Sub-Committee.